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Everything posted by Valeena

  1. I would love to see new races. The ones available are kind of "safe" feeling. Maybe in a major patch or an expansion they'll offer something new.
  2. I have the attention span of a goldfish, and ironically enough it gets difficult for me around even numbers (lol weird, I know). So every 5 or 10 levels, I feel bleh about leveling (20, 30, 40). I get over it by pvping a lot, I usually queue inbetween questing. I also planet hop quite a bit, if I stay on a planet for too long, I start to get antsy. It doesn't help that I'm not interested in my character's story at all...I'm currently leveling a Consular and it's so tedious/boring. My Sorc's story was much more interesting to me. And I'm not going to lie, I spacebar through the non-important quests.
  3. So the logic is, the people who got the game for Christmas are only playing it to be generous and/or because when upon receiving the game, the "giver" and "receiver" were unaware of the subscription fee. Thus they are too poor to afford the $15 - no matter if they still wish to play. I imagine if they DISLIKED the game, regardless of a gift or not, they would have put it down by now so the servers would have already took their hit (it's usually the cheap one's who want to get their $60 worth that will push through the full free 30 days to get their moneys worth. But in this case, no money lost. Just another bad gift collecting dust ). *shrugs* Anyways, I'm going to safely assume this whole post is jumping the gun. Maybe next time, let's just wait the extra 2 days for the hard facts and THEN make a post saying "Hey, you guys lost XX players because of XX." Otherwise this only looks like another fail doomsday post. 0/10
  4. Meh. Me, my husband, and a good guild on my server all put our Empire 50s on the back burner and re-rolled republic. We're still leveling, so it's going to take time. However, I noticed in our 1-49 bracket, Republic are less pathetic and we've been dominating the Empire. In turn, maybe we'll leave an impression on some lowbie Empire and he'll want to roll Repub (using the "emps are full of noobs" mentality to our advantage by winning one huttball at a time). Unfortunately though, there's not enough people willing to take that dive (especially if they do it alone). I think adding an awesome/popular race would be good for Republic (sorry to reference this, but in essence the "Blood Elves" of SWTOR). Regardless of what they decide to do, it will be a slow process - unless they decide to do server merges / transfers / faction transfers. I don't know if this "core" can do that yet. Personally, I wish I started out with the under dogs to begin with. I like a challenge. PS: Vote Togruta's! D:
  5. I think the Republic should get an awesome cool new race, maybe people will be more inclined to roll one. Togruta!!!!
  6. Yeah, I think they should merge the few light servers there are, so people aren't discouraged to leave or forced to re-roll. Personally, my server is light during the weird morning and night hours that I play, but it's Heavy / Standard for "normal people time." I'd consider a west coast server if my latency didn't jump from 15ms to 110ms. I'm glad everything's looking okay though.
  7. I'm leveling a Consular at the moment, and I 100% agree with this post. I was leveling a Sorc at first, and going from pewpew lightning to throwing pebbles feels weak. Hope these spells get an animation change one day, maybe Republic will look more appealing. /edit Oh, I wasn't even aware there was a time delay between Sorc and Consular. Interesting.
  8. I agree with the op, but I also hold Bioware accountable. There isn't a doubt in my mind that someone out there decided to pass on trying swtor if they ever read these forums. Not to mention I've seen people posting nothing but their bad experiences on other forums, so that's not good for business. A little depressing. Personally, I'd rather they just revamped the forums, got rid of the general discussions, and gave us server forums. :3 There's something about dumping thousands of people into a little room and telling them to play nice, with the only security being a few medium-waged moderators with little to no breathing room for punishment...that just doesn't seem like a good idea. BUT WHATEVER. Anyways. Free subs ran out. I'm sure some of them have stuck around to see if they'll get the last laugh or if BW will make any changes. These forums need more damn sunshine and rays of hope. Blegh.
  9. Once upon a time, there was a blue level 50 pvp set available in Dromund Kaas the first maybe 2 or 3 weeks of release, but they removed it (you could buy it with warzone commendations). If they re-added it, then players like you who want to pvp would have an entry level gear and wouldn't get facerolled because you don't have expertise. I mean, I had it on my healer and it only gave about 250 expertise. However, it was better than nothing until I got my RnG champ gear and Centurion. I really wonder why they ninja removed it, I guess I just don't see the harm that it was doing.
  10. I agree. I really, really, really miss chat bubbles. I can't tell you how many times I missed what someone was saying to me because I don't pay attention to my silly chat box.
  11. My brain exploded from the amount of stupid I just read. 0__0 Thanks. On topic : Last night when I looked at the server list before I went to sleep, 3 servers were at light (I think only 1 server was at Very Heavy, the rest were split between Heavy and Standard). Which isn't too bad on a Thursday night, after the free month, and a disaster patch. We'll see what happens this weekend.
  12. The balance was garbage to begin with. Rollbacks are unrealistic. Even if 5% of the forum subscribers want the rollback, and Bioware does it, what about the other majority of angry people who will be pissed off they got rolled back? It's too much work and it's too risky. It's probably better to tough it out and try to figure out another solution for the Republic imbalance. People have been screaming "THEY GOT BATTLEMASTER IN ONE DAY!" but I find that hard to believe. My husband was out there for a good few hours and he was already somewhat through rank 59 and I'm not even sure he dinged 60. I was out there for my daily, I didn't even get a level (I'm rank 53). What were these people doing? Because Bioware already said killing the Turrets were false claims and killing NPCs did not give valor, and it was a rumor spread over the forums. I think some of this is being blown out of proportion. /edit Sorry didn't mean to rant on you. I hope they do server merges or something soon, or offer "faction transfers" from empire to repubs.
  13. Yeah....usually fans who venture from wow to play another mmo, go back to wow (most of the time stomping their feet and crossing their arms, and in a temper tantrum screaming "THAT GAME SUCKED!" or "IT'S LIKE WOW BUT WITH *fill-in-the-blank*"). Keyword being usually. Don't sweat it. Patience is something not many players have these days, especially when money is involved. Perfection upon launch is demanded, which is why they will not leave Blizzards side for long.
  14. Neutral stars! I only finished my daily yesterday (which consisted of killing 19 players, and collecting 11 boxes) and logged off to play my lowbie alt for the rest of the night. I didn't exploit or take advantage of the valor system, nor did I grief the repubs on my server. I don't care if there's a valor rollback, so feel free to count my vote however way you wish to count it.
  15. Meh, this forum probably wasn't the best place to turn to, since this is where the trolls nest. I usually have general chat disabled or I ignore it, the people there kind of suck in certain areas (Dromund Kaas!!). Don't get me wrong, there are some nice individuals that have been a joy, but there are always those few rotten apples that ruin the bunch. Find a nice guild to socialize with.
  16. World pvp on my server before 1.1 : http://i44.tinypic.com/23qx738.jpg World pvp on my server after 1.1 : http://i39.tinypic.com/20aa1kz.jpg Meh, it's too soon to jump ship for me. I don't care if every scrub in this game gets Battlemaster, that'll probably make things more fun for me in Warzones. But I like challenges. Only complaint I have is the lag and random loading screens (+ the UI change). Those things will get patched/fixed though, so I'm not worried about it unless they go the whole month with out acknowledging the issues. =\
  17. Haha, I was grouped with some guildies in Illum for my daily...told them all GLHF, I was dpsing so my first priority was tagging the massive group of repubs. I needed credit. I guess this is the way Bioware wanted it. I left shortly after my dailies, because world pvp doesn't appeal to me as a healer. I don't want to DPS, I really, really don't. Stupid healing system is stupid.
  18. If this game succeeds, this will be one of those "remember that time when ..." and how crappy it use to be? Maybe one day swtor's rough launch will be used as an example for a hopeful future for another new mmo's crappy launch. Lol I can only hope. Im patient enough to find out. Besides, $15? Meh.
  19. I'd sign this thread, before this 1.1 patch. I'm waiting it out of course, since patch days are always awful (even for WoW). Otherwise for the most part, yes, I generally have fun with my guildies.
  20. Hah, yeah. I don't know how they managed to destroy the UI even more, but they did it. It's really irritating while pvping, I hope they either revert the change or switch it to something else (I would personally prefer a countdown timer on the buttons, like OmniCC).
  21. Haven't crashed to desktop once yet. =\ Sucks you're having this problem.
  22. Yes, I'll be resubbing. I'm having fun, I don't care if some of my "gamer friends" have stopped playing, they're die-hard wow fans anyways. People like that don't stray to other MMOs often, so I didn't expect anything else. And I'm not a fangirl, I don't really care for lightsabers to be honest but I have nothing else to play until GW2 or Tera. As for that imgur.com, it's looks like it was done by somebody who hasn't played the game before.
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