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Everything posted by humpacactus

  1. This is actually not true at all. There are many different ways to level in WoW at this point - including just gathering professions alone (you dont have to kill a single mob). You basically can pick specific zones to level with on character and then pick at least 50% different zones for your alternative character (or at least do different quests in the same zone even). Having an open world is why they call MMO's "Massive" Multiplayer games. Massive being the key word (lots of players and lots of space to explore). Doesn't have to be this way, and Tor has its own thing going, but saying it's exactly the same (or no different) is ridiculous.
  2. A real, in depth, answer would be greatly appreciated from the Mods/Devs on this. I think most people just want to know what to expect since they already had us believing these things would be mostly fixed from a staggered launch and stress test weekends. Can someone actually explain what the point was of the staggering/stress test weekends currently? This was exactly was I expected was going to happen and I'm still searching for a logical reasoning behind the whole thing (especially when we are currently sitting with terribly long queues and the game isn't even "officially" launched).
  3. Ya thats the main issue. They had one of the biggest stress tests in MMO history and launched the game like no other MMO in history all to avoid these problems. Only issue is we still have the same problems only they subdivided the community with a staggered launch (angering many) and really didn't accomplish anything else in the process. Not the end of the world and I definitely expected a queue - but I also expected it to be a lot shorter with this new "revolutionary" launch they continued to hype.
  4. I really think most people are comfortable with some amount of waiting. Its the fact that SWTOR had this "revolutionary" launch tactic that was supposed to address all of these problems. We are basically stuck with a goofy launch (that greatly subdivided the community) and nothing to gain from it (at least for 50%+ of the consumers). I'd just like some real logic behind why things are still this way with a unique launch and giant beta stress test that was supposed to eliminate these problems before they began. It's not a big deal overall I think most people just can't find the logic behind most of Biowares decisions regarding this topic.
  5. Can you please stop trolling this thread. If you don't have anything constructive to add then your only making yourself look silly.
  6. Although I haven't minded the whole ordeal that much I can certainly understand the concern others are having. If it wasn't for the fact that they had the biggest stress test weekend in MMO history and did a staggered launch that greatly divided the community (and caused a lot of uproar with some) I think more people would be content. A lot of us stayed quiet about the staggering and the lot because we assumed it would address problems like this. Now that we know it hasn't fixed anything (and will probably only get worse as we get closer to official launch) it seems the whole thing was pointless and they should have just let everyone in at the same time. Just seems like a bad idea (they claimed would work great) that ended up being just that...a bad idea (and is probably why no other MMO has attempted it before). It's not that big of a deal but if I knew I would be waiting around in queues this long before the official launch I would have just expected them to let everyone in at the same time and have everyone deal with the same frustrations at least.
  7. The only reason I find the whole queue situation odd (for this MMO because we all know most MMO launches are like this) is because the staggered launch was essentially supposed to avoid these kinds of problems. Why have a staggered launch so that 50% of your customers can play for only a few extra days without ques,crashes,etc and leave the rest of the 50% behind gameplay wise because of late entry and left with hour long ques, etc (as well as the original 50% at this point). Why stagger a launch like this when we knew it was going to be this bad towards the end of the "pre-phase" and obviously just as bad or worse come late launch (the 20th)? I can't logically figure out the point of pre-launch staggering currently. I didn't mind the wait at all either, I just don't see any real logic behind it (especially when every MMO in history has done it differently - for obvious reasons - and SWTOR had one of the biggest stress test weekends of any MMO in history). I know that it was probably great for the 50% of early pre-order customers but in reality not everyone can always order at exact time/dates for various reasonable explanations and since we know the servers are going to be hammered just as much regardless of staggering or not it doesn't make much sense overall.
  8. The only reason I find the whole thing odd is because the staggered launch was essentially supposed to avoid these kinds of problems. Why have a staggered launch so that 50% of your customers can play for only a few extra days without ques,crashes,etc and leave the rest of the 50% behind gameplay wise because of late entry and left with hour long ques, etc (as well as the original 50% at this point). Why stagger a launch like this when we knew it was going to be this bad towards the end of the "pre-phase" and obviously just as bad or worse come late launch (the 20th)? I can't logically figure out the point of pre-launch currently. I didn't mind the wait at all either, I just don't see any real logic behind in (especially when every MMO in history has done it differently - for obvious reasons - and SWTOR had one of the biggest stress test weekends of any MMO in history).
  9. I dont really care about the wait myself - but I seriously hope you don't really think things will be "worked out" tomorrow. Obviously, most people will get in tomorrow and its gonna just be crazy long ques (crashes, etc - most definitely worse than we've seen all week, including today). Basically for anyone ordering in Dec or Nov they really didn't get early access at all, if anything they get late access to launch, followed by long ques, crashes, etc. No biggie its just hard to see it any other way at this point since they really didn't try to stress the servers from the start. (and thus the stress test weekends where pointless more or less).
  10. Although I haven't minded the wait to get in much (and am still doing so), this person brings up a very valid point and I can't say I feel any differently. Either their servers are having minor (or no) problems handling the load (and they should invite everyone in) or they are having trouble now which can only mean things will be worse during the "official launch" on the 20th when everyone is playing. Not a big deal overall but it certainly feels like this is whats happening and will happen, regardless of their intentions.
  11. Uhh I'm not sure what you mean. I'm agreeing with you. Although I do think if they keep the limit people will do exactly what I said with their extra alt spaces (making the limit pointless to begin with).
  12. Exactly, why should you be limited to selling to people who want to buy your stuff? If you have 100 things that 100 people want there is no reason you shouldn't be able to sell those on the GTN. (and you'll find that many people have much more than that to sell to waiting buyers).
  13. Even if this is true its still irrelevant. People will just makes alts and have 500+ spaces to post across multiple toons. This limit is pretty pointless and I can bet it gets removed eventually.
  14. In this case adapt being create as many extra alts as possible to put things on the Galactic Trade Network. No point in having a cap when people will just manipulate it.
  15. The whole point of that (IMO) is that sometimes you don't want or need to buy a full stack of something and often its 40 pages because 40 different players are trying to get you to buy from them (at continuously reduced prices). I don't really see how a cap helps anything other than add annoyance. People will just make alts to post things, people will charge either less or more because of the cap (probably more because you have less product space to move your stuff and want to maximize the profit/work ratio). Plus some people actually enjoy playing the market, buying up low items, etc and reselling them for a profit. That's part of what a live economy is in MMO's..... This just limits the amount of items (that you've worked for) that you can sell to other players who want those items.
  16. I can't honestly believe you've played a mmorpg in the last 10 years if you really believe thats true. All I'm gonna say...
  17. This may help clarify some. I'll be rolling on HoG personally. http://www.reddit.com/r/redditempire/comments/naqmi/quick_stats_on_us_east_pvp_servers/
  18. Gotta agree its a bit surprising overall. Hopefully they finish fixing it and add it back in soon.
  19. I read a quote from Stephen Reid in the last few days stating that everyone would get end up getting in by the 15th now that they had changed the start date to the 13th. I cant remember exactly where I read it but I believe it was somewhere on oldrepublic.net. http://www.oldrepublic.net/275-swtor-early-access-has-begun.html If I can find exactly where I read it I'll let you guys know but its the same reason that oldrepublic clearly states "Why 15th? Because Bioware promised everybody they will get at least 5 days of early access" (this is found in the main article in the link above). Not sure if they've changed it again and are now doing waves through to the 20th but hopefully not and we'll all get in by the 15th.
  20. People have been claiming as late as Sept/Oct have recieved invites today... Read more here: http://www.oldrepublic.net/275-swtor-early-access-has-begun.html
  21. If you can hold off until the 15th then you should be ready to play. Stephen Reid stated recently that everyone should get in by the 15th. Although things aren't as clear now with whats been stated about "waves" and such - he did in fact say this either yesterday or the day before (so hopefully he sticks to his words).
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