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Everything posted by Excidium

  1. Excidium

    Vanish exploit

    I still don't understand how you got stunned before a vanish and had your CC removal already on cooldown. Assassins only have one out-of-combat stun, and it works exactly like ours. Unless they are Darkness (tank) spec'd, then they can use the stealth-only 1.5 second long stun at any time. Do your fights against assassins really last long to have 1-minute cooldown abilities being used twice?
  2. Excidium

    Vanish exploit

    Stealth is really weak in this game. Its main use is skipping monsters. Nothing in the world warrants complaining about stealth in SWTOR.
  3. You can't choose which warzone to go in. It's random. I've no idea why it only says Alderaan Civil War on the queue screen.
  4. Excidium

    Vanish exploit

    I know what you're talking about, it's even worse when they interrupt grav rounds and you can't do anything for like 4 seconds, it's borderline ridiculous how this game favors force users...
  5. Excidium

    Vanish exploit

    Ever heard of Stealth Scan? The cost-free baseline trooper ability that detects stealth in a large radius? Electrocute SO MANY STUNS
  6. Good read: http://taugrim.com/2012/01/04/understanding-swtors-resolve-mechanic/
  7. Are you lost in time? 50's have been on a separate bracket for like a month already.
  8. You can also easily interrupt most assassin atta-oh wait
  9. Losing to any of those classes on equal terms as an assassin should get your character instantly deleted.
  10. I lost against a better geared sorcerer that got the jump on me earlier today. Seriously, nerf this *********** class *** bioware
  11. I had to fight battlemasters as a fresh 50 too. A lot of people have. See any of us whining? Just get your gear like everyone else.
  12. Dear Bioware, I once pressed a button and nothing awesome happened. Please remove all forms of crowd control from this game. With love, Bad
  13. lol, do you really need to disprove somebody claiming to get crit for over 9k?
  14. If you get killed by a tracer missile spammer, you deserve to get killed by a tracer missile spammer.
  15. 0/10 I feel almost sorry for operatives and scoundrels, they're walking medal dispensers.
  16. Dual wielding blasters looks completely unpractical for the role you're meant to fill but... Yeah.
  17. Snipers are fine. What is unfair is that they have to suffer from defense and shield mechanics while most classes ignore those almost completely.
  18. It's supposedly the most expensive game ever developed and they didn't even bother developing an in-house engine, or at least licensing one that had been used on similar projects. That's EA quality for you.
  19. But then Sentinels wouldn't be able to whine that they should have more DPS than everyone else because all they can do is DPS... That said, more tanks are always welcome.
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