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Posts posted by TheGreatFrosty

  1. This is false.


    Infiltration and Balance specs are one of the most gimped tree specs in the game. Especially when you compare it to the hybrid build nearly everyone is migrating over to play.


    With Infiltration/Balance you take nearly 2x more dmg, 2x less utility, and 2x less uptime.


    They really are not. Maybe they are when set on a relative scale to the tank/dps gear hybrid, but individually as PVP specs they are in no way handicapped. I know a balance shadow who often scores 500k-700k.


    Edit : When you say nearly 2x more damage etc, 2x more than who exactly?

  2. Dumbest thread I've seen all week. Congratulations on basing your arguments off bad players, though.


    Do you ever post anything constructive? It seems you relentlessly set out to defend your own class without any consideration to the point being made. I shouldn't be surprised, players of such a calibre often attempt this.


    Either way, you probably think you have "mad" PVP skillz and are hence under the illusion that shadows are difficult to play - they simply are not, not much in this game is that hard. The only exception to the rule, imo, is sentinels, due to their rotations and the sheer amount of moves they have to play through.


    Shadow/*** that run in this hybrid try to claim that their other two specs are gimped - they literally have no idea what gimped is. Most classes have one or two trees that aren't viable for PVP, and I know enough GOOD shadow/assassins who pull off very high numbers with infil or balance.


    Bottom line - Infil and balance may be harder specs to play (marginally), but they are still certainly viable. The tank/dps one is just overpowered and easier.


    This is just pure comedy gold here... You also acknowledge that both of the other tanks can do MORE DPS than an assassin... yet you come here to complain about assassins? What I want to discuss is what you are really after? Did one pop out of stealth in world pvp and gank you? Or rather, did you try to gank one in pvp and it failed? I really can't fathom your rationalization of this situation.. Either they are the most powerful tank or not? Either you can kill them or not? Good grief Charlie Brown. :confused:


    You entirely missed my point. Was making the obvious difference between those that fight in a tank spec and those that don't. I was attempt to pre-empt the argument that talks about vanguard/guardian OUTSIDE their tank spec. Stop getting excited and trying to insult wherever you can. Roll that saliva back and take a few moments to read.

  4. Tech Damage is the counter to all the things a Tank Shadow can do. Yes we can survive like a Tank should, but Mercs, Agent Concealment/Sniper, Gunslingers and Scoundrel Scrapper can pack punch to a Tank Shadow and gives huge problems.


    There is a counter to every class, there is not 1 class that is god mode vs all classes.


    Good players focus on the classes they can burn down, good premades talk about it during each fight, and good players learn what their strengths and weakness are in PvP.


    Bad players cry in general chats, go to forums and cry for nerfs, and threaten that they will unsub if something won't be done for their L2P issues.


    All of it is darn right amusing to me, and I continue to laugh daily to threads like these.




    I feel, again, I'm having to rationalise slowly with the feeble minded. I'm not threatening to unsub, tried not to make my post "QQ" sounding but just looking for some discussion about this.


    Are shadow tanks currently the strongest tanks in PVP? Yes. Comparatively, are they then overpowered when set on a scale of PVP tanks? Yes. All of this means that with the upcoming patch, shadow tanks not getting touched seems arbitrary.


    Within your line of thought, no class should ever get nerfed. Take a 1.0 Operative/scoundrel, for example, they have a counter too - just nuke them at the start, as you say. That's really not the point though - I know enough shadow tanks who realise their spec is overpowered, and whilst I know there aren't a lot of people who'd accept that, I'd at least like those people to be able to defend their points.


    To reiterate, I'm simply trying to discover the reasoning behind why shadow tanks were untouched, given their current tanking advantage in PVP.

  5. Then what is the point? I laugh at Assassins of all types on my Sorc. The crazy thing about this game.. Every class in it is OP in the right hands. If you are having problems killing an assassin and think they are OP.. do yourself a favor. Roll one and learn it. Then when you see one next time, you'll laugh at yourself for not realizing how easy they are to kill when you know how. Knowing is half the battle. ;)


    They are the one class to not get touched. It shouldn't be about what one individual can or can't do, it's about comparative power in the tank classes. I'm not a bad PVPer, I can beat an assassin tank. My point is that it takes a fair amount to do so - they are easily the most powerful tanks currently in PVP.


    They have the highest health pool, 3-4 stuns (if you count the stealth one), they do have the highest DPS out of the tank classes...


    I mean, where's the balance? It feels for me that juggernaut/guardians right now do exactly what a tank should be doing in PVP. In their tank spec, their DPS is heavily compromised and function mainly as carriers, objective handlers, guards, interrupters, healer getters etc.


    Shadows can offer a lot more, particularly when it comes to sustained DPS.


    A previous poster mentioned that if shadow tanks get nerfed in PVP then their PVE will be in trouble. Whilst I can appreciate the argument, I don't see why that means a shadow tank should have so many abilities, in a tank tree, which compliment his/her DPS. This includes auto critis, 75% tk throw... etc.


    Interjection : To counter the "ZOMG Vanguard and Guardian can do X damage"

    I'm talking about their tank trees ONLY.

  6. TLDR: waah my op class is getting nerfed so I want you nerfed as well.

    Sorcs / sages were op period they got what is needed. Tough that you might have to think to fight melee now than head roll your keyboard.


    The only thing sins need is balance brought to the deception tree to make the burst spec viable.


    Funny how you've never raised this sudden imbalance untile your own op class got nerfed!


    Whilst I know you aren't the brightest, I'd just like to point out for clarification (for those who have issues reading) I knew sages were getting nerfed and can appreciate the decisions behind it. That isn't the point on my post.

  7. I'm a sage.

    I prepared myself for a nerf, I knew it was likely coming, though I really didn't expect it to be as brutal as it is.


    Now for shadows - why are they not touched?


    In my honest opinion, the one class that needed a nerf more than any other was tank shadow/assassins.


    Reasoning for this :


    1) 5 second immunity (on most moves in the game) on 45 second cool down

    2) High single target DPS

    3) Remove the reason for anyone to spec either of the other tanks

    4) Every shadow I know now goes tank spec - if someone is looking for a DPS build, they are advised to go the tank spec.


    Hell, why wouldn't they? It has incredibly high defences and still high damage, with a channelled move that can't be interrupted when procced. High utility, the highest survivability, stealth to get away, sprint... Am I missing anything?


    What was behind this decision? Where is the balance between PVE and PVP? Are these changes based on who QQed the most?


    If anyone can construct a logical argument that opposes this line of thought please present it. I'm currently at an utter loss to why I'd go anything but a tank shadow currently in PVP.

  8. OK, I am someone who usually refrains from ever posting on these forums. I generally dislike the egotistical cries of the petulant children who feel their personal opinion is something that the world needs to hear and appreciate.


    Saying that, I will attempt my next complaint to be as objective as possible and remove anything that could be misconstrued as whining.




    To Bioware:


    Why in a modern day MMO, which is build around each individual's saga and their supposed 'special' place in the Star Wars universe, have you completely ignored the need to make anyone feel unique end game.


    This could be rectified with something as simple as a wardrobe or outfit system, but there is nothing. Now with Illum destroying any prestige attached to any level of valour rank, I'm running around alongside multiple battlemasters who look identical to me. You haven't even bothered to create new models for the battlemaster armour, it's the same terrible design as champion but with a different hue (speaking as a Sage).


    We ALL look the same, literally identical. It's depressing to say the least. I realise this is a theme park MMO and classes will inevitably remove any true feeling of uniqueness, but comon, you haven't even tried to masque this.


    I want to feel different in an MMO, if only in appearance. I want to feel that my experience in the game, my character, has some degree of uniqueness compared to the guy standing next to me.


    To end :


    I don't understand why Bioware have ignored the key social features that make an MMO an MMO. I love the game, but it is making it harder to enjoy day by day, as more and more people look the same as me. To some this is a non issue, which I understand and appreciate, but for many of us it drastically affects our experience in the game.

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