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Everything posted by GrovesK

  1. I was in that match and flying my bomber. You got me a time or two. The main problem was that our team was just not that good. Not the strategy we were employing (such as it were, it wasn't a planned strategy just everyone play what ever they want). One gunship pilot (that I will not name due to no callouts) just sits there and fires until you kill him and never runs (I know this because I fought against him in a later match). Ah well, kudos to you that is certainly the most kills/damage I've personally seen in a match regardless of who you were up against. -Mystogyn
  2. We have a monthly website activity requirement. Our members our required to log into our website and at least lurk once per month to maintain membership. We have a very active website (80 unique hits so far today). In game we average about 20-30 people in game per night depending on what is going on. Prime time is generally 9-11PM East.
  3. Yes that is intentional. We make our site inaccessible to non registered users to protect the privacy of our members. We have a recruit process as part of our application process that gives prospective members a chance to get to know the guild without making a full commitment (also lets us get to know you). We also have an associate member status if you just want to have access to our site and see what we are about. I feel like our monthly status report gives you an idea of how active we are and what we are about. We have 90+ active members (that have logged on in the last month) to give you an idea of our guild's size. If you have any other questions about our guild I would be happy to try to answer them.
  4. Best wishes to you in the future Ralen. Hopefully our paths will cross again.
  5. 1. Population is fairly well balanced. There might be a slight number of more players on the Imperial faction but it isn't really noticeable. I play on both sides it seems pretty even to me anyway. 2. RP scene is not great if you aren't in a guild. Mostly cantina RP or sometimes stuff on the starter planets but that is really hit or miss. If you want good RP, find a guild (unless cantina RP is your thing). 3. PvP scene is mostly dominated by the Imperials for ground PvP and by the Republic in GSF. Though recently I've noticed both have gotten much more competitive which is great.
  6. Thirteenth Legion Monthly Status Report - February 2014 Message from the Commander This past month marked some major changes with the Thirteenth Legion. Sami stepped down as guild leader due to circumstances in her real life and I agreed to step in and try to take her place. Kjara agreed to step into the Executive Officer role and several other officers have been asked to take on new roles. A number of long time members left the guild due to burnout on the game or real life intervening. I will continue to strive for a guild culture that is in line with the core principles stated in our three rules (be nice, be here, be active) and code of conduct. I want all of our members to be able to play the game in a way that they enjoy and strive to provide opportunities for them to do so. We have been extremely fortunate that even though we have lost some folks over time we have continued to replace them with high quality people. We still have over 90 members and we will continue to add folks that fit into our guild culture and are looking for a mature and social group of people that love to help each other out. If you want to get a sense of what kind of guild you might be joining, We do Naked Esseles runs that sometimes end up like this: http://files.enjin.com.s3.amazonaws.com/244728/module_gallery/original/1706600.jpg We often leap to our deaths intentionally or unintentionally: http://i.imgur.com/LJHyGD2.jpg We stop to strike a pose: http://files.enjin.com.s3.amazonaws.com/244728/module_gallery/original/1702444.jpg http://i.imgur.com/QOU1JV4.jpg Or just get down with the beat: http://i.imgur.com/LWTN8Tn.jpg http://files.enjin.com.s3.amazonaws.com/244728/module_gallery/original/1688286.jpg Yeah, I love this guild. -AmonRe Operations Friday Night Ops We have a somewhat different approach to Operations on Fridays (and now Imp side on Thursdays). Instead of static 8 man groups we do static groups of 4 and we rotate which groups of 4 are together. We feel that this gives us some of the benefits of a static group but allows us to play with a wider group of people. We currently have 6 full groups of 4 but we are always looking for new regular members for our Ops groups. Please see this thread for more information if you are interested. Some of the Operations we did this month include: Dread Fortess 8 man SM Dread Fortress 8 man HM (Guild First on Nefra) Scum and Villainy 8 man SM Terror from Beyond 16 man SM Terror from Beyond 8 man HM Terror from Beyond 8 man SM Dread Palace 8 man SM http://i.imgur.com/qXFAkTO.jpg Classic Ops Classic Ops in February were great!! We managed to do Karagga's Palace and Eternity Vault both on hard mode. The group has done really great and I hope we can keep the interest up to keep it going. Toborro's Courtyard Almost every week this month we had 16 people for both Story Mode and Hard Mode Toborro's on Wednesdays. We have 16 man HM on farm now and can easily complete it in one try even with some newer folks. However, towards the end of the month we started to be short on healers, so get your healers leveled because there are often spots available for healers . As a result of the healing shortage we had to drop down to 8 man HM one week. I have to say that it is way harder on 8 man than 16 because there are less DPS in the group in 8 man proportionally. We did manage to defeat 8 man HM but we had to burn through the Enrage at the end. SIS Report on Vindicta Activities Our spies have intercepted communications about a number of Vindicta activities that happened during the month of February that we should keep an eye on. Many Bothans died to bring us this information. Some of the things that we did on the Imp side this month include: Flashpoints - Athiss, Kuat Drive Yards, Czerka Core Meltdown Toborro's Weekly Imperial Ops - Eternity Vault, Terror from Beyond, Scum and Villainy Guild Meeting This month we held our guild's first guild darts contest! We will assembled at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant on the second floor. One of our officers set the standard and the mark to match by leaping to their death then everyone else had to try to get as close as possible to that officer. Many great prizes were handed out including character slots, speeders, augments, augment kits, and more! It was a ton of fun leaping to our deaths on purpose (something we do both intentionally and not intentionally all the time ). Here is a picture of everyone that showed up (before mass suicide): http://i.imgur.com/CbfiIew.jpg And post carnage (closest to star wins): http://i.imgur.com/RcbSuqt.jpg RP Happenings: This month we have been concentrating on two story threads running parallel. The legion assembled for investigations into the Rakghoul attack on Alderaan where it was learned that yet another seed attack had indeed taken place at the behest of Darth Kartanus as information and clues gathered seemed to point that way. The Rakghoul attack at this time seems to have been a diversion of sorts meant to cover said attack. The legion followed a trail to Nar Shadaa which was indicated by investigations as a stopping point between Taris and Alderaan for the transport carrying a Tarisian strain of Rakghouls. Led by Jedi knight Minu at the behest of Bokuden Laran, several members of the legion met on Corellia with a Master/ Darth Yudo unsure of just which persuasion he is. When they arrived they found him under attack by a Lord Rhakasha who quickly ran fleeing the scene. Yudo appeared unharmed yet haunted by an entity he called Sraj. He gave background for how this being came to be, how she is preparing to threaten the galaxy and even remarked on how he ended up being associated with the Sith. Rhakasha now appearing under her control in some way then serenaded the assembled legionnaires with poetry of sorts from afar. A song he remarked that Sraj sang to him and that he craved to be close to. Minu and her comrades asked questions and got some answers as to details of what was going on concerning the blockades of the mid rim worlds Jurin and Cera. Yudo was asked to meet Bokuden at a later time. Galactic Starfighter! 2/4 - We had 6 or 7 people so we split into two teams. The new bombers came out so that was interesting to try out, plus all the new pilots because GSF is now available to free to play people. I can't remember the exact results of the matches though I think we won most of not all of them. I believe a good time was had by all which is what is important. 2/11 - We had 6 people come out for star fighter and we split into teams of 3. Unfortunately, the teams were paired against each other twice! Fortunately, my group won both against Damidez's . We did get to play twice all together but the first time we ran into a squad of Imperial Aces and we couldn't beat them. The second time we crushed the Imp squad. Overall everyone got their weekly done and had a good time so it was a successful night. 2/18 - We had 8 pilots come out to take to the skies and fight back the Imperials. Unfortunately, we didn't get to fight imperials the whole time. In fact we ended up in 2 matches where our own groups squared off against each other. Both were hotly contested and came down to the wire but Damidez's team prevailed this week. Finally we did end up getting into two matches where everyone was on the same side and we easily defeated the Imperials. It was a great turnout and I had a lot of fun. 2/25 - We had 8 people come out for some Star Fighter action again. We split into two teams and took to the skies. My team went probably 3-2 on the night. We lost our first domination match in a pub vs pub match and then we lost another domination match at the end. All of our matches against the Imperials were victories. I believe that Damidez's team had similar results. Unfortunately, we didn't get to play together as a group of 8 this time. We had some newer folks come out also and that was great to see. Datacrons Jedi Loremaster Sunratak and friends took to searching the Galaxy for datacrons again this month. The planets of Tatooine and Alderaan were scoured. Datacrons were obtained and scrutinized, and new technology in the form of Magnetic Grappling Guns were obtained. They should come in very handy in the future. Not to be outdone by the Republic dogs, Vindicta sent it's own Darkside Loremaster, Lord Ka'as, out into the wilds with a band of the Empire's finest. So far the planets of Korriban, Nal Hutta, Dromund Kaas, and Balmorra have been forced to cough up their secrets! Republic Flashpoint Night Regardless of any Super Bowl events, we were able to round up a group of 4 for a flash point. Hammer Stations came up. This was a bit challenging, for it was the first time our tank and healer attempted it. We wiped a few times on the first boss, twice on the bonus boss, and twice on the last boss. In the end, we all worked together and helped each other learn, get through it. Throughout the rest of the month we ran a couple groups every Sunday. Usually one sub 55 group running Kuat Drive Yards and one level 55 group that queues for a random HM. PvP 2/24 - Republic PVP Dailies - We gathered a mixed group of four to do so PVP today. Of the three matches we got, two of them resulted in our unfortunate defeat while one was a resounding victory in the Voidstar.
  7. I think it is just coincidence because they play a lot. Irialle is in my guild and Large is not, which is how I know.
  8. Ouch, unfortunately I think you are screwed. You can only hope that your members try to contact you in game to be re-added. My guild keeps an external google spreadsheet that lists all of our members and character names to prevent things like that. I would suggest that for the future you do that and/or an external website where you can keep track of your members. Good luck!
  9. Yeah, that would be cool but I don't see how that is feasible with the way GSF works. With ground PvP you can always just have duels or go to Outlaws Den or something and set it up. GSF doesn't have any equivalent thing like that.
  10. FYI, Irialle and Large are not in the same guild.
  11. I definitely consider you an Ace when I see you on the other side Siddain. I'll try to add a few I think are missing: Pubside: I feel the list is missing Irialle but I'm a bit biased because he is a guildie and I fly with him all the time . Jon-ik, Brilo (haven't seen him in a while but he was really good), Jenette, Osidix Imperial: Knickers (is he still around?), Xeric, Liara, Vicious Drake, Friv, Singerro There are probably more, I just poured through the Shoutouts and picked out the names I know and have flown with or against. -Mystogyn
  12. Well, we (The Thirteenth Legion) don't need any technical goodies but we won't ask you to do any officer duties if you don't want to. We are a social guild of mature players (most are working professionals over the age of 30). We are primarily Republic but we do have an Imperial presence as well. If you would like to check us out you are welcome to do so, the link to our site is in my sig. Best of luck on your guild search!
  13. 26 would be a bit on the low side, but you wouldn't be the youngest by any means. Feel free to fill out an application and try our recruit process and we can see how the fit is .
  14. I think our guild the Thirteenth Legion would be a pretty good fit for those criteria. We have 90+ members currently with a 125 member cap and our prime time is 2100-0100ish East. We have flashpoint events for all levels, various Operations groups with a variety of experience levels, a number of our guild members form static leveling groups which you are welcome to try and start. We have some PvP experience and GSF but we don't really have a focus on one aspect of the game We have weekly RP events and some people have static RP leveling groups, but our in game guild and voice chat are both OOC No lore knowledge is required We have guidlines against Epeening for all aspects of the game We do have an Imperial Alt guild but we are primarily Republic If that sounds like something that interests you feel free to check us out. The link is in my sig. Best of luck on your guild search!
  15. Our guild (The Thirteenth Legion) doesn't focus on GSF (we don't focus on anything) but we have quite a few pilots and some serious Aces (cough Irialle cough), we had 8 people queueing up for our weekly event and we have people that queue everyday including myself. Anyway this is a great thread, I've really enjoyed reading it. I'll just echo what Highjinks and Shayd said about Ebon Hawk. It is a really great server for GSF (and just in general). In some ways it is too bad you can't see guild tags because I wouldn't mind seeing who is in what guild. In other ways maybe it is for the best. -Mystogyn
  16. Well I'm not sure we are small enough for you (~90 members with a 125 member cap) but we do fit all of your other criteria. Feel free to check us out. The link is in my sig. Best of luck on your guild search!
  17. Understandable. Best of luck to you.
  18. If you are still looking for a guild, you might check out The Thirteenth Legion. The link is in my signature. We cover all aspects of the game including RP. Best of luck in your guild search!
  19. You might check out our guild, The Thirteenth Legion (the link to our site is in my sig). We are a social guild that offers opportunities to play all aspects of the game including PvE, PvP, RP, GSF, and more. Best of luck to you in your guild search!
  20. Grats Highjinks! I did a similar thing though not to that extent on my GSF character leveling mostly through space and some ground PvP. I also did class missions to pick up the companions though. Just hit 55 a couple days ago on him. -Mystogyn
  21. KBN, that is awful and I hope those people that force flagged and griefed people so that they couldn't even leave get perma banned. I thought that they had it fixed so that you couldn't flag yourself with AoEs, but I guess not. That is a shame. We play on a PvE server because we only want to engage in PvP at a time of our own choosing either by flagging or entering a warzone, it is sad that some people can force it on others.
  22. Thirteenth Legion Monthly Status Report - January 2014 Message from the Commander The XIIIth is closing in on the 3 year anniversary if its pre-launch founding and we have a lot to be proud of. We have 95 active members with several others on LOA and due to return soon. We have continued to have a steady stream of wonderful new recruits and members. Our events calendar was so full it became a bit difficult to tuck new events into it, which is about the best problem possible. Our Friday Ops night has grown to a staggering 7 4-man groups with multiple alternative ops groups running everything from beginning content to Hard Mode content on both Republic and Imperial sides. During the rhakgoul event we took down Eyeless and Shellshock repeatedly and almost took down Eyeless on Hard Mode several times. We'll get him next time. Toborros courtyard runs have also been bursting at the seams and we are now regularly taking him down in Hard Mode and in Story Mode every week. We are making slow, steady progress and including everyone who wants to join, which is probably what I am most proud of us for. -Sami Operations Friday Night Ops We continue to run 3 full Ops groups every Friday which is great. A number of people new to Ops got a lot of great experience this month and our more veteran Ops players made good progress. We always seem to have enough members willing to step up and fill in if we have absences which is extremely helpful. We are always looking for new regular members for our Ops groups. Please see this thread for more information if you are interested. Some of the Operations we were working on this month include: 16 man Terror From Beyond Story Mode and Hard Mode 8 man Terror from Beyond Story Mode and Hard Mode 8 man Dread Palace Story Mode 8 man Scum and Villainy Story Mode 8 man Dread Fortress Story Mode 8 man Explosive Conflict Hard Mode (for the Nightscythe) Here is a shot of us sitting on Raptus's throne after the Dread Council fight: http://i.imgur.com/QOU1JV4.jpg Other Ops The Glowsticks and Blasters Ops team started working on Dread Palace in January. Our first attempt saw the downing of the first four bosses as we learned the operation. We scouted out the final boss fight, but no attempt was made due to the late hour. On our second run, the first 4 bosses were cleared in about an hour and fifteen minutes, but the Council sent us packing after a few attempts. The third run saw total completion of the Dread Palace operation in one hour and twenty minutes with all bosses cleared in one shot! Classic Ops - We had a great first run of Classic Ops toward the end of January. We successfully ran 16 man Story Mode Eternity Vault. There were several newer guild members, those new to Ops and alts involved. We will continue to run the event as a gearing and training event every other week on Tuesday nights. Toborro's Courtyard We have had a huge turnout for Toborro's this month which is great to see. We have Toborro story mode on farm mostly doing 16 man modes every week on Wednesdays and then another time on Sundays. This month we defeated Toborro's 16 man HM for the first time as a guild. We also took on The Eyeless instead of Golden Fury for the week of the Rakghoul event. We managed to defeat the Eyeless in 16 man story mode but we came up short in hard mode (got him down to about 12% or so before wiping). http://files.enjin.com.s3.amazonaws.com/244728/module_gallery/original/1653438.jpg Toborro's Sunday Sacking continued to run weekly throughout the month of January. A big thank you to CleveDawgPound for organizing it one of the weeks Windemere was away. We are averaging about 30 minutes to run the event when enough people show up on time, so if you want to acquire some elite and ultimate comms quickly on one of your characters, consider coming out to join us. It's quick, and fun! SIS Report on Vindicta Activities Our spies have brought us a report of several Vindicta activities that happened during the month of January that we should keep an eye on. Many Bothans died to bring us this information. In the first of several leadership trials, several small Vindicta strike teams were sent to Balmorra, Nar Shaddaa and Belsavis at the behest of Darth Avidior. The teams, led by Darth Noor, Darth Kartanus, and Lord Mazikim, took out several high-value targets while the Wrath evaluated their apparent effectiveness. We have intecepted an apparent Vindicta propoganda photo http://files.enjin.com.s3.amazonaws.com/244728/module_gallery/original/1647791.jpg Having caught wind of the Legion's salvage efforts aboard the Fatality, members of Vindicta sneaked aboard the fallen vessel and absconded with two inactive Hunter Killers droids. They traveled across the galaxy in search of replacement parts, and nearly completed the needed repairs. Two members of Vindicta completed recovering their droid components and managed to sneak back onto the Fatality to restore two fully functional Hunter Killers to service. Having heard about the clandestine salvage operation, a third member of Vindicta began gathering components as well. The Imperials made their own attempt to defeat the hard mode version of Golden Fury but fortunately they were repelled. However they still managed to defeat the metal llama on story mode and acquire some Isotope-5. A Vindicta hit squad was seen in the Rakghoul tunnels on Alderaan. They defeated the Eyeless and then were spotted on the surface fighting Shellshock. They were driven back by Shellshock once but ultimately subdued the beast. Small Imperial teams were seen in several locations including Hammer Station, Cademimu, Aithiss Guild Meeting Darth Avidior called a brief meeting to discuss the hunting trial set for the following week. Unfortunately, the only candidate who could attend was Darth Kartanus, who attempted to use the absence of the others as a justification to give him leadership of Vindicta with no further deliberations. The bickering between Kartanus, Volta'fein and Avidior clearly did not impress the other members of Vindicta in attendance, particularly since it dragged out what should have been a relatively short gathering. Other RP Happenings: 1/14 - Weekly RP - Unsanctioned Strike For the last month The Imps have adopted a new tactic of sending small assault units into the trade lanes, stretching all the way to Wild Space. It was a tactic that proved a little too successful for those whose very survival were directly tied not to planets, but those very same trade lanes. When enough credits had been lost a meeting, of sorts, was called on Ord Mantel to ... address ... the situation. Legitimate or not, interested or not ... the loss of credits was enough to warrant direct action. Captain Xuerin, in full agreement, passed on the call for help to the 13th communications hub and as usual? She was not disappointed. With Jedi Master Ismene Kos and Captain Z'lanna coordinating on the ground, the 13th was, unofficially, able to field two strike teams against the Lost Ship Yards. It seemed luck was against them early on, as several fighters missed the jumped and had to fight desperately out of communications range. But whether it was for credits or the greater good, Kali'endra, Mor'rigan-og, Sondetsu, Trooper Apaura and Xuerin shot in blind and managed to send the Imps back to their ship empty handed and reminded of who the trade routes actually belong to. Most importantly they were able to shoot back home, where Master Ismene waited to tend the injured or slightly dazed. After a quick breath mixed with thanks and payments ... many of the rag tag squad took over the Ord Mantel cantina (which hasn't changed a bit) for a round of victory drinks and re-tellings of the days successful engagement. Galactic Starfighter! 1/7 - We had 5 pilots brave the skies above Makeb and the Lost Shipyards. The republic was triumphant and routed the Imperials all night. We did not lost a single engagement. Often we were able to queue into the same match even though we were split into two groups. 1/14 - There were a lot of rookie pilots in the skies today, which made the fight for control of the Drive Yards very unpredictable. The recruiting efforts of both the Republic and the Empire did not quite keep pace with logistics, which led to several sorties in which a predominantly inexperienced squadron found itself up against a wing of aces. This went both ways, and the dogfights ended up being about 50/50 between Republic and Imperial forces. 1/21 - Four of us took to the skies and fought back the Imperials. I think we played about 4 matches and I'm pretty sure we won all four because I got my weekly done (which you need a min of 4 matches to finish assuming you win them all). We then decided to go combat the Rakghoul plague on Alderaan. 1/21 - Another squad of four entered the hotzones and battle the Imperials. We narrowly lost our first engagement, but managed to drive the Imperials back with a counter offensive. The routed Imperials spent the rest of the night on the retreat. Datacrons January saw the return of the Datacron Crawls led by Master Sunratak. Planets explored so far include: Tython, Ord Mantell, Coruscant, Taris, and Nar Shaddaa. Turnouts have been quite large, but everyone has been in high spirits and a good time was had by all. Several new explorers have learned jumping skills that have not only improved their datacron collection but their confidence! More datacron runs are on the calendar, some come on out and increase your knowledge and have some good social fun! Republic Flashpoint Night 1/19 Republic Flashpoints - We had two groups go, a few people signed up and didn't make it. The first group of three Legionnares braved the Esseles and saved Ambassador Asara from the clutches of Grand Moff Kilran. The second group of four braved Hammer Station and took it under Republic control. 1/26 Republic Flashpoints - We had enough signups mixed with a few extras to form two 55 groups this week, One group ran Czerka Core Meltdown while the second paid a visit to General Ortol in Cademimu, both groups reported success in their endeavors and fun was has by all, well except the previously mentioned General Ortol and the Vigilant, they didn't really have much fun.
  23. For the most part I've found the 10-29 bracket to be like this on both sides, its not limited to the Pubs. When you get into the higher brackets the quality of play increases (though it increases more on the Imp side, hence the imbalance).
  24. Good luck to you guys. I hope it works, I would love to see the Pub side start to be competitive with the Imperials.
  25. Big fan of M1-4X. "TARGET OBLITERATED!", "Your marksmanship is second to none!", something about the Jaws of Liberty", and some others I can't remember right now always make me smile.
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