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Everything posted by GrovesK

  1. DarkDoz, Welcome to the Ebon Hawk! You are welcome to check out our guild, The Thirteenth Legion. We are a social guild of people that are mature professionals from many walks of life. We cover all aspects of the game including RP, PvE, PvP, and more. We have several Ops every week, but the big Ops happens on Fridays at 10PM server time. We have a 35 person mumble server that is used every day. We have guilds in both factions, though we are more focused on the Republic side. As for the new space PvP, we plan on having weekly events for members to group up and queue. But I'm sure people will do that every day, we have a number of people that are interested in it. The link to our site is in my sig. Best of luck in your guild search!
  2. Eruva, You might be interested in taking a look out our guild, The Thirteenth Legion. We are a primary Republic guild with an Imperial guild (Vindicta) that is only open to members of the Thirteenth. We have Ops, Flashpoint, RP, PvP, and other events that span both factions. The link to our site is in my signature and our application process is done through our website. Best of luck in your guild search!
  3. Are you looking for more of a progression raiding guild? Hardcore PvP guild? or something more casual? If you are looking for a laid back, social guild that has end game content but isn't on the cutting edge of progression feel free to check out the Thirteenth Legion (link is in my sig). If you are looking for more of a progression or hardcore PvP experience there are a number of guilds you could try (Aisthesis, Republic, Army of Light, Proper Villains, and others I'm sure I missed). FWIW, our guild has about 100 members and has existed since before launch so we aren't going anywhere Best of luck in your search!
  4. Hey Tythos, It sounds to me like you would be a great fit in our guild, The Thirteenth Legion. We are a more laid back and social guild of mostly working professionals. We cover all aspects of the game RP, PvE, PvP, etc. We are more focused on being social and having a good time than doing hardcore progression raiding or pvp, but we do have those things at end game. We have an Imperial Side guild as well. Feel free to check us out, the link is in my signature. Hope your guild search goes well and you find something that fits you!
  5. I am without words at the level of complexity to this. Many many thanks to Dulfy for all of this information. The guides are awesome.
  6. This. If I could queue for both I would be in the Solo queue a lot probably.
  7. Thirteenth Legion Thanks again for hosting and doing all of this work! You guys are awesome.
  8. Thirteenth Legion Monthly Status Report - October 2013 This was another busy month in the XIIIth. Several people finally wiped the Aratech Coral quest off their logs (take that Nightmare Pilgrim!), Torroborro's llama droid fell weekly to Republic and Imperial strike teams, and another Dread Master fell to the forces of the Legion. RP featured an Imperial power struggle, crazed Jedi, murdered Senators and the rescue of a much altered Jedi from Imperial clutches. If you haven't checked out the Library recently there are some wonderful new and updated stories. Be sure to check out the calendar and sign up for events. There are operations, PvP dailies, RP events, datacron crawls, world boss runs and flashpoint runs aplenty. Don't see what you want? Schedule it! There are always folks willing to try something new. Operations Friday Night Ops I'm happy to report that we are up to 20 people in our new semi static Ops groups (we divide into teams of 4 that rotate playing with each other so that we get some of the benefit with static Ops but still get to play with a lot of people and are able to grow the number of groups). This month we started Dread Fortress Story Mode. The first boss went fairly smoothly. We had one wipe on Nefra because we thought on story mode that the two tanks didn't have to stand on top of each other, but apparently they do. We had both tanks stand next to each other facing the boss away from the group and it was much easier. The other thing to watch out for is suicide bombers will come and try to blow up the rest of the group, just need to get out of the red circle. Then there was the Gate Captain... man that fight is tough (made extra hard by some bugs with the DOTs). It is essentially an adds fight. The boss only has like 500K HP. Every 20% of health or so a new wave of adds will start and the Boss will disappear. There are 9 waves of adds. We got to wave 6 and couldn't get past that. Not sure if it is gear or something mechanical that we need to work on but we had a lot of trouble. Anyway after wiping on that fight a dozen or so times we called it quits, but not before our tank kited the last add around in a circle while we waited for the cool down on battle rez to be up. I decided that would be a good time to chicken dance. Of course by the time we rezzed and got everyone back up the boss enraged and killed us all. Good times. The next time we took on the Dread Fortress we were decently successful. We wiped once on those first mobs because they push you into the lava (plus there are two groups and I thought it was just one so I aggroed them all). We then started doing Draxus. We steadily kept improving. The key to me is to have two of the ranged dps burn the boss down when he is up so that he goes away. You have to put one of the tanks on the boss when he is up and face him away from the group. The dismantlers actually aren't that bad to heal through, so if there are corruptors and such I would have the DPS deal with them first. When the boss comes down for wave 9 just have one of the tanks try to gather up as much of the adds aggro as possible while everyone burns the boss down. You will probably wipe from the adds after the boss dies, but you still win. So after a half dozen or so wipes, we did manage to beat Draxus. The Mecha Rancor wasn't really too hard, just have some adds to deal with and have to try to kite him under a magnet when he tries to hit you with a big pipe. We got him down on the first try. Corruptor Zero has a lot of moves and two modes, ranged and melee. Tank needs to watch out for the anti grav circle when he is ranged modes. Off tank and dps need to deal with the mirad of adds that spawn, but this is not nearly as hard as Draxus. We got him down on the second attempt. We gave a couple of goes at Brontes, but we just couldn't get past the transition between phase 1 and phase 2. Basically, Reaches of Brontes come up under random group members and form a beam between two of them. If you are in the beam you die. We just kept losing 1 or 2 people to them every time. It was late so we stopped after 3 tries at it. The next time we attempted Dread Fortress we had a much easier time with Draxus this time, it probably only took us 3 or 4 tries to get him down. We had no issues clearing the Cyborg Rancor and Corrupter Zero. We got to Brontes with a good amount of time left to work on the fight. Each time we managed to get a little further into the fight until we eventually got to the burn phase and got her down. http://i.imgur.com/H2W2H6K.jpg Toborro's Courtyard We managed to defeat the Golden Fury almost every week this month doing a mix of 8 and 16 man story modes. Not too many people were lasered to death. It is a fun short event that is sort of like doing an Ops boss. Plus it drops good loot and you get good comms for it. We also have started doing short EV Hardmode runs or World Bosses immediately following Toborro's for some extra comms and fun since we have the group together already. SIS Report on Vindicta Activities Our spies have brought us a report of several Vindicta activities that happened during the month of August that we should keep an eye on. Many Bothans died to bring us this information. The Imps had a slow month in terms of gathering Isotope-5 from Golden Fury. I think we may have scarred them off a couple of times. Smaller Imp teams were spotted in several places however, including Mandolorian Raiders, CZ-198, Ilum, and Aithiss. A larger group was spotted on Asation and was seen taking down the Terror from Beyond. We have it on good authority that a number of Imperials located a special datacron hidden on their fleet and used it to increase all of their skills. A posse of 8 money grubbing, fire-throwing, missile-launching bounty hunter types, led by the inimitable Rancor, invaded Karagga's Palace on Hutta and toppled the "Unyielding" Hutt. They even stole his hat as a trophy! http://mistress.mistrust.com/junk/rp/tor/swtor%202013-10-26%2021-35-19-32.jpg Guild Meeting A Daring Rescue The Thirteenth Legion meets on the Gav Daragon for their monthly missions update. The meeting is interrupted by Major Kaam, who shares that he has just received intelligence that the unlucky SIS Agent Beh'tor is being held by Sith forces on Tatooine. The Thirteenth Legion assembles a rescue force, directed by Major Kaam, and heads to the rendezvous point provided by the mysterious Agent Iix. There they find the Sith Lord Volt'afein in conversation with some Bounty Hunter thugs, arranging for a "shipment" to be moved to Dromund Kaas. The Thirteenth Legion breaks into the negotiations, demanding the return of Agent Beh'tor. Lord Volt'afein demands that the Bounty Hunters stand with him and fight off the overwhelming Republic force, but a few insightful Legionnaires point out that the Bounty Hunters haven't been paid to die (or paid at all). Although Lord Volt'afein offers to triple the price, the Bounty Hunters don't come to his aid. The Thirteenth Legion quickly dispatches Volt'afein, leaving the Bounty Hunters to ultimately agree to let the Legion go in peace (provided they cover the Hunters' fees, which they honorably agree to do). The truce is shaky and lasts as long as it takes for the Legion to recover an almost-unrecognizable Beh'tor. Once the Legion is assembled in one room, they are betrayed by the Hunters, who strike from behind! Nevertheless, the Thirteenth Legion is victorious both in fighting the thugs off and returning Beh'tor to safety. No word as to what became of Volt'afein or the defeated Hunters, but this was squarely a Thirteenth Legion victory. http://i.imgur.com/b7n8fgV.jpg Other RP Happenings: October 1st RP Night - What was meant to be a normal briefing on the events of Balmorra and the investigation on Quesh took a surprising turn as the Thirteenth Legion confronted Zaahir about his strange behavior and missing time. Led by the misgivings of the Jedi assembled, a friendly conversation rapidly turned into a stand-off with the belligerent Master, ended only when Captain Feyad and Emin-joh took Zaahir out. Jares volunteered to take the Zabrak back to Tython for study. Meanwhile, Maon revealed he holds a powerful artifact that has Dark Side influences but proved to be very useful in the altercation. October 8th RP Night - Thirteenth Legion Meet and Greet at the Club Vertica Casino on Nar Shaddaa. The Thirteenth got to relax and unwind and meet new folks. October 15th RP Night - The Thirteenth Legion meets a potential new ally in the Senate, Senator Pamari, who tells them that there is a contingent of Senators lead by Barc and Parvil who are looking to take down or diminish the Thirteenth Legion. She volunteers to look into it. Update on Agent Beh'tor's condition in medical. October 22nd RP Night - The "Agent" sharing brainspace with Zaahir volunteers all the information he has on Darth Noor, Vindicta and the death of Senator Tobarra as long as they keep him alive. The Thirteenth Legion readily agrees (much to the Agent's surprise), and Master Corenus takes over the investigation. It is revealed also that Zaahir has a bounty on his head. October 29 RP Night - The Thirteenth Legion heads to Coruscant to check up on Agent Beh'tor, who remembers very little before her ordeal on Belsavis and Tatooine. They also chat with Captain Lianna, who reveals some troubling facts about Senator Pamari and cautions the Legion not to trust the Senator. http://i1303.photobucket.com/albums/ag141/alehman1030/RPNight102913-Behtor_zpsd3be4eeb.jpg Keep up with all the RP happenings! With Story So Far post PvP After Action Report - The Legion fielded a small strike team into the fray this week, and we engaged in a lengthy and brutal campaign of aggression against Imperial holdings. Having received reports of the Alderaan War of Succession swaying in favor of House Thul, the squad deployed to the contested regions. Once planetside, we successfully neutralized Imperial support of Thul's operations in two separate theatres. In an attempt to draw Imperial attention elsewhere, the strike team was then deployed to Denova where we seized fortifications on the Novarre Coast. We struck with sufficient savagery that Imperial High command shifted additional troops to our area after the first offensive. Having taken and held the coast against one force, we beat a strategic retreat from the second wave of Imperial aggressors. Once the Empire committed its forces to Denova, we swiftly brought our team to bear on a high value target: an Orbital Station in Hutt space. With the commitment on Denova, the Empire was not agile enough to repel this unexpected strike, and our squad ravaged our way through the station to the datacore. We left no Imperials alive to report back to High Command, and scuttled the station in an attempt to obfuscate our true objective from Imperial Intelligence. With the sliced files from the station's datacore, we learned of two upcoming Imperial offensives. The most imminent of these was an assault on the Voidstar capital ship, and we rushed to the defense of the vessel. Unfortunately, our aid was not fast enough to prevent the Empire from taking control of the ship, and we retreated with urgency to the secondary target. With fully decrypted mission parameters reaching us en route, we found ourselves touching down on the Gree world of Asation to race the Imperials to the recently unearthed Hypergates. We arrived just in time, with the drop ship depositing us in the heart of the hot zone. The Legion's strike team joined Republic combatants The Core to hammer the Imperial Reclamation forces that had been dispatched to the Gates, and we seized control of the alien tech for the Republic. The Empire deployed a number of rapid response squads from nearby systems to retake the target, but our troops rallied valiantly in defense of the site. We destroyed three subsequent Imperial tactical teams, giving the main Republic forces enough time to deploy fortifications and solidify our position against anything short of a full scale Imperial invasion. Finally, the squad set our weapons in heat-vent mode and traveled back to Huttspace for a match of Huttball against the bloodied Imperials. With high momentum from our long string of victories against the Empire, we crushed the Imperial Rotworms and sent them bruised and dejected back to the bullpen. A great day for the Legion, and a great day for the Republic!
  9. Just in case you are still looking, we would love to have you check out the Thirteenth Legion. We are a fairly large social guild that covers all aspects of the game including RP, PvE, PvP, and more. Our membership consists of mostly 30+ professionals so we have a laid back mature environment. We are still very active with about 20 members in game most evenings. The link to our site is in my sig. Best of luck in your guild search!
  10. You are welcome to check out the Thirteenth Legion. We are a social guild that covers all aspects of the game from leveling to RP, flashpoints, Ops, PvP, and more! The link to our site is in my sig. Best of luck in your guild search!
  11. Ravrohan, Welcome back to the game. You are welcome to check out the Thirteenth Legion, we are a decent size guild that doesn't really focus on one aspect of the game, but we do have a good amount of RP and PvE (we have weekly at least RP nights, flashpoints happen a lot, and we have Ops as well if you are interested in that). The link for the site is in my sig. Best of luck in your guild search!
  12. I think we can see the reason why we need the new chat channels just in this thread. Some of them are "not for public knowledge" and they are obviously fragmented. Having a more common one that cuts out most of the clutter of general chat would be good I think.
  13. Agree that the reusable does not compare to the warzone medpac. However, I'm still inclined to use the reusable in non-ranked matches just so I don't have to use my warzone medpacs and I can save them for ranked. Yeah it isn't as good, but it is still reusable so I find it useful.
  14. Every night of the week is going to have some issues for someone. I recommend that starting in November we have the meeting on the 1st of every month. That way the day of the week changes every month and eventually everyone will get a chance to attend. Obviously, that is hardest on the meeting organizers because some months that may conflict with their own Raids and such. Other guilds could host though.
  15. Sounds like you would fit right in with us in the Thirteenth Legion! We are a social guild that covers all aspects of the game but not really in a hardcore manner. We are primary Republic but we do have an Imperial guild with a number of activities on that side as well. The link to our site is in my sig, so please feel free to check us out!
  16. Hi Haggardbr. Well if you are looking to RP I would recommend that you join a guild, I don't think that the RP just happening around is very satisfying (that's just my opinion of course). There are a number of really good RP guilds on the server including my own (feel free to check us out if you like, the link is in my sig). There is also the Ideal Guild Quiz to help you in your search, though some of those may be inactive guilds. Best of luck in your search!
  17. If I might recommend a night, it seems like Monday Night would be a great night for ranked PvP. Most everyone will be done with their unranked weeklies by that point and waiting for the week to roll over so it makes sense to me to have it that night.
  18. Thanks to Republic for hosting this. Sorry I couldn't stay longer, but Dread Master Brontes was growing impatient Looking forward to the next one. AmonRe
  19. Our GM will not be able to attend and we have our Ops at 10PM on Friday and I lead it so I can't exactly skip it. However, I will try to attend for a little while anyway.
  20. I'm not the GM of the 13th but I am the XO, if it starts after 9PM I would probably be able to attend. I'll forward the time to my GM and see if she can make it but she is often on post 11PM these days.
  21. Bioware specifically said that they will remove threads that talk about this relic until it is fixed. Probably should edit your post to remove the name of it. "Due to the unintended effects of this issue, we will continue to remove posts about the relic in question. Thank you all for your understanding."
  22. Hey Reece, welcome back to the game. You are welcome to check out our guild the Thirteenth Legion. We do our application process through our website rather than in game (link is in my sig). We cover all aspects of the game in a laid back and social environment including Ops, PvP, RP, and others. If we aren't the guild for you, I recommend checking out The Ideal Guild Quiz. Admittedly, some of the guilds on there may be inactive, though I'm guessing if you can find them in this recent Guild Contact List they are probably still around. Best of luck on your search!
  23. Thirteenth Legion Monthly Status Report - September 2013 The Thirteenth Legion is still accepting applications for new recruits and we are still active and growing. There are plenty of members on every night that you can group with for any sort of activity or if you just want someone to chat with while you are playing the game we are active in both text chat and our mumble server. Towards the end of this month we started putting together semi Static Ops groups for Friday Night Ops. Essentially we have created static groups of four (1 tank, 2 DPS, 1 healer) that are always together and then rotate which groups go each week. Doing this allows us to keep a measure of our inclusiveness while allowing us to gain some of the benefits of static groups (playing with the same people each week, not having to have people learn mechanics every week). The best part is we can continue to expand the number of groups if there is interest! We also continue to have open sign up Operations where anyone can sign up for a one time Operation. Those are filled by role and sign up time. Friday Night Ops This month we managed to scrounge a full 16 man Operation for 16 man story mode S&V. We didn't have trouble with the first 3 bosses downing them on the first try. We actually had some trouble with the city boss because the blue team is vicious to melee characters (they are uninterruptable but you can interrupt their shock attack with stuns and put ranged dps on the boxes so they don't get hit as much. We then cleared the droids in the droid puzzle on the first try but the boss ended up overwhelming us in part because of internet connection issues. At that point it was late so we called it. Still a good attempt at 16 man S&V. Other weeks for Friday Nights Ops: We tackled 8 man hard mode Karagga's Palace without too much difficulty We took a group of 8 guild members through S&V and cleared it, for some of us it was the first time all the way through the operation. We didn't run into too much trouble, wiped once on the Merc Captains and a couple times on the final boss. After the operation, we got our chicken dance on. http://i.imgur.com/gnOyp7S.jpg Toborro's Courtyard We managed to defeat the Golden Fury almost every week this month doing a mix of 8 and 16 man story modes. Not too many people were lasered to death. It is a fun short event that is sort of like doing an Ops boss. Plus it drops good loot and you get good comms for it. SIS Report on Vindicta Activities Our spies have brought us a report of several Vindicta (our Imperial Alt guild) activities that happened during the month of August that we should keep an eye on. Many Bothans died to bring us this information. The Imperials struggled their way through the Czerka Core Meltdown on hard mode. However, they did end up defeating the Vigilant. Imperial farming of Isotope-5 from Golden Fury continues unabated. We may need to intercede and stop their operations. Other Imperial activity was reported on Hammer Station, Cademimu, Black Talon, Aithiss, Czerka Corporate Labs, and the Boarding Party. Larger groups were also spotted at the Eternity Vault on Belsavis, Karagga's Palace on Hutta, and at Ascension fighting the Dread Master's and their Terror from Beyond. World Bosses We took out Snowblind and Gargath on Hoth, then destroyed the Primal Destroyer on Belsavise. Afterwards several of us decided to head on to Makeb and take a chance at grinding Golden Fury on SM. All bosses were promptly crushed. http://i.imgur.com/D63TGGG.jpg Guild RP Gav Daragon bridge cantina- Some 17-19 members showed to reveal what they have learned in their investigations. Discussion was held delving into what the shipments could contain and the theory was proposed that they are slaves either to work the mines or that have knowledge of building or maintaining weaponry in some way as they originate from Balmorra. http://i1303.photobucket.com/albums/ag141/alehman1030/GuildMeeting91313_zps39b971d6.jpg Other RP Happenings: A group of Thirteenth Legion met on the Quesh orbital station to discuss the ongoing investigation. Agent Beh'tor confronted Emin-joh and accused him of interfering with a SIS investigation. Bil and Mariatu offered to contact their underworld contacts to find out more information about the shipments coming into Quesh on Senator Barc's orders. http://i1303.photobucket.com/albums/ag141/alehman1030/RPNight9313_zps6239149f.jpg A handful of members met in the Anchorhead homestead of Bokuden to bring him up to speed on the investigations into Senator Barc's shipments, the assassination in the Senate and some discussion on Darth Kartanus' dark seeds. The most revealing point of the night came from the scoundrel Bil relaying information that Senator Barc's shipments originated on Balmorra destined for a war camp of some sort on Quesh. http://i1303.photobucket.com/albums/ag141/alehman1030/RPNight91013_zps377b1c3e.jpg A small contingent of Thirteenth Legion answered a distress call that a giant Warbot had been spotted on its way towards the Republic base. They took it out without any difficulty but didn't find any clues as to who sent it. A small group of Thirteenth Legion meet on Balmorra to investigate the rumors that the Senator's shipments originated from this planet. Instead they receive a mayday signal from a young Force Sensitive refugee named Vylora. Rescuing her from the wreckage of a Republic transporter, they discover she was part of a larger group on their way to Quesh to be put to work in a mine. When Sith attacked the convoy, she was the only survivor. The Thirteenth Legion helps her to safety and make the connection that Senator Barc's 'shipments' have actually been part of a clandestine slave trade. Keep up with all the RP happenings! With Story So Far post Guild PvP Events On our first attempt at a PvP event for the month, we got together a group of 3 for some wild PVP. First we went out to the Alderaanian battlefields where we fought a vicious and highly mobile battle to eventually drive the Imperials back. Next we played a couple matches of Huttball, wherein we were defeated once and triumphed once. Lastly, we traveled to the Ancient Gree Hypergates. Once the battle had been well engaged, a daring strike by the Legion placed both gates under Republic control, and ultimately led to our victory. On our second attempt of the month, we gathered a group of 4 together to charge once more into the breach. This week we saw some fierce resistance from the Empire, namely in the form of Pax Imperius. We traveled to the Ancient Hypergates where the Imps managed to wrest control away from us, then we responded to a distress call from the Voidstar and held off Imperial aggressors there. Following that we took a break from the war to play some Huttball, where we found that Pax Imperius was joined by Atrocity. We were fairly handily beaten by them this time. Lastly, Pax Imperius and Atrocity mounted a new offensive on the Voidstar, and this time their combined forces were up to the challenge. The Hunter-Killer Legion The intervention of shadowy conglomerate known only as "the Customer Service Droids" led to the timely reactivation of several HK units. Another two Legionnaires had been working in parallel on this salvage operation, and this week we called in some Imperial debts to obtain some components located on Drommund Kaas. We then traveled to the False Emperor Malgus' space station and the Maelstrom Prison to gather the last of the components, and lastly back to Section X to boot up some shiny new combat support units.
  24. Hi Zevrin, welcome back to the game! I would recommend that you check out the Ideal Guild Quiz. Or you can feel free to check out our guild, the Thirteenth Legion. We try to accommodate all play styles in a fun and friendly social environment including PvE and RP. The link to our site is in my sig. Best of luck in your guild search!
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