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Everything posted by GrovesK

  1. I just want to bump this up and say that this tool has been great for our guild and our recruitment. We get probably half our new guild members through this. Thanks so much to the people like Dink who work on this!
  2. Spec - Kinetic Combat, Shadow Tank 1. I think that after the 1.3 changes we are perceived as being the weakest of the tanking specs. 2. It is somewhat hard to tell because I have geared up, but I did notice a drop off in survivability after 1.3. That said, I feel the class has a lot of utility in PvP and does more damage than most of the tank classes. I can't speak to the high end raiding, but I haven't run into something I couldn't tank in PvE yet.
  3. It isn't horrible to do the dailies in black hole but it isn't good either. I agree with the OP that they need to decrease the respawn times on things or create another instance of black hole if the population goes over some number (20 seems reasonable). I always group with 3 other people when doing the dailies and we still have problems, especially with the boxes, engineers, and plugging the leaks.
  4. This is not new. Until you reach 50 your valor level has always been capped at your character level. If you are level 41 the max valor rank you can have is 41.
  5. They may have fixed this. Can someone confirm? Per the patch notes for 1.3.0a: "Ballistic and Knockback effects no longer occasionally de-sync the character's location, which could cause characters to not interact properly with the world (such as being able to be hit by melee attacks when the character appeared to be out of range)."
  6. I'm going to go ahead and speculate that the Fatman's numbers are declining because of people that re-rolled on the Fatman to get a populated server prior to the server transfers going back to their original servers and transferring elsewhere (because their server went to a different destination than the Fatman).
  7. If you have to change your name it will show up on the character select screen of your new server. A character that needs a new name will show up as having a name similar to "AGAGEREFSFEUITGT"
  8. If it means less Huttball, I don't care what they do. I played 80-90% Huttball yesterday out of around 20 matches.
  9. Yeah, I noticed something similar to the OP. I was talking to Qyzen Fess as my Jedi Consular and he mentioned that he use to run with a bounty hunter named Braden. Braden of course is the "mentor" of the bounty hunter PC. Thought that was neat.
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