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Everything posted by Aweus

  1. I think you need to tune up your sarcasm detector...
  2. Grav round, grav round, grav round, grav round, grav round, grav round, grav round. Sorry...what were you saying? No, but honestly. I love you commandos. At least I can kill you sometimes Sorcs on the other hand...
  3. Shhh. Calm down. They are working hard to make you like this game. In about a month or two there will be new flashpoint released! That is new content! 3rd boss will be bugged and last boss will not drop loot but who would care about such details?
  4. Everyone noticed this but Sith Inquisitor lobby on this forum will try to convince you to think othwerwise (and the lobby is strong since, as you pointed out yourself, there are plenty of them).
  5. Aweus

    New bracket?

    Mine is infested since day one
  6. OP is correct. For example when we play Hutball and I am healing. I see one of ours got the ball, so I run after him and see his HP falling. Need to heal. But what is his name? I have health bars with names over them. But I can have multiple people in range with HP deficit and I need to heal this one guy so I need to check again on the field and decipher his name from the string. Only then I know which bar I need to click. Of course its not hard or anything. But removing titles will simply make this process faster and easier.
  7. Aweus

    No more HuttBall!

    Reroll Republic. Where Voidstar and Civil War happens. What it that? You dont want to get stomped in PvP? Well then, I shall quote you a standard imperial reply: DEAL WITH IT, LEARN TO PLAY [huttball]
  8. Aweus

    Sorcerer Nerf....

    I enjoy shooting a healer for the entire warzone duration and end up with like 400k damage done. Yet the healer never really died. You can bring down one healer all right with two people, sure. But consider that while I bring two damage dealers they may bring two healers. This makes things infinitely more complicated.
  9. From what I can tell most of the time people either give MVP for highest damage or for highest healing. I get medals from random people both for being top damage or for being top healer, depending from which class I play. I personaly always give MVP for highest healing. Never for damage unless someone did like 500K or smth.
  10. On my Gunslinger I always give MVP to top healer unless someone did something special during the match. On my Commando healer alt I often get MVP for healing.
  11. You could as well name it Sorc Arena. Becouse anything else in there would be useless. My point? Arenas will bring a whole new layer of balance issues. Avoid that until they can balance warzones alone.
  12. Nope. Just balance them so I can fight them instead of trying to run away. Nope. Make us work hard to obtain this gear but remove the RNG factor. RNG drops do not belong in PvP. Nope. We need a varied amount of PvE drops which actually make sense and pushes us to play with content. Right now running lots of end-game content is useless. Nope.
  13. Aweus

    Sorcerer Nerf....

    Becouse 40% of players playing this game are Sorcs. And if we did not reached this number yet, we soon will.
  14. Same reason why spent a truck of money to buy a CE of this game. Becouse I had hopes. I still have hopes that Bioware will fix issues but before those hopes vanish and I will be gone I like to express my concerns with various QQ posts.
  15. Force speed is not a problem on shadows. In fact you may need it to close a gap with ranged or chase them. It is problem for Sorcs who already stand at max distance spaming their lightnings.
  16. Nobody knows. In fact the only reason why I still play this game and hope to play it longer is becouse I believe Bioware will sort out the issues. We dont have a history of MMO uptime by Bioware so we do not know what to expect. I know what to expect from Blizzard but not from Bioware. But time is running. If some other nice game will go out and by that time Bioware will not sort things out, I will move ahead and dont look back. And many will as well. I hope this will be not how it ends.
  17. On my server at 50 bracket it depends from a day. When queuing solo some days it seems balanced, some days Empire wins most and some Republic wins more (altought latter seems more rare). In the 10-49 bracket however Empire DESTROYS Republic. I have a bad feeling about this. It seems like those are alts of people who care about PvP and most of them now level Empire character becouse "that is the way to go". If one day I will discover that I get constantly stomped just becouse I picked the wrong side, I shall probably quit and many will as well. For some people forced rerolling is not an option.
  18. Forget it man. Bioware is busy. Sorcs need more buffs.
  19. Aweus

    Empire pvp

    And here I thought Samuel L "mofo" Jackson was the real ****** of Star Wars. Hell, he even bested a Sith Sorc 1v1 and only later died becouse he was zerged by two Sith Lords.
  20. I call those screens fake. Not enough Sorcs/Sages on the lists.
  21. Aweus

    Empire pvp

    The argument is valid. Perhaps the initial rush of people to roll Sorcs was becouse it is "cool" to spam lightning. Quite possible. But the fact that Sorcs ARE OP is surely only making this trend stronger. Look at Ops/Scoundrels. At start it was very weakly represented class becouse many people considered it non-iconic. Yet recently there is a larg influx of new Ops/Scoundrels after the news spread out that they are OP in PvP. Incoming nerf may mitigate this trend. So far nothing was done to Sorcs/Sages and I believe it is a mistake. Nerf their versatility - that is all. Limit usage/strength of some spells only to certain specs and it should help a lot. A lightining sorc? Remove his healing spells entirely. Healer Sorc? Remove his ability to stun from range. Remove the slow component from lightning spam etc. There are plenty of ways to tone them down without making them gimped.
  22. Then kill the two factions concept. Let people pick Empire or Republic for the story purpose. And mix everyone for the purpose of instanced PvP. World "PvP" is a joke anyway.
  23. So I understand you need 2 or more people to bring down one Sorc? Sounds balanced.
  24. I would do that for the purpose you mention but becouse of their current state I hate Sorcs so much that I would rather unsub than roll this wretched class. I am at the point already where even if we are winning the warzone I rage after seeing 5 Sorcs spamming their lightning ***. Sometimes it goes personal. Like I say that if someone rolls a Sorc he is an **** in RL. Yes, I know this is sad. But never before I hated one class this much in history of MMO. And I played many. This for me is evidence enough that this class is simply broken.
  25. Sort of this. I have a fair chance fighting with Mercs. Yes, the Tracer Missiles spam is retarded but that is another issue. Maybe Mercs needs a nerd, maybe not. But not before something gets done with Sorcs.
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