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Posts posted by TheGreatFrosty

  1. valid point, but calling other posters/players names is just going to detract from it and get you some nice infractions on your account for posting.


    The monitoring of belligerent and abusive posts has gone out of the window in the last few days.


    Since I am tired of this communal polarisation between those that have to those that have not, with crafters and GTN users being continually demonised, I see no reason why not to respond in kind.


    Simply put, I feel aggressive language is necessary to make a fool understand he's a fool. Or it just makes me feel better, I don't know.

  2. If items that are necessary to be competitive were not so abusively expensive such as a 37 Hilt for over a million credits, the system and economy within SWTOR would work as intended. This is the main reason the Jawa Junk on the controversial slot machine was good. It allowed people to craft their own items and not rely on spending half their game play making credits to buy those items. I love this game but, I doubt it was the intention of the devs to have people spend so much time on farming credits and less time on playing content. The crafters (small part of overall community) were awarded the nerf for the Slot Machine. Now reward the rest of the community and CAP the GTN.


    Who are you people? Where did you come from?


    You sound like the UK's benefits generation.


    You cannot have something for nothing. Not happy with the prices? Go out and get them yourselves. How moronically egotistical are you that you believe you're justified in valuating an entire raid group's time?


    The materials for the 37 hilts don't grow on trees. They have to be earned via raiding. Bioware needs to step in and do something to silence this train of thought - these mindless children making noise because they can't have what everybody else has without doing anything for it.

  3. two things


    1) I've never been a crafter, PvP'er yes, the only crafting I do is for the 400 level reusable cyber grenades.


    2) You act as if "crafter" is some species worthy of scorn. There is no reason to turn something as petty as a decoration into a US VS THEM flame war.


    But this is the whole thing. He lacks the intellectual capacity to rationalise the argument and to see things from all perspectives, to realise that the slot machines were never ever going to remain.


    As a consequence, he, and many others, trivialise your argument out of fear.


    You can say this and watch it get ignored every time: any single person can pick up a crew mission run missions and then decide on what THEY consider to be a fair price.


    Bottom line, they don't want to do it. They want to say the fault is somebody elses.

  4. From what general discussion looks like right now you would think the that entire game is built around that one slot machine decoration.


    Seriously the thing is nothing but a mere toy like all the other decorations, from the way people are going on in this section of the forums you would think that Bioware deleted class stories or something else.


    Seriously get some perspective, you all played the game long before the slot machine existed, you can live with a nerfed one.


    They got a taste of having everything for nothing - of being able to generate resources and credits from thin air.


    They want that back.

  5. Eric has a problem, in my opinion. His professional credibility is on the line now... He is either a simple mouthpiece and doesn't know what he is talking about, or he is lying through his teeth...


    I'm willing to assume the former, if he comes clean and pushes his boss to do the same... Or resigns and goes public...


    Otherwise, it would have to be the latter and that would be sad because it means nothing he says is ever worth listening to again. All the good will he has ever built up will be gone forever.


    Half of you kids will have forgotten about this in two days. Resigns? You're talking about a man's job because you were too insanely stupid to realise that a single item was breaking the game's economy. It was always going to be changed - there was no maybe, ifs or buts, there were just those smart enough to realise and those stupid enough to think they could get everything for nothing.

  6. Quite honestly, I am extremely disappointed in the draconian nerf to the slot machine. Which wether you want to admit it or not, was due to the small number of mat sellers complaining online. Basically I feel like I am a victim of a classic bait and switch. It is not something that will make me quit the game, but I am tired of being treated like a red headed step child for trying to further support the game beyond the subscription cost ( which I will bet alot of these mat sellers do NOT honestly), only to then be treated like this.


    in the last 2 months since I have came back to the game, I have seen you basically let exploiters get away with their loot, with no punishment. Allow CM customers to have their products nerfed to nothing more then a decoration, because some people decided to call it an exploit, for the sole reason of deflecting the ravager issue.


    Even if you found it necessary to nerf the JJ drops, there was no reason to basically remove it from the thing, same

    With the certificates.


    Needless to say, inhave decided to stop purchasing any items on the CM for a minimum of 2 months. I would ask that any other people that feel they were cheated, do the same. Let BW feel the impact a little, don't purchase anything from the CM for 2 months. Then maybe they will get the message.


    So I guess without further ado......let the trolling begin


    Then don't. Take the sense of self-entitlement elsewhere. The CM should never, ever give you an advantage above over players, and certainly should not allow you to bypass one of the game's progress pillars.

  7. so now u have nerfed this to high hell the poeple that held off and waited to buy packs until they heard word as to it working as intended or it being broken will they be intitled to a full refund ???


    They said they were looking into the Jawa rate drops. If you honestly thought no change would come, you deserve to be parted from your money. Fools are fools.

  8. But crafters are the evil overlords of the SWTOR universe, pressing down their vengeful thumb on the shoulders of the poor and destitute.


    If only there was a way for everybody to pick a crew mission and run missions, so they too could sell the resources they deem to be 'overpriced'.


    If only...

  9. Didn't you CM chaps get a whole bunch of other things from this pack? Mounts, armour etc.?


    Why now is it being suggested that the slot machine was your sole aim?


    I have three of the things and I'm not complaining - surely you realised this would happen? I mean if you honestly thought nothing would change, that's entirely your fault. They said they'd look into it.


    Tbh, 90% of this seems to be people throwing the dummies out the bram and using the "REFUND OR I'LL SUE!" thing to create further melodrama on the tired issue.

  10. One way to look at it is what else can you spend the $180 sub cost for a year of SWTOR on?


    You can buy 3 full games at launch prices for that money, or 6 games at 50% off a few months after they are released (and bugs fixed).


    Dragon Age: Inquisition

    Dark Souls II

    Divinity: Original Sin

    Wasteland 2


    What gives you more entertainment value for the dollar? Granted, part of the $15 per month SWTOR charges is to run the servers.


    Fine, lets say it is $10 a month for that and only $5 a month goes towards content. Then we should be able to get a DA:I worth of content once per year at that rate.


    Why don't we?


    I'm fairly sure the majority of the money made via CM/subs etc. is being used to resource other games and fulfil whatever revenue predictions EA originally had for the game, so as to offset the investment so far.


    Basically, I highly doubt much at all is being invested back into the game, because of the game's perceived inherent limitations and credibility within the MMO marketplace. EA is usually about go large or go home. This definitely didn't go large. With the exception of such things as Strongholds, SWTOR has felt like it is maintenance mode for a while, with the closest thing to regular content being the CM packs...


    Just compare it to any other MMO and see. We are without regular new events (still repeated same event again and again), new flashpoints (we have to accept HM versions as new content), new raids or, and this is particularly felt by me, new warzones.


    Or better still, look at the situation with bugs. Anything as crucial as the Ravager's exploit or these slot machines would have been fixed immediately by other companies (look at Blizzard's track record for fixing bugs and responding to player feedback). For us, we get excited for bug fixes like other people get excited for content.

  11. Right, because now the machine is only worthwhile for:


    • Getting Reputation that's no longer readily available in the game.
    • Getting Cartel Market Certs for credits which until now have required CM purchases.
    • Getting a unique mount.
    • Still getting a Jawa Junk, which since they are universal coupons will let you get items you don't have the specific Crew Skills to farm.


    The machine should be an immediate, readily available access point to every facet of content in this game.


    If I can't get gear, money and materials from single clicking a machine, then something is seriously wrong with this game.


    I loved the machines because they never fought back. I could click them again and again and they just sat there. Now the game is ruined.

  12. You know, one of these days you guys might want to send in game email polls, rather then basing decisions on the rants of a vocal minority. What I expect, prepare to see drops in your CM sales, now that people see that it is just a simple bait and switch.


    LOL, christ. You're tragic.


    Anyway, good move. It was desperately needed and if the shortsighted portion of this community had their way, the game would be dead in no time.

  13. So I am gathering that the one click on yavin 4 to gain resources was so difficult, so terribly dangerous that the action of clicking on the node alone makes the materials it yields worth 1-2k each? No.


    There are nodes on Yavin you can repeatedly click for repeated resources at a guaranteed continuous profit?


    No? OK so it's nothing similar.


    Don't bother making a thread out of this.

  14. You have no idea what you are talking about and these conversations are beginning to get ridiculous. The Devs don't NEED to guess at anything which appears to be what you are doing when calculating the advantages of the slot machine. They know exactly what the slot machine can do and is doing. Just the fact you said you can run missions on 24 toons 24 hours a day LOL. All you people realize you don't just press one button and everything is done right? It's not like a slot machine.


    To compare what I can do with my three slot machines that surround me in an hour to the crew skills, lets just say I couldn't produce that in a WEEK. Nice try, but I actually have played the slot machine and craft/gather. Again, the devs have real numbers of what the machine is doing so you can stop feigning ignorance.




    I am a prolific crafter/alt gatherer switcher etc.


    Through three slot machines, I've made more in the past 2 days than I have since the launch of SoR by at least four fold.

  15. After around 5:00 to 5:30 UK


    The Contraband slot seem to have been live patched?


    Normal run of X coins gives me Y result . it seems to be really down


    if i had 99 blue I would have 60 to 80 Jawa scrap purple Before


    Now am seeing 20 to 30 on a run of x amount of coins


    anyone seeing this?


    These slots machine have given much needed life to my Stronghold please stop with giving too the haters of these





    The panic, the sweat.

  16. All of my friends, guilds on multiple servers have been happy about the situation, mostly happy that the prices of 186 gear dropping to a reasonable level. Something I was also happy about, even though I did sell things for 200k+ until the market came down.


    I have only ever seen people happy about this, not many complainers. There are a few on fleet, but you also find all kinds of people on fleet that complain about everything from the game, politics, religion, sex etc. So mostly I ignore them if they dont have at least a good argument. Empty complaints is what I usually ignore. In this case, empty falls under people complaining the market crashing and seeing something completely different. I would say 40-100k is a good price range for 186 gear.


    It concerns me that your argument is predicated on the excitement for being able to attain everything easily, or for a low price.


    Whilst I understand that in its simplest form, it doesn't mitigate the issue that the slot machines trivialise the game's content and the MMO experience.


    Put it another way. If the Devs had given everybody 50m before, as a sort of one-time chip, I'm guessing you'd be similarly as happy. But being handed everything means that in the long term the game will suffer considerably, as anything requiring a modicum of effort will seem pointless, and the MMO 'experience' will burn out.


    Just look at crew skills. I'd never dream of running any missions across my 12 fully affection maxed alts with slots as they are. What's more, I wouldn't advise anyone to even bother training a crew mission. So essentially, the crafting portion of the game has been gutted, as material gathering is a considerable portion of that.

  17. I love it, a great way to get Jawa Junk for crafting. Funny how a good post get 3 replies and the 413 whiner posts get 17,889 replies.


    "t's nice to get good things and keep it for once."


    Yeah definitely. This borderline illiterate sentiment absolutely deserves more attention.


    I want good thing, give now easy please, no take!

  18. My god.


    This is why nothing gets solved here.


    The machines are the most cost effective way to get materials. If you don't wish for the purples, but only for the greens, you can still sell the purples and be making continuous profit whilst farming greens. What's more, the greens can be used to select any material you wish, removing the issues present in crafts such as Archeology where only 1 or 2 mission are usually for power crystals and typically two of the others for colour crystals.


    In every single the way the slot machines are more convenient and more cost effective. I'd never, ever try to farm purple mats with these in the current form.


    On TOFN, as I'm sure on other servers, there are a bounty of strongholds open to allow people to use machines. One such one, Giradda's Palace or something, has 6 or so machines. It isn't an achievement to have access to them, and it shouldn't enable you to shortcut the entire resource gathering system.


    One sound investment of 3-4mil and you're set.


    Whatever you do, whichever way you do it, you're always making continuous profits through machines. You're always getting the mats you want. if you don't want purples, for whatever reason, you simply sell them, and you're still making profit + the green and blues you get.


    EDIT: But let's say you're right, that farming green through mission skills is still the best way.


    Is it OK for any single one of the gathering skills to be completely nullified by these machines? What about Treasure Hunting, Diplomacy, Underworld Trading? Are you OK with these now being utterly useless?

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