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Everything posted by bright_ephemera

  1. How?? I can count the femWarrior [Flirt] targets I can remember on one hand: Quinn, Pierce, Nar Shaddaa bonus series guy, bashful supply officer on Hoth. And I love running through [Flirt] dialogue, so I don't think I skipped past/overlooked very much. Where was the option for Draahg? Or for Fimm-Ress, that fine Sith guard on Alderaan? Or for any of the other dozens of men my Warrior dealt with daily?
  2. It's actually after you have finished Corellia (done one class-quest thing per subzone, all that good stuff) and once you have departed the planet for the Act 3 finale sequence. I will say, her departure was really, really hard to miss.
  3. It depends on your spec. I hear tank Jugg builds do better with DPS companions, and marauders can use the tank companions. Annihiation marauders, thanks to the self-heals, can run with a DPS companion most of the time just fine. Quinn just makes it EZ mode for anyone. Let me tell you, Pierce is better company. Other classes get this effect, too. A Jedi Guardian can run with anybody but goes fastest with Doc. Trooper with Elara. The other companions aren't useless, but if you yourself are not a healer there's a definite, large advantage to keeping your healer out.
  4. Seriously. I like 'em both now but the recruitments were narrative slop.
  5. Ha! For a long time I figured that Quinn was a good Sith sidekick because he did such a good job of provoking negative emotion through the infinite sexual frustration thing. I had no idea.
  6. You know how most classes have a token evil companion, or worse, a token "evil" companion? Sith Inquisitors have a token good companion. Everybody else is somewhere on the ravening psychopath scale, with varying emphasis on avarice, wrath, pride, and so on. The Sith Warrior has varying degrees of dark, but only DS Jaesa and Broonmark go all-out. Pierce and Quinn have slightly more in the way of "maybe we should do things for sane reasons." Okay, Pierce is about 50-50 on that one. Inquisitor is by far the best for bad companions.
  7. FWIW, the inheritance item is better than an orange item kitted out in level 13/14 blues. So it's an upgrade for two, maybe four levels.
  8. LS Marauder: The preservation and extension of the Empire. Once she would've said she was doing it for the good and the personal freedom of everyone who would have the nerve to follow their desires. Now...less so. Oh, the Empire will be served, but let everyone see the galaxy for what it is - cold, cruel, ruled only by the strongest and most cunning. Good thing for her, she's strong. She's...less LS now. Her mercy, when she still grants it, is a joke. Grey Agent: The preservation and extension of the Empire as well, only his loyalty came down on the side of the Force-blind citizens. The civilian Empire is the galaxy's best chance for order. The Sith are a liability, and though it is not practical to destroy them, it is important to evade them so we can get real work done. Smuggler: Action, credits 'n' pretty men, of course. Her associates can handle the paperwork so long as she's kept in cash.
  9. 6. It's important to break this down: Act 1 is 11/10. Fantastic antagonists, wacky hijinks, the novelty of all the brilliant snarky lines you're hearing for the first time, and all the sneak thieving you could ask for. The allies were charming, the villains engaging/infuriating. The end fight and associated scene was beyond satisfying. Act 2, I didn't even notice when it ended. There was just, I dunno, some stuff, for some reason, into Act 3. I would've wandered off entirely if not for Darmas Pollaran - but see, that's the genius of the Smuggler line. Even when the story is weak, the conflict contrived, and the companion recruitment downright forced, the individual NPCs are fantastic. You're likely to find someone you love or hate enough to keep going for. I don't think anything after Act 1 held together as a very good narrative. So, 6.
  10. Buh. Every time he says "Didn't lose you" I melt, and then I mentally yell "He's just doing his job, idiot," and then I mentally yell "Also he's fictional, moron," and then I pretty much continue with the melting. Even now, after everything. This is why it's just safer to take the ship's droid out nowadays. I never did mention my others: - Smuggler: Bailed out on Corso halfway through. Too much like a clingy overly possessive and eventually abusive guy I used to date. Hit too close to home. He remained aggressive and insanely territorial during class conversations, to the point where I just dropped my smuggler. - Agent: Kaliyo. More fun than a barrel of rabid weasels. - JK: Nobody, in part to play the paragon role, in part to see whether I could actually resist through a whole campaign. Kira, you make my virtuous life very, very difficult.
  11. I would think it'd be spot-on as a story, not only of personal redemption, but of how the Jedi need to look to someone they never would've expected to save them. Of course, the NPCs aren't going to be expressing surprise at your race, but neither will they be saying things that conflict with it, I think. Unfortunately, Kira and Lord Scourge might be reasonably expected to say something about serving a Sith Pureblood, and those lines simply aren't in the game.
  12. 8. It's hard to see straight because Quinn's line was the most distracting, distressing, discombobulating thing ever - probably my second favorite romance and definitely my top companion-screwing-with-me in my gaming career - but I would say, for the class as a whole, 8. Act 1 didn't grab me, but the transition at the end made me pay attention. Taris by itself was just incredibly enjoyable. Perhaps the best class/planetary one-two punch in the game. The rest of Act 2 seemed kind of random. Well, I guess that just leads us right into the conflict of Act 3. I didn't like how the questgivers were handled - I hate not being able to check credentials on these people - but once I got on track with the proper revenge motivation, it went well. Probably. I think. I still don't trust who I'm working for. Rising to power as a notorious Sith thug was enjoyable, all in all.
  13. 11/10. I had my doubts in late Act 1 and Act 2, because
  14. Vector. Beautiful damage output, he sets my operative up for backstabs, and my heals can keep him up for all but the most savage fights. On a companionship note, Lokin will someday stab me in the back. Kaliyo will someday stab me in the face. SCORPIO will someday stab me someplace I didn't even know I had. Temple's perkiness just grates on me. Vector is just right.
  15. I'll second a Medical Operative. You can push fast with either your first or second companion. DPS Agents have to wait until Taris for their companion healer. As a PC healer, elites can go slow, but you can back Vector against any elite in the class lines without trouble.
  16. Corso Riggs has a +5 Armstech critical, giving you bonus blaster barrels and (with the patch) augmented orange and green gear all the way. Therefore I went Scavenging/Investigation/Armstech. Bonus for endgame, Guss Tuno has +2 Investigation critical.
  17. This also confused and distressed me. What I liked most about Vector's line was how confident he was in who he is - he doesn't need fixing.
  18. I...I won't be sleeping tonight. Thanks
  19. Risha will like lying, cheating, and stealing; not so much with the violence. Akaavi will like violence as a test of skill and a way of dealing with the weak and unworthy; she's also good with demanding money, but she has a few notions of honor that still get in the way. Guss likes lying, cheating, and stealing, but is a big softie. I think the least bad for a DS PC is Akaavi.
  20. Oh, I got 9 Vector, 6 Andronikos, 5 Mako, 4 Corso, and a few of the others, but box #30 got me the one thing I wanted out of this rakghoul event. Six hundred rakghoul DNA. Worth every minute and every credit. Zombie Quinn is on my ship now, and I like to think he's in pain. The ship's droid comes out with me on missions.
  21. KALIYO. She is every psycho girlfriend story I've ever heard. Every horrible manipulative thing I've thought about doing to men who like me but didn't do because I'm not a sociopath. One big uncontrollable id wrapped up in a bad*** package with a voice of pure sex. Standing up to her and at times even mocking her for her transparent angling was great. And the best part was I could walk away from the screen and not have her show up at my house at night, making her 100% safer than any other opportunity for this kind of joyride.
  22. So...my single-player RP doesn't happen often. But once upon a time, Quinn glitched and opened fire on the flagged Kira companion of a flagged Knight I had been helping out. I'm terrified of PvP, so I set Quinn to passive, fled into the nearest instance, and proceeded to cuss him out in very strong terms while attempting every abusive /emote I could think of (most of them don't exist, more's the pity.) Two minutes later my husband happens by and asks "What are you doing?" "...um, standing by myself in a place designed to be entirely private, uh, RPing my rage at a glitchy assemblage of bits?" "......"
  23. These give level 14, non-upgradeable weapons of very high quality. When you're leveling a toon this should carry you from your capital planet well into Taris/Balmorra. You trade the construction kits for these with new Legacy vendors in the capital planets. There's a group on Dromund Kaas on the right wall of the city's main thoroughfare (between the city gates and the Citadel), and a group on Coruscant at the top of the stairs in the Senate plaza leading down to the galactic market.
  24. I loved the Smuggler Act 1 - amazing how Skavak gets under your skin! - and liked a lot of individual moments for the rest of the game. That said...love the Smuggler. The Jedi Knight was vanilla but traditionally heroic, and the companions can be great - Doc and Lord Scourge in particular stood out to me. Sith Warrior was very, very good. Imperial Agent gives a lot of the wit of the Smuggler but comes from a much darker, more powerful/institutional place - James Bond or a James Bond villain, depending on how you want to play it. Plus the IA story's choices matter - some actually affect your quest progression - and it's just an amazing line in general. I hope you enjoy your next venture!
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