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Everything posted by Kemmer

  1. I'm enjoying my Consular atm, but I really miss my Trooper and Smuggler companions. Even though I think I enjoy my Shadow more in terms of class, the crews for the other two are a lot more fun.
  2. Yeah, that's my favorite by far, as well. I wish we could spam that animation!
  3. AH! I was wondering how the hell I missed those when I was grinding Fleet Comms earlier! The entire Civilian Pilot set looks great. I like the idea of my Jedi in clothing that looks a little more standard military (despite the Civilian name of the set) vs austere monk robes.
  4. Is Spinning Strike that move that Kira uses? If so, I'm so looking forward to it! Oh and btw, Gunslinger's Quickdraw is at 30% *and* it's at range . Ah, nvm, just saw a vid with Spinning Strike. Different move, but still looks cool!
  5. Thanks for the input. I've since switched over to Infiltration, but I'll keep this in mind when I switch back for guildies and friends who need a tank.
  6. I'm really not a fan of the graphics for Kinetic Ward. I'm also not sure if the benefit to shielding is really all that, especially with the lack of good Willpower shields at certain levels. Do any of you Shadow Tanks just skip this ability and just boost something else lower in the tree?
  7. If you don't want to wait for the Alderaan pants, you can also get the fully moddable Pilot's Pants with 70 Fleet Commendations + Social II. I don't recall a level requirement. It might seem like a lot of Fleet Comms, BUT if you do your dailies, you can easily get 15-20 commendations a day. I just couldn't stand wearing a skirt anymore, so I decided to grind and got mine in just two days .
  8. Ditto with Kira! When I see Jedi Knights fighting alongside Kira, I get so jealous! She has all these cool double-bladed saber moves that my Shadow does not. I'm only level 24. Do we get ANY of her cool animations? In particular, I like the one where she spins toward an enemy and stabs them while facing away from them.
  9. I'm having fun with this class overall, but I agree that Double Strike is really dull. If anything, it would be nice if it had a mirror animation, so that the swing would reverse to the other side half of the time.
  10. What? I've seen this multiple times in WoW. It was so bad in Warsong Gulch, that people on the WINNING teams started reporting the speed hackers.
  11. Make sure to stay in the waiting room in the WZ. When you get booted for inactivity, it should place you at the Fleet. There have been multiple threads explaining the workaround, but for some reason they're being deleted.
  12. This reminds me of the threads in WoW screaming for Rogues to be nerfed. There's something about a stealth class that just enrages people, even when other classes often kill them FAR MORE in pvp. Hunters seemed to get a free pass on dominating BGs, and here for some reason people QQ more about Operatives, when I see Bounty Hunters and Sorcs demolishing all of my Republic characters far more often. Sure, I get ganked by operatives like everyone else, but I die to them a lot less overall than BHs and Sorcs.
  13. I wonder how long this thread will last before it is deleted, too...
  14. Yup, the Rep help guide vs the Imp zerg was deleted ! I used to laugh when people would say that BW was partial to the Empire, but wow... deleting a help thread really doesn't help the situation.
  15. Usually I would laugh at this. However, I *just* saw another help thread get erased.
  16. Kemmer

    We are stuck here!

    Don't you have to wait to get booted from inactivity in the WZ waiting room? If you just leave, it just puts you right back into the Imp Zerg.
  17. I happen to be vegetarian, but seeing this completely random recipe in the midst of "serious business" was pretty funny .
  18. It didn't help that a lot of 50s would complain about anyone under 50 being in the same WZ. Well, that wish was granted.
  19. QFT! In nearly every WZ, there was always some player spouting off how they wish lowbies would stop queueing so that the level 50s could have the place to themselves.
  20. "Why are all you lowbies in the WZ?!" So many level 50s would complain about anyone lower than max in the WZ. And now that the brackets have been created, the complaints are streaming in regarding the long queues. Sheesh.
  21. I was so surprised to learn this! I always assumed Alliance in WoW was the larger pop because so many people saw them as the "good guys." I played Horde exclusively and one thing I appreciated about WoW was that if you saw things from the standpoint of the Horde, you could totally see them as the good guys, too. SWTOR has a much clearer divide in terms of good and evil. Yes, people can mention shades of gray, but the contrast is a lot starker in this game's lore. I really thought more people would play Republic, but this game's population skew has blown my earlier assumptions out of the water. On a related note, this makes for sad, sad PvP. I was in a couple of Alderaan matches where my fellow Republic players literally gave up at the start of the matches! Everyone would just camp at one side and let the Imperials get the other two. In one match, there was one Jedi who would try to fight the enemy, but I was the ONLY person who would try to help him out, even though the rest of our entire team was only a few meters away . That right there was almost enough to make me head over to the Empire.
  22. I gave Dirty Fighting a try as a scoundrel just for kicks. It wasn't very fun, so I specced back to Scrapper soon after.
  23. Ah, my post was after the explanation. I wish we had a delete response option.
  24. I like your idea, OP (though not so much the neon color of your text)!
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