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Everything posted by Restepor

  1. I always liked the game, always give them the benefit on the doubt, just like every game I play.
  2. But that would mean he would have to tell the kid the password, then he could STEAL OF HIS SECRETS!?!
  3. Same thing in Kotor, I got used to it back then and haven't really noticed it here. I also only got a couple quests from female Twi'leks and only a couple talk in the native tongue, that was on my 30 Trooper and my 20 Warrior(testing).
  4. That's true but the scale of SWTOR is somewhat larger. But some of the graphic options should have been included, that should have been easy.
  5. Agreed the character animations is a step up from any other MMO I have played in a while. My favorite part has to be just the way people kinda go around there daily lives in the streets, while it is repeated its enough to make it look like they are actually doing some sort of a job.
  6. Day and nights would be nice. Maybe making your home city, Dromund Kaas and Coursaunt something people would go to all the time would be nice.
  7. I'm glad you enjoyed the game, but this isn't something we can chat about. I do have to agree though, I do love the game.
  8. I'm going to wait for more than just one person to report this to me. It could have been a freak accident, not a full thing.
  9. I think more teenagers went to the Empire, your not going to get a concrete age because any teenager is going to lie about his age. But really, it's hard to tell. I'm going to say empire just because it seems to have more people, but I don't have evidence to point me either way.
  10. Nope, going strong. What your hearing are the people who don't like the game, the one's who do are happily playing, not on the forums.
  11. Agreed, he didn't break any rules. I wouldn't do it, but he can do as he pleases as he is not hurting anyone.
  12. I'm going to disagree with you, I don't find it all that grinding. Your opinion but, I think your being more a troll than he is.
  13. I have been to a fair amount of forums, but I have never been to one that loves to complain as much as this one. Yep I'm in the in between part right now to, had some time to post and I'm greeted by the hate.
  14. You can get something called Bandicam, it uses less Ram than Fraps (If that's an issue), it's also free with restrictions namely a watermark and 10 minute record times.
  15. Same thing for me, turn off the shadows and you should do fine. I went from 20 fps all the way up to 40-50.
  16. I don't think you can legally do anything about it. You may want to report it to Bioware, but as it is there guild they can kick you if they want.
  17. Down at the Ebon Hawk, every one is talking all the time. Try joining a RP server, their generally nicer over there.
  18. We've seen this before, no really cares if your leaving anymore. These are issues are there but as some one who is playing it for the story I barely ever notice them. It's your opinion but I can't agree with you on most of them.
  19. Most of the people playing the game are not level 50 yet so it can be expected that the game is a little empty.
  20. The best one for me had to be the first time stepping out of the landing ship for the Trooper. The second had to be arriving on Taris, it was to good to be true.
  21. Summed it all up right here. Really it's the full voice acting and the choices in the conversations that are the biggest things for myself.
  22. This shouldn't have it any other way. The company should listen but the customers aren't given any rights because of it.
  23. That's what I do, I'm always surprised when no one thinks about the choices. I always put thought into them before I make them.
  24. I have to agree with you, buts it's better than a text box every time.
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