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Posts posted by Kenmuir

  1. I am drawing this conclusion from the person that I am responding to. For example, yourself. Are you saying that people are looking only for a new skin?


    Look at it this way. WoW is still a good game. It is not a good game for me, at least not anymore. Why would someone leave a good game if they didn't not want something different?


    You really think that people define WOW by having an LFG tool? One of the defining features of a WOW clone is an LFG tool? It's not possible for a game to have an LFG tool and not be a WOW clone?


    How can you be so blinded by your hate for wow? I don't understand.

  2. Uglystik, Rocco and Secured, thanks for the advice.


    Had a hunch best to just keep playing and learning - definitely will. thanks for rotation advice Uglystick.


    Rocco, as you suspected, was asking about skill trees, and rotations and the like, I do get the objectives, and no need to worry about condecention, happy to get all feedback.


    Secured, Will check out guilds. Happy to listen to and play against better players. Will give hotkey approach a go, though. Wouldn't dream of walking out on a war zone/battleground.


    The best thing to do to really learn a class is to watch someone stream their game, preferably someone who talks about what they're doing. For example look at: http://www.twitch.tv/directory/Star%20Wars:%20The%20Old%20Republic and try to find someone who is playing the class you want to learn. It helps to ask questions too. Also, google searches can help too.

  3. What a freaking discussion and the people who shout the most got no clue about their class omg.


    Hammer shot fires i dont know probably 4 to 6 shots never counted... ;) ? so let´s say 5 times 16%. I don´t think you need to be lucky inflicting your target.

    Sadly Plasma Cell seems to be buggy as i just stated in the known issues thread. Only one target can be affected at the same time and the dot only makes 2/3 of the damage it should do. That it doesnt refresh on the same target isn´t a bug imho because if it would you could slow your target down the whole time to 50% movement speed. Would be way to overpowered.


    To the Topic. Assault Spec isnt based around Charged Bolt it´s all based around Hammer Shot and DoT´s and mobility. But if you aren´t attacked it gets quite a nice boost due to the HiB CD refresh you get of CB and FA.


    Likewise as you nicely stated the damage. Hammer Shot does 9% more damage to burning targets and Plasma Cell is a really nice addition. Managing your ammo correctly you can do really nice damage comparable to Gunnery Tree.


    Edit: When you sum up HS + Plasma Cell Effect the damage is above the one of Grav Round. Thats without cost of any ammo and while being perfectly mobile ;)

    I think i need to specc to Assault again. Just the buggy Plasma Cell keeps me still away to respec.


    Hammer Shot hits 7 times. http://www.torhead.com/ability/cEdZjin/hammer-shot


    Hammer Shot + Plasma Cell is not more than Grav Round


    Hammer Shot : 1.0 Weapon Damage 1.0 Ranged Bonus Damage

    Plasma Cell: .155 Tech Bonus Damage per gcd


    Grav Round: 2.11 Tech Bonus Damage


    Not even close. AP Cell > Rain of fire on targets with 18% armor. With a full stack of Gravity Vortex it's 14.75% armor.


    I've played Assault. It's bad because you don't have the ammo to do anything but run around like a headless chicken spamming a very low dps ability. Maybe if the difference between max and middle regen was less, Assault could be viable. Until then you either cripple your sustained damage for burst or cripple your burst for sustained damage.



    True, but equally pvp is not all about kills. The plasma proc snare is very handy on huttball and the 18s incendiary dot is great defending in the other two WZs.


    I do prefer gunnery so far however.


    18s low dps dot that costs 3 ammo is good?

    It's not the job of a high dps low utility class to get kills?

    A 33% snare that's dependent on spamming our lowest damaging ability while praying for a proc is good?


    If you really want to defend a point use Hail of Bolts, it's instant damage and can keep 5 people off the point for 3(?4?) seconds. Incend in that time can stop only 2 people. Maybe you like basing your strategies around how well you can perform while dead, but I don't.


    If you like the 33%snare on a proc, you would probably love the 5second 50% on demand snare from Gunnery, just a thought.

  4. Dude, you need to seriously take a look at your priorities. Who the hell cares about bragging rights on an MMO?


    Did you know that, if you go up the stairs, past your dad's garage, and into the sunlight, there are strange, wonderful creatures out there that might want to have a date with you? Or, they might want to if your greatest thrill in life was NOT how leet you were and how much work you put into staying ahead in a virtual online world.

    I hate to say this, but those 'casual gamers' are the ones that are spending a LOT more money than you 'hardcores' to make a game like this possible. They are the ones working 40-60 hours a week, and outnumber you hardcores nearly a hundred to one. WITHOUT those 'mouth breathers', SWTOR would never even have been made, it would not have been profitable to do so.


    So let's try to keep your nerdrage in check, shall we?


    I'm guessing you were being funny right? Right?


    I laughed either way :D



    Either you're being sarcastic, in which case I smirk in amusement...or you're not.


    In which case, I'm still gonna smirk, but at you rather than in sympathetic response.




    I guess that next time I need to make the statement even more over the top. lol :p

  5. A dungeon finder would be nice for the super casual players.That's about it.Anyone with any type of mid-high playtime will most likely opt out of using the LFD anyhow since (if they aren't anti-social) they will probably already have their little premade flashpoint groups that they run with daily.So I don't see how this could hurt.


    But if super casuals can play that means my accomplishments aren't worth as much any more. If some mouth breathing 1 hour a week causal can even attempt my hardcore content, how can I brag about it in the server forums or walk around the Fleet showing off my rare epics that everyone else can't get because they didn't put in the work I did of finding a guild? IMO LFD would ruin the community and shouldn't be allowed.


    Edit: A lot of people seemed to miss the /sarcasm spell I cast.

  6. You've just declared the tree doesn't work and then try to throw it back at me to say I don't know how the tree works? Get out of here.


    Charged Bolts is not the key point of Assault. You can fill it in occasionally, frankly as occasionally as FA. But to spam it is to lose the plot, run flat on ammo and in pvp especially, cripple the mobile damage capability of assault.


    And as you brought it up in another post, yes you DO use HS as a main part of Assault. It has a snare and a DoT as befits a mobile damage dealer.



    Back to the original point which you're trying to bury, the post I was replying to was complaining about running low on ammo too much as Assault.


    The answer is still not to spam Charged Bolts.


    Spam Hammer Shot? Our worst damage ability? For a CHANCE to proc an awful dot and a 33% snare? You really think this is the intended mechanic and is actually meaningful?


    You still miss the point, if Hammer Shot( a zero ammo ability) is the only spammable ability, then the spec offers no meaningful damage.

  7. If you are just laying there and have time to cast for 8 global cooldown you will wish you were gunnery, but if you are on the move you will be refreshing plasma cell burn, IR burn, throwing AP, HS (which can refresh plasma cell burn and slow the target), then yes at a point you will need to post up and channel an FA and then a CB if you can but with assault you dps keeps consistant if you have to move a lot.


    Can you read? I never said you had to stand around for 8 gcds, I said you had 8 gcds to do something, anything, and I was asking how you do something meaningful with those 8gcds in Assault compared to Gunnery.


    Those 8 gcds were after you had used HIB, AP, IR and insert random GCD. You are really going to fill up 8 gcds with a Full Auto(2 GCDs, poor damage for assault) and one CB(1 GCD)? And then fill up the rest with Hammer Shot so you can hope for a Plasma Cell proc or another HIB if your lucky stars align? You really don't see anything wrong with this playstyle? HINT: Hammer Shot is awful damage even when including the chance to proc Plasma Cell.


    @50 you can have muzzle flutting and havoc rounds as an Assault which makes CB fit in better. But you would always choose FA over CB when you have the choice, because of the higher chance to proc a free HIB.


    Yeah, I have no idea how to make a spec. :rolleyes: Of course I included Muzzle Flutting in my comparisons.


    Choose FA over CB? Maybe, but you still have lots of spare GCDs running around(7). Still no where near as good as using FA in Gunnery. EDIT: CB + Hammer Shot deals almost the same damage as 1 Full Auto for Assualt.


    CB: 1.33 Weapon damage, 1.99 Bonus Ranged Damage, 320 base damage

    Hammer Shot: 1.00 Weapon damage, 1.00 Bonus Ranged Damage


    Full Auto: 2.1 Weapon Damage, 3.15 Bonus Ranged Damage, 507 base damage


    Difference: -.23 Weapon Damage, +.16 Bonus Ranged Damage, +187 Base damge


    The base damage part assumes both abilities are trained at level 50.


    Oh boy, I get to wait 2 GCDs of to get my damage increase if I get a proc!


    I look at the two spec and just see different play styles, find the one that fits you.


    I look and see one spec that has so many internal problems, compared to another that is super easy to see the flow and play at a high level.


    Just want to ask question that I can't find in the forums.

    If you have cover fire(50% chance to slow targets with FA) and channel FA does the slow ability only have the one chance to proc on cast or does each tick of damage have the chance to slow the target. The same question for Hammer Shot is it just one chance to proc plasma cell or is each tick of damge have a chance.


    Each tic of damage procs the Cover Fire talent. I assume it's the same thing for Hammer Shot, but I'm not sure. The descriptions are different; Cover Fire says "Slows for 2 seconds when Full Auto Deals damage", while Plasma Cell says "Gives all rifle attacks a 10% chance to proc." Very different wording, also worth it to note that the bottom talent for Vanguards gives Stock Strike a guaranteed chance to proc Plasma Cell.



    The problem you don't see is that Assault requires you to somehow fit in more than 1 GCD per 1.5second window to see meaningful damage increases.

  8. How can people be so hypocritical against Damage Meters?


    It is literally the same thing as a combat, or the animations displaying on the screen.


    Damage Meters are a bar graph, the animations on the screen are a table with the information. That's the most simple comparison there is. They provide exactly the same information in different way.


    How can you be so selfish to say that you enjoy using a data table so much and hate bar graphs so much, that no one else in the entire game should be allowed to use a bar graph?


    And why is the "hur dur tools are the reason people are mean to each other in pug"(never mind how wrong that statement is.) a SUFFICIENT reason to prevent other people from PLAYING THE GAME THE WAY THEY WANT? (My guess: It's the burnout old school player who feels like WoW ruined his niche genre, and is so blinded by his selfish desires that the only way he can "enjoy" the game is to force everyone to play by his arbitrary rules.)

  9. What is this crazy branch you're going out on.


    I know fine well GUNNERY can spam attacks and has ammo regen which benefits it.


    HE is ASSAULT and is complaining that his ASSAULT char is getting low on ammo too much.


    That only happens if you treat ASSAULT as if you were GUNNERY.


    And you still completely missed the point.


    Spamming Charged Bolts, is how you are supposed to play Assault. Why else would you have so many talents that improve HIB, a 15 second cooldown ability? Oh, you have a talent that can reset the cooldown on it, but you need to keep casting Charged Bolts. That's the problem with the tree, why can't you see it? It wants you to spam Charged Bolts, but doesn't give you the mechanics nor does its synergize with the other buffs in the trees.


    Honestly what are you doing with those other ~8gcds laying around as Assault? I think you just don't understand how the tree comes together.

  10. I'm stating that if he's burning ammo that much he's overusing the one attack which can be.


    You fail to see the problem though. Gunnery CAN continue to spam a high scaling attack(Grav Round) when you have extra GCD's that aren't used up by high priority attacks. Assault, on the other hand, can't even fit its spammable attack(Charged Bolts, 30% to proc Ionic Accelerator, your only passive ammo regen and mobility increase in Assault) into its base "burst" rotation, let alone some kind of meaningful consistent rotation. If you start to through in Hammer Shots, you just fall completely behind in DPS. For my gear, full champ, Charged bolt is roughly 900 base damage higher, or 600 more base dps than Hammer Shot.

  11. That's an interesting comment since Assault has no spammable ammo attack.


    Are you sitting about like a Gunnery spec firing off Charged Bolts?


    That's the problem right there.


    What else would he be spamming? Incend Round? HammerShot?


    But your "burst" damage also sends you into middle regen, while Gunnery's doesn't.


    Maybe you are trying to suggest that with an 18s cooldown and 2 15second cooldowns, he has no room in a rotation to have a spammable attack?

  12. When your Sage gets to level ~25, that's when your Combat Medic starts to really shine.


    Yes, it's a joke. But really, Combat Medic/Sawbones is just so far behind Sage at this point from a game play perspective, it's not worth it to play anything but Sage. There's a million reasons, if you can't find them, then you probably don't play that a top level so it doesn't matter what you pick. In that regard, Combat Medic doesn't take off until you get both Medical Probe Shield(Your best health per GCD ability) and the talent that reduces your next Medical Probe after you cast Adv. Medical Probe. Before that you are gimped by your resource mechanic and will have a very hard time healing well.

  13. Incendaiary > assault plastique > hammer shot(slow, proc and plasma cell proc) > HiB


    With this rotation you will hit both HiB and plastique at the same time.


    Full auto should be used right after HiB(60% chance to use HiB again).


    If you not using full auto then you not using the spec right, it don't do as much damage as in gunnery tree but it does it damage and it mostly for proc HiB again for free.


    If you proc with full auto > charge bolt > HiB again IF you lucky.


    Remember that talent rain of fire boost charge bolt damage with 9% and talent havoc round boost it with additional 6%.


    So with this imo it is still worth to use charge bolt for damage and chance to proc HiB again after full auto. And if it proc use it again.


    But I do agree with you that that the tree need some tweaks here and there for commando NOT for vanguard.


    The biggest problem you forgot to mention was the ammo difference:


    Assault:			12/12  	.6
    Incendiary		9/12	.6
    			9.9/12	.6
    Assault Plastique	7.9/12	.34
    			8.67/12	.6
    Charged Bolts		8.67/12    .6
    			7.57/12	.34
    HIB				6.57/12	.34
    			7.08/12	.34
    Gunnery:		12/12	.6
    Sticky Grenade	10/12	.6
    		10.9/12	.6
    Grav Round	10.9/12	.6
    		9.8/12	.6
    HIB			8.8/12	.6
    		9.7/12	.6
    Demo		7.7/12	.34
    		8.34/12	.6

    Both cases assuming no procs and that energy regen happens every half second. If it happens ever 1 second then I'll redo this, but I think it becomes even worse for Assault.


    The Gunnery Rotation leaves you in the maximum regen, while the Assault rotation leaves you in the middle regen, which requires 3 seconds(2 gcd without ammo cost) to return to maximum regen. Assuming a 30% chance to crit, Gunnery would on average end at 8.66 ammo, a ~.3 ammo increase over no cell charger/crit. You only get one proc in this case because the ammo regen on Grav Round doesn't happen til the end of the GCD while Demo hits at the begining of it's GCD. Assault would average 7.8 ammo at the end(only if you use Charged Bolts for the proc), a ~.8 ammo increase, although you still need a GCD of no ammo cost to end up in the maximum regen.

  14. 8 seconds, 4 second lockout (PTs can talent this down to 6 seconds, as can a few other classes. It helps a LOT). So you can interrupt every other cast if necessary, IF they aren't letting your interrupt cool down by trying to kite you.


    If not, you can Interrupt > Stun > Interrupt to completely deny casting for a decent amount of time. I generally try to time this for the latter half of their life, when they've burned most of their escapes.


    Just eat the 2 second root and get back on them, keeping them snared and using gap closers when they Force Sprint. Trinket the 4 second stun if he uses it, and just eat the 2 second stun from Whirlwind if they opt for that instead (which they most likely won't unless the stun is on cd, since it completely fills the Resolve bar). The blind from Static Barrier breaking will break instantly if there is at least 1 dot on you, which there should be if the Sorc is actively engaging you, so don't worry about it when the bubble breaks and just stay on him.


    If he did use the whirlwind stun and you had to wait the 2 seconds, gap close again if it's off cd.


    Basically, do not let them breathe, EVER, and you will have a very good chance of a win.


    Just to compare Sage/Sorc to Commando/Merc:


    Shield(Insta cast heal, awesome scaling, appliable to others, run speed buff(talented)) -> nothing

    aoe knockback(20s cooldown, 8m range), with talents immoblizes for up to 5s, unlimited targets -> aoe knockback(30s(20s talented) cooldown, 4m range(8m talented), with 4s slow, max 5 targets

    speed boost -> nothing

    30m 6s slow, 12s cooldown -> nothing

    30m Ranged Interupt, 4s(6s talented) lockout, 12s cooldown-> nothing

    Extrication -> nothing

    4s stun 60s cooldown(50s talented), deals damage -> 4s stun 60s cooldown, no damage

    3s 50% channeled slow -> nothing or 25 pts in gunnery for 50% channeld slow

    force armor aoe sleep(talented) -> stock strike single target knockback(talented)

    in combat rez -> nothing


    That's a lot of nothing that the other ranged dps/healer class gets. It's also nice that i get to spend talent points to make my abilities have the same effects that sage/sorc get base line. The only thing that commando/mercenary gets base line that sage/sorc doesn't is a 12second 25% damage reduction with a 2 minute cooldown. Your opponent would have to do 12k damage or more in 12seconds for that to be better. The downside is that reactive shield has a 2 minute cooldown, compared to the 20s cooldown on force armor and reactive shield can not be cast on other people.


    On armor:

    Most dps classes have ~50% armor reduction, or deal elemental/internal damage, so to say that 30% mitigation vs 15% mitigation is meaningful is about as truthful as saying that sorc/sage has better defense due to having twice the base avoidance chance(10% vs 5%).

  15. The Assault tree is poorly designed and hampers your ability to do anything productive, killing people(And no, being able to DOT 4 people before you can no longer do anything in the fight because you're out of ammo is not something productive). Having to either pray for a Plasma Cell proc, most likely from Hammer Shot due to the number of hits per GCD(Yay for a play style that forces you to spam our lowest DPS ability), or use a 3 ammo no burst ability that has a good chance of putting you into a lower ammo regeneration rate if it's not your first spell.



    The problems with the tree are all over the place, most of the talents are worthless or worth very little.


    Burnout - Bad, 3% tech only effects Plasma Cell, Incendiary Round and Assault Plastique. (Also Plasma Grenade, but if you're using this 4 ammo ability you have other problems) The additional burn is awful, Plasma Cell doesn't scale worth the GCD, and Incend. doesn't tic fast enough for this to get a meaningful increase in damage.


    Adrenaline fueled - Not dependable. Most of your extra crit(66%) from the build only effects your dots and Assault Plastique(15s cooldown). Also doesn't help that neither of the two abilities buffed are very good, and it only effects the next fight, not your current one.


    Reflexive Shield - Same problems. Also includes the problem of a ranged dps class depending on being hit so it can enter the next battle with a higher chance of having a cooldown ready. It's a 50% cooldown redux, which sounds good, but only if you are hit the entire length of the cooldown.


    Ionic Accelerator - Just awful compared to the Vanguard version. Assault has no reason to use Full Auto, it deals very little damage compared to Gunnery's Full Auto, and you simply don't have the ammo to spam Charged Bolts because you don't get the "Ammo Regen" from the talent until 1 GCD later. (Yay for a "mobility" spec being dependent on having to hard cast.)


    High Friction Bolts - Awful ammo management compared to Cell Charger.


    (What talents you pick up at the bottom of the other trees) - IMO way to many trade offs, so much so that it's not a question of what you get(IE what Gunnery has for the bottom of the other trees) it becomes a question of what you didn't get.



    Higher burst damage? Impossible, the rotation you have to use for Assault to get the most out of the spec simply deals less burst damage than Gunnery.



    HIB needs a burn effect so you can even use it. Assault Plastique hits roughly 2 GCDs after the cast.

    Incendiary -> Assault Plastique -> some waste of a GCD -> HIB



    Sticky Grenade -> Grav Round -> Demo Round -> HIB


    IMO Gunnery deals a ton more burst damage. Half the damage increasing talents you pick up in Assault don't affect the big hitter, HIB, or what appears to be the big spammer, Charged Bolts. The tree is poorly designed for Commando, it wants you to use skills that aren't buffed by the tree(you actually deal more damage/get more talents with Charged Bolts in Gunnery than in Assault) to buff abilities that aren't very good. You also don't do it in a dependable way.


    Bioware needs to redesign the tree so it's actually good for Commandos not just Vanguards. It seems like they designed the Vanguard version of the tree first, then just ported a few abilities to their Commando "counterparts" without realizing that the tree ends up pulling you in 8 different directions. IMO, you could probably run 31 Assault with AP cell and actually deal more damage.(Something like this: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#800MzZMckZfI0bdGGro.1 while running AP cell)

  16. 35% armor penetration base, in addition to 20% reduction in armor adds up to 55% armor penetration...


    NO CLASS can do that now for longer than 6 seconds...


    Let's also throw in 90% armor penetration on rail shot...


    yah.. it's just adrenals/trinkets/red buff -_-



    Oh and on the subject of interrupting, Interrupts are on a 12 second cooldown, you interrupt one missile and 4 seconds later they have another one already cooking -_-


    Holy misinformation Batman!


    35% armor penetration + 20% armor reduction is not 55% armor penetration, it's 48%.


    90% armor penetration on rail shot? I thought we were talking about Commando/Mercenary not Powertech/Vanguard.


    If you interrupt one, it'll be 5.5 seconds before they hit you with another one, they literally have no other spammable skills that they could use in that time frame. If you interrupt the first one, they can't hit you with High Impact Bolt/Railshot, Heatseaker/Demo Round hit for less than Grav/Tracer, they can't cast Unload/Full Auto because if you're hitting them they lose 33% of the damage.


    It is an l2p problem here.

  17. For all of you concerned about the "community," loosely based on the outdated technology of a server:


    Why is the "community" even a comparable thing to the ability of people to even have the option to attempt group based content?


    I would think gamers would value being able to see every part of the game, exemplified by the disdain for day 1 dlc that comes on the disc, over basically anything else. Are you really that selfish that you can't even understand that there are people who have trouble(for whatever reason it is, I've yet to see a "counter-argument" to this that isn't "I don't like people playing the game a different way than I do". Because it doesn't matter why people are having trouble doing the content, the problem is that they aren't doing the content.) and would like to ACTUALLY PLAY THE ENTIRE GAME IN THEIR OWN WAY?


    Why should parts of the game only be allowed to those who have "friends and guildies?" (A necessary distinction is drawn here between hard modes and regular modes, IMO even doing the encounters on "easy" mode is still doing it. No reason not to offer a harder version that requires more coordination and thus more rewards.) Why is that a good model for a broad audience of players?

  18. They made the game more about hard numbers than smart gameplay and utility.


    How? What's the difference between hard numbers and smart gameplay? Why do you think it is impossible to represent smart gameplay and utility with numbers? The game already does that.


    You didn't need to pay nearly as much attention to what you were doing, or where you were doing it.


    ???? If you don't pay attention, you don't see the warnings, such as the fire on the ground, HP bar decreasing, boss emote, boss animation. Not sure how any addon significantly impacted this.


    (Granted, part of the fault lies with Blizzard because they continually simplified encounters and


    Encounters never got simpler. MC is stupid easy to understand, most bosses had 1 or 2 abilities and if you were lucky you got three phases. Compare that to any encounter in cataclysm and you see even the regular bosses with more abilities and phases.


    made group composition and individual utility almost irrelevant.)

    That was the point. "Bring the player not the class."


    DBM's timers made healing large raids and positioning strategies much, much easier.


    ??? What? How did DBM impact healing?


    Positioning easier? DBM didn't move your character for you.


    But the real question is: Should the difficulty of the encounter be your ability to estimate when the next "event" is going to happen or how you respond to the "event"? You, and most people against addons, seem to believe that the former is the more important part of the challenge, while most people for addons view the latter as the more important part.


    The announcements ("Run away little girl!") made basic skill checks a total joke.


    What's the skill check here? BOSS A emotes: "I'm moving all of the oxygen in the room to the left side."


    What's the skill check? Moving to the required position at the correct time? Or is it figuring out that you need to move in the first place? Again, you seem to imply that the difficulty should come through obfuscation, hence your belief that any way that makes it "easier" to know that you have to do something significantly impacts the challenge of the fight. On the other hand, if you believed that moving at the correct time was the important part of the challenge, you would say that any way the person gets the information that he needs to move is irrelevant, what's important is whether he moves or not.


    Recount made raw DPS tantamount to all other considerations. You would most often see this in pugs, but tanks wouldn't use mitigation abilities and DPS would ignore mob casts because they were worried about their position on the meters.


    Bad players are bad players. Also do you have anything to back this up with? Other than some anecdotes of course. I ask because Recount/Combat log keeps track of everything you listed there.

    Everything became about the meters, and encounters were balanced solely around them.


    I would disagree. Encounters are made by the developers not by Recount. Again, you seem to imply that the challenge of the fight should come through obfuscation. That the difficulty of the encounter is figuring out what you did wrong without the tools to tell you exactly what happened. I believe that the difficulty should come from adapting and figuring out what went wrong, and that accurate information on what happened is an important part of that.


    Saying everything became about the meters is a null statement because meters keep track of everything that happens. You wouldn't say "Everything became about everything" that would just sound silly.


    Gearscore made hoardes of morons into Internet tough guys & wannabe eltists.


    No, you got the cause and effect backwards. "Internet tough guys & wannabe eltists" used Gearscore to please themselves. They found the tool, the tool didn't find them.


    Again, there seems to be some sort of arrogance here. That the "lower people," exemplified by your use of derogatory terms, should not be allowed to play the game a way different from "your interpretation."


    It created an ugly, fractured kind of community


    Why should the community not be fractured? Why shouldn't people group with who they choose? Why shouldn't I be allowed to segregate myself from the community? Why can't I form my own community within the larger community?

    (I got the feeling the devs must've hated it, because they kept talking about implementing specific items in game -solely- to negate the effects of this one mod.)




    Keep in mind this is coming from a guy who was a complete mod addict.


    And yet you seem to get so many things wrong.

    I had an insane number of mods installed, from small UI mods, to class specific mods, to the usual raiding & PvP mods.


    Argument from authority.


    But over time, I saw how the community, the encounters, & the play styles changed (both my own and others) as these mods became more and more prevalent.


    Correlation not caustation. What you failed to explain was why mods were the reason that things changed, and why the change was bad.


    These kind of mods turned what should have been challenging encounters into a paint-by-numbers experience,


    Why should the challenge come through obfuscation? Why is your way to play the only acceptable way?

    and the devs were forced to design & tune encounters knowing that people would be using them, which ultimately limited the kinds of things they could do.


    Like when they admitted to specifically designing encounters so that you did not need to download any addon? Or when they admitted to testing the encounters with the stock UI just to make sure? That seems like a good design choice not a bad one.


    I have an objection to mods like Recount, Gearscore, and DBM because I think in the long run, those mods changed WoW, and its player base, for the worse.


    Why? I don't think they did in a negative way. IMO they never really changed the challenges of any encounters I played. Although the difficulty shifted from fighting the UI to fighting the mechanics of the fight, which was a good change.

  20. Uh, no. That's not how API's work.


    Bioware could provide any kind of API they want, and it can be as broad or narrow as they see fit.


    The could very easily allow people to alter the base UI while disallowing access to the real time information that fuels stuff like Recount, Gearscore, DBM, and PowerAuras.


    They could also do the opposite -- keep the UI locked up while allowing direct access to a combat log.


    It's not an all or nothing proposition.


    The problem with disabling Recount, Gearscore, DBM, and PowerAuras is what addons can you make? What addons do you know of that a lot of people enjoy using that have zero overlap with those addons?


    Also, how do you define real time information? Does character health count? Then say goodbye to character frame changes. Do cooldowns count? Say goodbye to bar mods. Do buffs/debuffs count? Say goodbye to any sort of buff tracker.


    How do you distinguish between the "evil meanie, touched me in the naughty areas" mods and mods you are okay with? Because they use the same information, just in different ways. Your objection seems arbitrary.

  21. I would welcome the idea of being able to respec my Advanced Class. IMO that would definitely separate this game from the others on the market by giving players more options.


    Points of disagreement:


    1. Only permanent choices have importance.


    I just have to disagree with this idea. Partly because "permanent" is ill-defined and because it just isn't true. IMO the important choices/things in an MMORPG are the people you choose to play with, and did you have fun? Also, if the choice of AC is very important to you, simply choice not to respec. Why are you basing your enjoyment of the game on how others play? To me, this might be one of the most selfish arguments on the entire board, because you are basing the argument on how it affects other people instead of how it affects yourself.


    2. "Every other game did it this way, SWTOR must too"


    I don't like this argument either. To argue that nothing should change because nothing has been changed is a null argument. Whatever limitations(yes, forcing someone to reroll to try a different archetype is a limitation for this generation of MMORPG players) other games have, shouldn't be forced onto this game unless they have sufficient merit in themselves. The fact that other games have this "feature" is not, in my mind, a sufficient reason not to include AC respec.



    In conclusion I think that AC respec would be a fun and new feature that could allow Bioware to take advantage of their game design, i.e. there are 4 "classes" and 2 "sub-classes" for each class, to really try something new. I think that having more options and less tedious game play (saying people are lazy for not wanting to do certain parts of the game, for example leveling a dps character, is a non-argument) is more fun and that should be what Bioware bases their choice on.

  22. People keep saying they love WZs that aren't cross-server, but I haven't even heard an argument for it, they just say "it's so awesome."


    Can somebody provide an actual argument as to why we shouldn't have cross-server queues?


    It's more important to them that the server they play "knows" how good they are at PvP, than the importance of other people enjoying PvP.

  23. But it already *is* the predominant play style. There is no need to make it even more dominant.


    Why is this a problem?(Other than it's different from your view on "how the game should be played").


    Just as it would be a good idea to have a few players chose "republic" for a change, in my opinion it is a good idea to start thinking "how can we improve team play?"


    So you solution to "improving team play" is to prevent other people from using a tool that automaticaly puts them in groups? That sounds like hypocrisy.

    and not "how can we improve speed leveling?".

    This has nothing to do with an LFG tool.

    They only use it to get to "end game" as quickly as possible.

    Where did you make this up?

    They don't care about the story, they don't care about careful character development in a group context, actually role playing their character, because they simply don't want to team up. In a RP game. On an RP server.


    Why are you so concerned about how other people play the game? Why must they play the game the same way you do?


    It is like the food industry forcing me to buy lousy crap for Yoghurt because nobody seems to remember, what yoghurt has to be like. They removed it off the shelves, because people enjoy white, tasteless, watery smeer with 0.00001% fat only. If I whine and say "But can't you at least keep one single plain sort of real yoghurt in the shelves?" I get the "nope, the customers dont want it any more" and that's that.


    Except, you can still buy other kinds of Yoghurt. It's more like everyone else prefers the "lousy" version of Yoghurt and doesn't like it when you serve it at the Superbowl Party.



    To me it seems, pulling the good stuff from the shelves and advertising crap as lifestyle has pushed the result.


    They never removed "your" brand. Everyone else just preferred to use a different brand and you got butthurt that they didn't enjoy the same old school kind you did.


    Just as the LFD tool will marginalize the RPers playstyle to extinction.


    How does it do that? I don't get it.

  24. Just because you find it pointless to play the group content in a particular part of SWTOR in a group doesn't mean others should or do as well.


    The LFD tool is not for players like you who have no issues getting into groups or forming them.


    It is for players who do have issues.


    Since you are happily playing in groups all of the time, you won't be affected in anyway whatsoever when players who are not happily playing in groups all of the time use an LFD tool to be able to happily play in groups all of the time, in ANY part of the game that YOU find pointless.


    So, do us all a favor and go happily play in all of your wonderful groups instead of posting invalid arguments in a forum about a topic that doesn't affect you at all.


    Thank you.



    But if Bioware adds that "community destroying evil person maker" AKA automated LFG, then all of the "unwashed, uneducated, uncultured plebeians" will use this tool and the "Superior Hardcore Guild Patricians" wont be able to form groups with the "Superior because that's how we did things in my days" way. And we all know that our Patrician overlords know what's best for us.

  25. So, Those abilities that were ACTUALLY cc Abilities. Stun's and punt. You have a worse stun but a better punt. CROWD CONTROL. Not sprints, interupts, shields and battle res's. Those aren't CC's.


    Sprints, interrupts(!), battle res, ally pull. None of those count as Crowd Control? Holy cow have you separated yourself from reality.


    But really you are making a semantic argument, either because you are not able to see the important parts of what is being discussed, or you are intentionally deflecting comments. Both of which reflect poorly about you and your argument(a bit of a struggle to call it that). So please come back with a real response that addresses the central point of the debate.

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