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Everything posted by bright_ephemera

  1. Have you been pursuing the bonus series that unlock after you've finished your class quest on any given planet? They're fully soloable and give you little codas to each planet's story. Imps push a last desperate offensive out of a Balmorran area, 'Pubs help a militia unit against Sand People on Tatooine, and so on. The pointer is usually in the spaceport after you've finished your class quest. Most of the bonus series come right after the main planet line in level. The exceptions are Nar Shaddaa (base quests level 20-23, bonus series level 30-31) and Alderaan (base quests 28-31, bonus series 40-41).
  2. Just so. After my first, hilariously unfortunate pull, I didn't touch Krannus until the adds were down. I think I did Krannus first and bombs after, but the idea remains the same: Let the Republic mooks tank and DPS him for as long as possible.
  3. 454 people (as of my writing this) already agree with you: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=84890
  4. No. Corso pushes ceaselessly for some behavioral cross between Robin Hood and Superman. He's the guy who hates it when you ask to be paid for jobs...okay, so I was asking starving refugees and bereaved widows, but that's beside the point. He's the guy who goes like this: Bowdaar at least allows a sardonic sense of humor in conversation, but he's honorable and will advocate goodness over profit if a conflict comes up. I played a smuggler out for profit with no regard for morality - not cruel, but not nice - and Corso despised me. Bowdaar slowly but steadily lost respect for me throughout the game. Thank the stars for companion gifts. As others have said, the last three companions give you way more moral flexibility.
  5. You were misinformed. You lose Kaliyo just before stepping onto Corellia and regain her just after stepping off of Corellia.
  6. Yes. No. After your first companion (or, for the JK, your second), the other companions' "personal quests" are done within conversations, and will consist of them saying "Hang on here for a sec, I'll be back"; fade to black; companion returns and reports on his/her progress. It would've been prohibitive to implement full go-off-the-ship quests for all companions.
  7. I love this idea. Obviously it's a lot of effort to put in for essentially single-player content, but it would be incredibly fun.
  8. /signed! I've been running my companions without hats, which works for me but probably makes their combat sequences unpleasant. Actually, head injuries might account for some of these people's late-plot behavior...
  9. The thought of a crit bikini that accommodates augments, if you know what I mean, just caused me to spit my coffee at the monitor. This is a hilarious but harmless suggestion.
  10. I studiously avoided [Flirts] with Elara Dorne in Act 1, but got a second chance at the beginning of Act 2. YMMV.
  11. I see a few problems with this: * The SIS is a gaggle of bumbling idiots. * The SIS miserably fails in every operation it has ever tried, except the ones on Coruscant where you do all the actual work. * The SIS (Nar Shaddaa bonus series: ) designs the most horrific injustice incubator in Republic history in the form of the Belsavis prison operation, (Jedi Coruscant quest: ) nearly fails to protect a critical Czerka informant on Tatooine, (Agent Voss quest: ) , and (Agent Act 2: ) As the Imperial military struggles while Intelligence is awesome, the SIS struggles while the Republic military is awesome. I prefer to play the awesome sides.
  12. But they do. The talents Snap Shot (in Marksmanship) and Pandemonium (in Sabotage) make the workhorse Charged Burst instant-cast under certain conditions. Then again, I can't figure out what else OP might mean.
  13. Would this mean that legacy characters miss out on all the XP of discovering codex entries? That is a hefty amount of experience to take away.
  14. Corollary: If some NPC standing in a cantina has a quest marker, and opens the conversation with "Would you like a [flimsy excuse to] play PAZAAK," let me punch him in the face. Because those hucksters get old
  15. Kaliyo's third letter actually has a little more to it: to-do list
  16. Hm. I wrote the original post in anger, which was unwise, but I'm not going to try to cover it up with edits. It's like this. I love BioWare's companions. Have since Knights of the Old Republic. I always look forward to working through new companion relationships, including the romance lines. I laugh, grumble, d'aww, yell at the monitor, get kinda misty, vigorously deny getting kinda misty, the whole nine yards. I work it into my character's story. I get involved. So I enjoyed starting in on the romance lines for SWTOR companions. Corso was a dear. Kaliyo rocks. Quinn is my second favorite line of all time (after DA:O's Alistair). With Corso I changed my mind after some flirting. That'll happen as you learn about a character. Tell him it's over, romance ends, life goes on...or so I would have hoped. Actually, Corso proceeded to proposition me with zero acknowledgment of the previous rejection. Um...straining the emotional involvement I had here, but I'll repeat 'no' and move on. He went on to disrupt quest conversations with jealous outbursts, horn into unavoidable on-ship class quest talks to yell at male questgivers, and I'm told that he is due to profess love and propose marriage soon. That each conversation should occur in a vacuum, with brand-new shock and hostility at every repeated (and sometimes too weakly worded) rejection, was beyond frustrating. I said no. I meant no. My full meaning was this: NO. Dragon Age: Origins taught me to trust BioWare in these plots, especially romance ones. Zev's sudden reticence, Morrigan's...well, existence. If something feels off now, I'll see a reason for it later. A payoff that I'll understand even if I don't enjoy it. So what's the reasoning here? What's the greater narrative? I never found one. The part of my brain that used to be wrapped up in the story is now feeling actively unsafe around this guy who clearly feels my boundaries don't apply to him. I hear from others that their love interests have done the same thing - behavior that woodenly, blindly ignores anything but "yes." It's not even some distasteful kind of characterization, it's just a design decision that said relentless sexual pursuit in defiance of repeated rejections is an acceptable thing that doesn't need to be fixed. It's not, and it does. I can't believe I have to explain this to a room full of adults, which is what most of these companions supposedly are: When I say "stop hitting on me," respect that. It's a gross violation of both the character's and the player's trust to just ignore it. Now I'm going to go talk to Zevran Arainai, the nymphomaniac assassin with an open contract on my head who still makes me feel physically safer than Corso Riggs does. Zev can take "no" for an answer. Would that the SWTOR crew could do the same.
  17. Belsavis is pretty heavily bugged when it comes to I haven't heard of this messing anything up after you leave the planet; seems Belsavis exists in a glitchy continuity bubble.
  18. Kira does have conversations that continue up to one that unlocks after the end of the JK story. The ONLY legacy unlock related to Kira's affection is the one you get after you have completed all her conversations. Which is, for her, after the end of the main class story.
  19. Never did bring my SW through Ilum. I thought the whole planet had the same quests for all classes, since it moves from the "Class" area of your quest log to "Ilum" as a standalone planet.
  20. Nah, there's no cutscene, no sign of the reasoning for it 'til you speak with the Minister of Intelligence after Act 2 ends. If you supported Jadus at the end of Act 1,
  21. There's a thread active to ask BW to let us, you know, stop companion romance lines once they've started, since THIS FUNCTIONALITY ISN'T IN THE GAME at present: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=440165
  22. Imperial Agent for overall awesomeness. Tough choices that really make a difference, really an excellent narrative. JK for being the saintly hero and captain of the galactic football team. SW for being pure bad*** from day 1. Smuggler for maybe wandering a bit without direction, but interacting with the funniest personalities and getting the best, fluffiest, silliest lines out there.
  23. Oh, just wait 'til you play Agent... LS rewards you for never doing the killing yourself, even when an execution or, worse, long imprisonment with guaranteed torture and no hope of escape is the alternative. Thus: Alternately, A mercy killing is never LS in this galaxy, at least not that I've seen.
  24. I can think of a number of reversible, non-permadeath solutions that my character would've accepted for the sake of mechanics: Slave collar him Sell him to the Hutts Maroon him on Tatooine Leave him in an escape pod orbiting the sixth moon of Ilum Freeze him in carbonite, work the slab into a coffee table and sell it as avant-garde art Drop him in a penal colony somewhere (my personal favorite) Court-martial him, demote him and station him in a dead-end job on Balmorra DO ANYTHING BUT SAY "COME BACK ON BOARD, THIS'LL BE OUR LITTLE SECRET"
  25. Wow, this is hard. There were some great scenes on every planet. Korriban 6 Dromund Kaas 7 Balmorra 6 Nar Shaddaa 7 Tatooine 10 (Weeeeird place.) Alderaan 10 Taris 10 (Coupled with the planetary line, a SW's Taris is just amazing) Quesh never actually counts for anything Hoth 6 Belsavis 7 (the improbable ally may bump this up to 8 depending on your tolerance for improbable allies) Voss 7, I'm iffy here but some major plot develops Corellia 10
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