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Everything posted by DocDAM

  1. Well, you did bring it up ... The only reference I saw into the economy that I saw in what you quoted was this: Now, I agree with you that the GTN economy has been seriously messed by hyper-inflation, but as far as Storm-Cutter's comment, if anything, it helps here. Repairs are a cost insensitive to the inflation (unless BW deliberately changes it due to inflation). And you can buy Rank5 purple gifts from a fleet vendor at a fixed 10K credits each. Basically, all the fixed vendor items are now more attainable due to the hyper-inflation. i.e., sell one lucky drop for millions, and you can buy lots of vendor items..
  2. OK, I cop to a mea culpa on this. In which case, I'm not vehemently against. In fact, I'd like to take some of my Commando's BFG's away, only due to the clipping and bad blocking in cutscenes. But they'd never change all the cutscene animations for this anyway. Instead, we'd get more bugs. ... and I couldn't let that obvious gag pass.
  3. Count me as a NO as well. Jedi's with blasters ... how uncivilized.
  4. Yep, what they all said. (And correct on the 2/4 classes which have post 60's). All normal. You can put your holo-trainer away for now. And on your discipline tree, last active is L58. And yes, it is automatically granted. Do check to make sure you also picked your utilities (last two are at L62 and L70).
  5. Correct, essentially, the L60/65 tokens just lock you out of: Class story All your companion stories (series of quests, mostly dialogue) Shadow of Revan (including the preview Forged Alliances - though you can do the individual FP's) Ziost story (can still do the dailies) Since you recently started, and already have a couple of L70's from the OCT's, I'd strongly recommend you drop the idea of spending 2000 CC for an insta-70. You don't need it. Enjoy the story as it was meant to be played, from L1 (well, it was meant to be played a lot slower than now, but that' another story). You'll level fast enough.
  6. Ah, you are referring to "Done and Dusted", which is an Uprising, not a Flashpoint. I've occasionally seen them referred to as "mini-flashpoints", but they are their own thing. The game treats them separately, so best to refer to them as Uprisings, not FP's..
  7. Not sure what you mean by Tatooine one. There is no Tatooine flashpoint. There are plenty of Heroics though. I guess some of those can be difficult if you have a very low influence companion, are on/below level, and are relatively new to the game. You definitely want to do the series I mentioned (Call to Arms / Jedi Prisoner) though. Frankly, I prefer solo in that you get to go your own pace, enjoy the cutscenes, and absorb the ambience. Grouping is faster, and with better rewards. But I don't find it a very fulfilling/immersive experience. For a list of which have solo/story mode (with the uber-droid), see here.
  8. I’d go with these two national labs since they are the measurement & instrumentation standard bearers for their two respective countries: http://www.npl.co.uk/reference/faqs/is-midnight-12-am-or-12-pm-faq-time https://www.nist.gov/pml/time-and-frequency-division/times-day-faqs They both say the same thing: 12am is ambiguous, with no clear consistent definition. Instead they both recommend using “noon” or “midnight”. Or 11:59pm / 12:01 am. (The midnight still leaves the question of which day is that, the old, or the new?) And nevermind the “PST” when all of the North America Pacific time is presently on PDT. And, anyway, Eric said they screwed up. Big surprise.
  9. OP said from the Cartel Market, not GTN. So it first goes to your Unclaimed Items (CM window, lower right corner). Claim it, then it goes to your inventory. Also, I'm a broken record on this: it's your game and your choice, but if you are a new player, I'd strongly recommend NOT spending "precious" cartel coins on stuff like CM crystals or armor. You can usually buy this stuff off GTN (in game auction house) for a much better credit/CC ratio. Save CC for stuff you really reeally want/need (which you'll get a better feel for down the road).
  10. If you, or anyone else, still had this problem, today's patch claims to have fixed this http://www.swtor.com/patchnotes/05222018/game-update-5.9.1
  11. Flashpoints: Similar to Heroics, you can skip if you want to focus on story, except: I’d strongly advise doing the Jedi Prisoner (Rep) / Call to Arms (Imp) quest after finishing Chapter 1 (do not do earlier as it has Chap 1 spoilers on some classes). You pick this up from a droid on fleet. It runs two FP's that are very central to some subsequent stories. Also, Ilum finishes with two FP’s, which concludes the original release content. All these have a story (solo) mode that makes it easy, if a bit long. And I’d say at some point, do them all at least once. While not class story specific, they are linked to the overall goings on in the galaxy including one or two recurring characters (and link to Ilum). Problem is, I like doing them in order. But the grouping mechanism changed such that you get them randomly, which to me screws up the flow. Crafting: You can do now, you can do later, you can do never. Totally optional. The biggest benefit to starting now is to get a gathering skill to use it to gather mats on the planets as you level. But it’s totally a side game/hobby for making gear for you or to sell for profit.
  12. You can skip Heroics. Generally they are for grinding loot, XP, and (when you reach L70) Command XP. You level so fast these days (and faster tomorrow when another double XP event starts), that you don't need to do them very much. However ... 1) They are now (almost all) very easy, especially with a high-influence companion, and 2) Up to L61, they reward very nice armor sets (2 pieces per Heroic). Some of my favorite Knight armor are via the Heroics. The only problem is, you level so fast, you will likely advance to the next set before completing the present one. See tor-fashion to get a preview of the armor available from heroics. When you reach L70, if you want to grind your command rank up, and are purely a solo PvE player, Heroics and the dailies/weeklies are the best method.
  13. Honestly not sure why you are having so many problems with the auto or closest target. I don't seem to ... maybe I'm not that observant And sorry I forgot to mention that the centered target will do just that, even if that target is a long way away. Not fun with a melee Guardian. Focus target probably doesn't do what you want at all. It is mostly for healers or tanks. It lets them set a secondary"target" (usually a friendly), and a second key (you have to set that key) that enables it. See a short description I made. And that ability on your Sniper you found is "crouch". I do the same as you. I ignore cover, and just use crouch. Also, you may want to disable the "cover bar" (Preferences > Game > Controls > General). Which enables a different quickbar when you enter cover.
  14. I can't say I've had the losing target that either of you have mentioned. Here's what I've been running lately: Preferences > Game > Controls > General "Auto Target Closest Enemy" is OFF (typically I've had this on) "Deselect target upon clicking terrain" is OFF If anything, the problem I've had is not being able to click a debuff (exploding barrel...) as it always wants to target a mob instead. Previously I had the auto target ON. Turning it OFF hasn't really solved my issue. Preferneces > Key Bindings > Targeting: Scroll down and you'll see the "Target Center Screen Enemy"
  15. [No game access right now, so just going from memory...] I'm not sure if there are any other options from the general preferences, but there are various targeting keybindings you can set (like closest, centered, etc.). Check: preferences > key bindings > targeting
  16. Section-X (Belsavis L50, post-story daily area). There's a droid there that starts the extended quest. All subs get this area included in sub. F2P/Pref only get it if they purchase an unlock (CM or GTN)
  17. 20 times, yikes! I've done it 3 or 4 times. And bookmarked this post in case I'm masochistic enough to do it again I wouldn't be surprised if it was selected from a (large) list of fixed positions. But that doesn't make it not random. Random probably just means it , well, randomly chooses from that set of fixed positions. And for those who have been scared of (or don't even know about it), it's worth doing on one toon. Yes, even though it involves a lot of time scanning for parts. The Theoretika part is pretty good. And, of course, you get HK (though he is pretty nerfed from pre-4.0)
  18. Nyla gave you the gist, and the link I would have attached. I'll add a fair amount more detail and my own opinion: 1) Prioritize gear with the "set bonus". So if you have Tier 1 purples (230), these have the set bonus as described in the item tool tips. Do not replace with no-bonus Tier 2 green or orange, even though slightly higher armor rating. Often, I don't even bother with the purples. +4 isn't really a big improvement. So I disintegrate for the unassembled components. 2) You can't actually convert Tier 1's to Tier 2's. But you can buy Tier 2 pieces outright from fleet vendors (see Note 3) when you have enough unassembled components (see above). Frankly, I wouldn't bother. Just wait till you get Tier 2 Gold gear from the Tier 2 Command Crates. The drop rate gets better as you approach the high end of the Tier (179). 3) Read that Dulfy guide. Then travel to Fleet supplies section. Look at the vendors in the right-most outside ring and you'll start to understand how it all works. Essentially: Use unassembled components + previous tier golds to exchange for next tier gold "unassembled gear" token Then go to adjacent room and turn in that token, plus a bunch of command tokens (which you'll have plenty from crates) for the actual gear. 4) Last, don't worry about it so much at all since if you aren't doing Ops, or tougher content (Master mode FP's, PvP, or trying to solo the most difficult content), your 230's are most probably sufficient. Eventually, you will rank up to 300 and have gotten most of the gold tier 3 pieces by then. And saved a cr*pload of components so you can maybe upgrade them to tier 4 per note 3 above.
  19. Community Blog definitely needs updating. It is confusing as all get out. But if you just start from swtor.com, it's right there: http://www.swtor.com/ Click the "go to news", and again, it is right there: http://www.swtor.com/info/news ["Events" is a dead link on the news page though] Thing is, my bookmark (maybe like yours) is to the forum page. From there, the "about", "my swtor" etc links don't have drop downs when you scroll over them, so not as clear. Click the about and it takes you to a KoTET page. Then you have to click the "back to swtor.com" link. Or just click the fancy graphic "STAR WARS: THE OLD REPUBLIC" at the top, which again takes you to http://www.swtor.com For patch notes, I just click "Community" and the Dev Tracker and Patch Notes are there. I admit I usually have to search around for stuff like the event announcements. Summary: all the stuff is there, just some of it takes you down a non-obvious path. I agree it needs a lot of cleanup/simplification.
  20. Remember when those Kingpin battles were really tough and sometimes you'd need to call for help? Alderaan and Tatooine took me a lot of tries! [but OP, I agree. People, don't "help" unless it is requested]
  21. This is my first, and only, MMO. And I’m not very familiar with roadmaps and what is/isn’t expected for these. So take it my $0.02 for what it is worth… PvP: I’m a pure PvE story player, but I’m honestly happy for you PvP’rs (assuming you like the proposed offerings). “QoL” improvements: I’ve read it three times. Where are any upcoming QoL improvements? I don’t count expanded use of the PTS as such (though given the bugs and complaints with each new update, this will be welcome). 5.9.1: A recycled event we all knew was coming. Which involves just pulling a lever for a low chance at an item. And more pushing CM sales. Basically, they are packaging (very) old stuff as an Event. SH: I know many of you love them. It was a terrific addition, in 2014. I have four, only one fully decorated. Use only one. Deactivated my dupes. So, meh for me. Beyond September: This is the stuff I’d be interested in. And they told us nothing new. If anything, that makes me more concerned (if again, not unexpected). What about Kira/Scourge? Essentially, disappointing, if not unexpected. I only intermittently sub, and it is ending in a few days. TBH, I fully planned to let it expire. This just affirms that decision.
  22. As stated above: no, both class boosts lock you out of the original class story, and Shadow of Revan/Ziost. And the L65 boost prefills your decisions for KotFE (though you can replay those chapters). Yes, there is a L70 boost which is all that does (plus gives you L70 gear). This will let you play the original class story and all others. But it costs 2000 CC. I'd recommend just restarting with a L1 and just playing the old vanilla way. It doesn't take too long to level up, and by the time you finish the class story, you will be close to L60+ anyway (if you play a decent amount of side content along the way). And it is not challenging at all even starting from L1 (too easy, IMO). You don't need the level boost to complete it.
  23. Sorry, it ended Monday. Typically they run one around Black Friday as well as May the Fourth.
  24. Judging from your capture, by "unit frame", you mean "target frame". Yeah, that's the only way I knew. My caveat on this is that (and please correct me if I'm wrong) it shows everyone's debuffs on the target. And it gets so cluttered against a boss that, at least to me, it gets indecipherable quickly. Also, no timer indication (like you can have on your own ability cooldowns). Though you can sort so yours show first. OP: it's worth playing with and maybe you'll find it does all you are looking for. YOu get access to it from the Interface Editor.
  25. Ok, I think this is getting confused. Are you saying the actual achievements “Commanding Consular”, “Commanding Trooper”, “Commanding Smuggler” haven’t been given? These are in the achievements section (Legacy > Advancement maybe?). NOT in Global unlocks. But it seems you are saying that you did not get the “achievement” since it doesn’t show in the Global unlocks. You are talking about info in the “Commanding Legacy” perk? I’m not in game, but I’m pretty sure it doesn’t say anything about how many you’ve unlocked there. I can check much later tonight. So, check your actual achievements for the above. If they are unchecked, then that is the problem. That’ll take a ticket. If they are checked, and you think you are not getting the bonus because it isn’t worded in the Commanding Legacy perk, I think you are mistaken. It doesn’t acknowledge anything there. So I’d suggest providing an example of the CXP you are getting with all relevant active bonuses and the math.
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