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Everything posted by humpacactus

  1. Thanks for the input! Would you like to contribute to the actual discussion further?
  2. Oh please. I couldn't have asked you in a more civil way (numerous times) to clarify about 10 pages back. Other people also asked you to clarify as well right after me. You just flat out wouldn't, period. You specifically said that the people banned had been botting/exploiting. I didn't see anywhere that the people banned had been botting. Several people (including myself) asked you to clarify and you failed to do so and still haven't! I've already stated this once and once again you respond with just about nothing. I couldn't have been more civil 10 pages ago but at this point I am getting slightly fed up.
  3. Are you even reading the forum at all!! Please re-read this last page or two because he wasn't talking about the developers at all. You may need to take a forum test I'm afraid.
  4. So this game its not the "same old same old." Great point.....
  5. That is basically what he said around page 49 of the forums. You can see we talked about it for roughly 2-3 pages.
  6. It's the way the game was designed and thats what you don't get. Make a cap for how often you can grab the resources or whatever like every other MMO ever. You can't temporary ban people for designing a game with a serious flaw (that isn't an obvious exploit like currency/item duping, botting, etc). I would never waste 7+ hours a day farming a specific item. But hell if you have the time and dedication good for you! You definitely shouldn't be banned/temporary banned for it.
  7. So no one else can? You make no sense whatsoever. Obviously they have to sell the items to get the currency. They might be able to camp it a lot but you should'nt be banned or temporarily banned for camping resources. Are you so dense to not understand that players can camp resources in MMO's and thats ok?
  8. Then you obviously just came to that conclusion yourself now which is clear from the post I made quoting you above. We specifically debated about what normal game time is and why or why not it warrants a ban. Have you forgotten already?
  9. It's not an obvious bug - thats the key difference. Duping items or currency somehow is an obvious bug. Botting is an obvious exploit. Both clearly bannable offenses. Looting and collecting items, waiting for the respawn, and selling them to npcs is not an obvious bug and doesn't warrant a temporary ban.
  10. People don't understand it because the game was designed that way by Bioware (and they should take full responsibility and fix the problem without temporarily banning paying costumers). This isn't even a problem for me or anyone I know playing the game. Although I surely sympathize with them and would hate to be suspended for something Bioware designed, implemented, and tested (or clearly didn't find testing).
  11. Do I really need to bring up the whole "normal game time" debate you tried to unleash a few pages back? Your changing your story left and right. Sheesh....
  12. You 100% got it and its sad that other people cant understand that. That part of the bannings/suspenions (not the gold selling obviously) is Biowares fault and they should fix it without attacking their paying customers.
  13. Temporary bans where given for people farming in level 50 zones. I thought this had been clarified by now. In this scenario temporary bans are not as bad but still extremely ridiculous. We can debate about this further if you'd like. EDIT: Why are you even back on these forums anyway? We had debunked you as an obvious fanboy troll pages ago when you claimed the people banned had been botting/exploiting. You had no proof and I asked you for proof. Do you not see how hypocritical your being here?
  14. Those fanboys are seriously maddening and unfortunately troll these forums constantly.
  15. You've already admitted its a game design flaw by Bioware, is there anything more to say? You assume that its fine to ban people for the way Bioware designed the game. Obviously this is not ok and thats why people are concerned about it overall.
  16. Everyone agrees with you - its a game design flaw. Blame Bioware and not the players playing the game as Bioware designed it.
  17. Thank you! You've actually agreed that it's a mechanical game issue (which is Biowares fault and not really the consumers - or at the very least not all of them). Unfortunately, your assuming its ok to ban people (from something they paid, and will continue to pay for) for a game design flaw. I'd 100% disagree.
  18. Topic 1 is obviously a good and reasonable ban. I think its clear most people are very concerned about the bannings regarding topic 2 and for good reason.
  19. If they aren't duping or botting than it doesn't matter what they do. If you pay and want to collect items for 24 hours a day, everyday, thats completely within your right. You could also play 24 hours a day, everyday, and do absolutely nothing. Still more than reasonable and thats essentially what an MMORPG is (and makes me question if you've really played them in the past). If it was for duping/botting than I agree 100% they should be banned. However, it doesn't seem like this was the case.
  20. Have you never played another MMO in your life? Seriously there is little to no logic behind your comments and I'm not trying to be rude either. All your really saying is well they don't play the way I play so they should be banned. People like to farm items and money in MMO's. I'm not a personal fan of it myself but can easily recognize some people do enjoy it.
  21. Just because someone plays the game more than you (or has more time to play most likely) doesn't make them a cheater/exploiter/hacker. Do you really not understand that? You scream Bioware fanboy and it's sad you'd side with big corporations before your fellow consumers.
  22. You just admit that you can't claim whats normal. I'm sorry but any MMO in history will tell you that its definitely normal playtime for some . Maybe not me and you but definitely some. Another Bioware fanboy that brings nothing constructive to the conversation : / ... The reality is your 100% right there is no such thing as a "normal" game time. There's an average game time but average (or normal as you'd say) surely doesn't mean "cheater/exploiter/hacker."
  23. You assume that 7 hours a day isn't normal gameplay for some people. It may not be normal for me and you but its definitely normal for lots of MMORPG players. Not everyone plays just like me and you I'm afraid.
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