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Everything posted by Tugglife

  1. I was so happy to finally replace Qyzen, but now unfortunately I'm finding that I kill so much more efficiently with ugly lizard man. Even if the lizard requires some more micromanagement. When you first get Tharan, is his gear up to date or should you immediately upgrade? His stuff doesn't look too shabby.
  2. It's close to 30% less XP for losses now. Maybe 25% less. I was getting 10kish before in a loss and am now around 7k.
  3. It takes me forever just to get a win on Republic side on my server and often times I go days without completing the daily. Today I win a warzone, and I don't get credit. Fantastic.
  4. I logged in to make this very post, but since you said it so nicely I'll just +1 it. This is just going to encourage LOTS of quitting mid-WZ for the losing side(which on my server is almost always Republic). There's no longer incentive to sticking it out for the XP.
  5. I don't do any. What I've been doing is playing warzones and doing space combat until i'm a few levels about the recommended start level for a particular planet. Once I meet that criteria I begin the main class storyline. This is just my preferred play style though since I personally don't get into the side quests too much.
  6. Agreed it sucks but the alternative would be waiting 15+ minutes to get in a warzone.
  7. It varies by server. On my server(Twin Spears) unless you are running premades, Empire wins a vast majority of warzones.
  8. Still waiting on someone to say whether Theran is attained through the main story quest or a side quest on Nar Shadaa.
  9. It's happened to me a couple times. Definitely a bug/game issue.
  10. I expected this, unfortunately. Thanks for the info.
  11. You conveniently left out the 'tier' part. Maybe not though. I'm a middle school teacher and I'd be happy to lend you a hand in reading comprehension if you'd like.
  12. I believe he is talking about the low level bags. They cost ~30 commendations so you can buy those quite often.
  13. I don't think you quite understand what is being discussed in this thread, friendo. They are talking about the 50 PvP tier gear sets. You cannot get this stuff without buying bags, save for a couple of the battlemaster off-pieces I believe. We all realize you can buy the blue 50 gear for commendations.
  14. Does this refer to just DoTs or also channeled abilities like Telekinetic Throw?
  15. Qyzen is just super slow to react in combat for me unless I micro manage him which I don't want to have to do. I want my companion to speak basic and I want to feel some sort of connection with them. "I kill for scorekeeper. I like Yuon. She accept me as person." Blah. My buddy with a 17 sentinel rolls up with a cool jedi companion chick and I whip out my ugly lizard with the funky eyeball.
  16. No. If you wanted a melee/force hybrid you should have gone the shadow route unfortunately.
  17. Once you get to level 20, you'll LOVE balance thanks to Telekenetic Balance(no cooldown on TT).
  18. Do you get Theran from doing the main class story quests, or is he a side quest? I ask because I generally don't do any of the side quests(I stick to main quests, PvP, flashpoints, heroics, space missions). If he is attained in a side quest, can anyone tell me which one it is so that I don't miss it? Thanks.
  19. It's a lot of fun. I'm a relative newb to PvP as I start playing it in WoW a year ago, moved on to RIFT for a bit, took a break and am now here. My skills are average at best but I still enjoy myself. I just wish in my sample size so far (roughly 50 matches as Republic) we'd win at a higher clip than ~20%. Constantly losing at anything can make it kind of frustrating.
  20. Same here. The 9-1 and 1-9 might be slightly exaggerated, but it's still a disturbing trend for me on my server(Twin Spears). It's like there is a trade off between slow queues and wins and fast queues but lots of losses. Really need to join more premades, I think.
  21. I'm level 19 and can't stand Qyzen. When and where do I get my next companion? What role does he/she fill? Thanks.
  22. Aren't there level 50 daily/weekly quests that give bags? How many bags a day/week can you get from those quests?
  23. That''s certainly not the issue as I''m actively playing. It''s just extremely frustrating especially when the match is almost over and I''m kicked.
  24. I am getting kicked from at least half the warzones I play in. Even worse, I am warped back to the Republic Fleet every single time no matter where I was. Is this happening to anyone else? Known issue?
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