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Everything posted by Grubfist

  1. Grubfist


    Put an open helmet on him (one that shows the face) His face is tilted to make the "intimidating" or "determined" look that is very characteristic for him. The thing is, helmets do not respect this, and unless they cover the whole head, they look absolutely bizarre on him. It's like they took a default model, and just slid the skin down a little to make his face, instead of having a model that matches his face. The jedi knight sunglasses-thingies also go through his face, and you see the sides, but his eyes are not covered and you can't see the middle of the headpiece.
  2. A more "professional" and "orderly" feel. Plus I love the Lawful Good types. Aside from Tanno, all the companions compliment being a pure-hearted soldier or a good soldier. It's pretty punishing to be an unnecessarily evil trooper or a crazy chaotic neutral nutcase.
  3. No. Tank vanguards can charge (with the movement boost), Tactics vanguards can get +15% to speed passive (in combat) and a short cooldown with a decent duration that gives 30% movement speed (in combat) and makes the vanguard immune to knockbacks, pulls, pushes, slows, and snares. (But not stuns or mezzes) It's possible a sage pulled them. I pull people out of combat all the time on my sage to get a moment to heal them up.
  4. Own the catwalks, don't mindlessly zerg the ball.
  5. Grubfist


    forex is best pony
  6. Good luck! It's quite tough to pull off.
  7. Uhh, no. This is where most of the problems are. Even with the game announcing which doors are west and east any time a bomb is planted ever, people have trouble finding what's where.
  8. 1. Get frustrated with game mechanic 2. Declare it is an exploit, when it's clearly not 3. Make thread addressing when "exploit" will be fixed to try and draw attention away from having no reason to call it an exploit. 4. ??? 5. Profit.
  9. Opening the map is quick and takes a second, finding out which perspective who is calling when after being turned around a lot takes finding points of reference, which takes longer. Why do you act like opening the map is a waste of time when it's the single fastest option available?
  10. Perhaps you could explain. I like learning.
  11. Not exactly. Their base regen is the same, but they have a more active role in changing the rate of their regen.
  12. That I'm not telling everyone this? In-game pop-ups for "The Empire has captured the Command Center controls!" would help quite a bit.
  13. My biggest concern is that I love a lot of the social sets and the tier sets. I want to be able to use them, but if the augment difference is too big I'll feel obligated to use one of the crafted gear looks.
  14. Every Alderaan control point has a name. Hover over it on the map and it'll tell you. Middle is the Command Center, and one of the sides is the Generator. I forget the last one.
  15. Just run a premade where you bring a rock, two scissors, and a paper. Have the paper and rock hold left base while your scissors team assists the idiot pugs in taking bases.
  16. Except that the devs have already had accessto combat logs and have balanced around actual facts. The only thing it'll prove is that people that complain about getting hit for "over 9k crits" will look even more ridiculous when the class hitting them had a max crit of 4.2k
  17. You are a silly, silly person who does not understand that healing is about predicting damage and acting before it happens. Healing is pro-active in this game, not reactive. Sorc/sage especially. It's like a flowing art and it's damn fun.
  18. Interesting. Good to know their changes aren't crushing healers, but adapting to new gear levels. Thanks for the info! I'm bad at teh maths.
  19. They don't exist in this game. Every class has at least 4 buttons in their dps rotation alone, before you take into account survivability/utility abilities. There is not a single good player that "spams force lightning" or "spams tracer missile" Do people do this? Yeah. And they suck.
  20. Sniper/GS flash grenade is a tech effect. The fear and Awe ones are mental I think though. (Awe causes a "blind" effect)
  21. Concussion Round is a mental effect (commando/mercenary CC)
  22. What class do you play? I highly doubt it's "going to be unplayable"
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVsCYQj-z60&list=UU4ObZS5SLV9BKAMy9EYHkxQ&index=1&feature=plpp_video I had 2 pieces of cent gear from my 6 starter bags. Fresh 50 pvp is fine.
  24. Your level 32 shadow will likely be 50 before the changes happen anyways...I mean they're like 2-3 weeks away.
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