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Everything posted by Bekkal

  1. So they can't hit you, but you can't leave. Exploits have sure gone downhill as time has passed.
  2. Wait til you discover Warhammer 40k and realize their technology has WORSENED over the course of 20-30,000 years or so. Weird how universes differ.
  3. The worlds are designed such that if you do not actively hunt down world PVP, you aren't going to see much of it. It's a legit design decision, but I am not a huge fan of it.
  4. Except for every stealth class in every game in history. Wait, I'm wrong. WoW rogues would 100-0 you before you could react. Ops are actually weaker than they were.
  5. Anyone who is expecting loads of end-game content at launch is nuts. I may have expected a bit more, definitely from the PvP end of the spectrum and from what I hear the difficulty (or lack thereof) of endgame PvE leaves something to be desired, but MMOs on launch aren't well-known for having a ton of endgame content. I may give this game a B- or C for endgame, but at least the grind to 50 isn't god-awful. Endgame can always be patched in.
  6. So basically all non-force-users? Sounds like PEBKAC to me.
  7. I will stop queueing Warzones immediately and indefinitely if they go cross-server. Didn't do 'em in WoW after the change and won't do 'em here. I like seeing recognizable names/faces in my enemies, thanks. Edit: Just realized this post seems like I'm arguing with you when I am in fact steadfastly agreeing with you. Didn't mean it to come across so snarky.
  8. I like when a sentinel does that channeled spinny attack thing on me and then I press Q to interrupt it and kill him.
  9. Story being important is nothing new. Everquest has one of the most rich stories you will ever find, and it has since 1999. Their focus is on making the story matter to the everyday user, and I think it is an important aspect of/draw to the game.
  10. 40k has Orks. Orks never lose (canonical fact). 40k wins in a ghastly (awesome) war of attrition.
  11. Disproportionate numbers on pvp servers across all of these games?
  12. Only if they win. Keep in mind losing now gives substantially fewer rewards. I have lost to Reps less than five times, and I have queued almost non-stop for pvp since I got the game. It isn't even that they are somehow magically all the bad players on the server, rather it is that the Empire players see each other, learn who to listen to, and can pug on a level that Reps are currently reaching only with premades. The "Huttball bootcamp" analogy is actually pretty accurate.
  13. A lot of people forget that Sith =/= "Dark side". There are many, many Dark Siders within the SW Galaxy. There are a distinct number of Sith (two, at the time of the movies), and they espouse a very specific mindset.
  14. Preventing twinking and selling of "exceptional" (term varies from MMO to MMO, but they mean significantly more powerful/special in some way) items. That's basically it.
  15. This is the inherent problem the OP is having: People don't understand that this is not how crafting works. I made something audacious like 5k+ gold on a druid alt I leveled in WoW during WotLK (not a huge amount of money at the time, but all profit on an alt is pretty nice) just from crafting. Don't think of crafting as a race to 400 skill. Think of it as a way to make money, period. Changing this mindset made me rich enough to gamble 8k/dice roll over and over with my guild in WoW between boss attempts. He is being genuine when he says you are ignorant. I was ignorant for a long, long time. Then, I made a buddy in my WoW guild and he opened my eyes - I haven't been poor in an MMO since. Two days ago I bought speeder training for a guildmate no questions asked, and I am not even good at what I do. In fact, I'm pretty bad at it. It doesn't matter. So many people don't even see the system for what it is that even I can make enough money to just not care.
  16. He should be sapping your healer or your best stunner/dotter, then opening on the squishiest person. For people who suggest that the "rogue" class is fundamentally broken, the "Open from stealth, you're <60% now" mechanic has been in MMOs for right around a decade now, and has been working fine the entire time. If you're squishy, and a stealther gets you alone, you're dead. That's it. That's how the game is played. It's similar to how if you're on a bridge, and you're against a Sorc, you're dead. That's just the nature of the beast right there.
  17. Wanting to play every quest has nothing to do with casual/hardcore. I want difficulty in my games, but I have no interest in completing every quest. I'm the kind of guy that'll grind mobs for scavenging, pvp while he quests, etc. I typically do planet main/story main and side quests if they seem neat. This also helps with subsequent playthroughs as I can experience "new" content on alts.
  18. If he's sapping you, you're either alone (in which case you're asking to die) or he's bad (in which case you should laugh as you kill him). Never trinket a sap. I don't know if our knockdown can be trinketed (i haven't seen one trink'd yet) but it's usually a bad idea to trinket any opening cc as well. If you can CC him once, you can likely kill him. Keep in mind his Vanish is on a 2 min c/d. I see a lot of you never did Arenas in WoW. These things are considered par for the course for soloing against a rogue/ops/whatever. He's going to hit you hard and fast and there isn't a ton you can do about it. Resist the urge to panic and run, turn around, and kill him.
  19. I think that, flat out, too much gear drops in MMOs nowadays. I had level 20ish pants on a level 52 druid in EQ for a while. That's roughly equivalent to my Tier 10 Shaman in WoW wearing something from Stratholme. This just doesn't happen any more. IMO gear disparity needs to increase drastically within a level with rares trumping your average drops 10-12 levels above them no problem, and epics being even better (unique effects, slots that aren't normally available at that level, etc). Do this and bring in XP loss/debt on death (but not level loss, problematic with level-restricted gear) and you just fixed your leveling economy as well. Honestly these things are easy fixes, but for some reason companies balk at adding ANY difficulty to games nowadays.
  20. Never, ever trinket a sap. Just sayin. Total noobtrap.
  21. Drives me nuts because I use those for buffs :/
  22. True story: Ops have the capacity to spec into a better ball-carrier than any Sorc.
  23. IMO you can drop repair costs when you put in XP loss on death. Death should mean something, and at least I sort of, but not really, care now. IMO costs need to be jacked up a bit. Getting to 400 all crew skills shouldnt just be a matter of "I hit these buttons while leveling". I find the system far too easy as it is. Anyone who complains about money is this game is making no sense to me.
  24. I think most of the problem here is that Bounty Hunters are the Hunters of TOR. 3 mobs? DERP DERP BETTER VOLLEY! Only, you know, TOR terms.
  25. I leveled as a pvp-specced operative and have not respecced once. If you learn basic cc and aggro juggling you can solo your way through all mission/story content, even taking down elites of similar level. In pvp, focus on healers and objectives as you level. Ninjacap on Alderaan and in Voidstar, run the ball/protect ball carriers in Huttball (as opposed to killing support, etc). While your dps isn't huge in pvp as you level, your cc is ridiculous. Keep in mind that you can reapply sleeping dart to anyone not in combat indefinitely for negligible energy cost. You can offheal at low levels with no difficulty. Once you have Lacerate, everything sort of opens up and you become much better. Once you get Hidden Strike, pvp changes forever. I rolled Agent to heal, and may never respec because I love playing him as Concealment so much. As for moddable gear, I had a full appearance moddable set in my 30s of VERY "imperial officer" looking gear. I hated the look, so I'm moving on, but it would be fairly easy to keep that look until endgame by moving mods around on your biggest visible pieces.
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