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Everything posted by dufox

  1. LOL. For the record in 1.0 8 dps was better than most dps/heal/tank teams because 8 mildly organized dps could wreck everything. Might be coincidence but its been a while since I've seen that happen.
  2. Operatives remind me of fleas, all they do is annoy the **** out of you.
  3. fun fact - slightly better turns into way better when you start swapping mods.
  4. literally this entire post is incorrect. im not gonna bother with your crap about the premades... what do u think will happen when you start punishing people for rage quitting? ill tell u... they will stop rage quitting... then they will sit at your objective point and "defend". so i ask you... which is worse, someone who rage quits? or someone who gives up and still holds a spot on your team? ill go on record saying EVERY player that rage quits a WZ is a noob and your team is better off without them. most of the games where iv seen several people rage quit have been wins because the people who stay know how to turn the fight around and the people who join are willing to actually PVP. to the rest of the people who "defend" when they decide to give up... you are just as bad as the rage quitter, if not worse.
  5. good god im so happy i seen this so sick of the basic layout with a few modifications to it.
  6. when your in PVP stop and watch what your enemy is doing, it takes quite a bit of time but after a while certain animations and weapons will stand out. once you know what other classes look like and how their abilities work you will know who needs to die and who you need to avoid. other than that all you need to do is train yourself to use skills in a certain order. if your spamming your attack & finisher at the same time (on a regular basis) then you need to keep working on it. (its like learning how to type without looking, a PAIN to start but becomes second nature very quickly) and a pro tip to end it with - fight wherever you want, but ALWAYS have your camera facing an objective. if your away from the objective always have a backup plan to get back to it. ex: as a guardian in voidstar defending a door i shouldn't ever lose sight of the door & i should never leave attack range of the door without a CC break and leap/saberthrow ready.
  7. u have earned a big thumbs up for pointing that out. bravo good sir, bravo. for the record i never said i half hp every enemy i hit, i said (pay attention now) there is nothing like leaping into 4 people hitting them all for half their hp and guardian leaping out before u get targeted. then repeating
  8. after playing vigilance since launch i have just tried focus and all i can say s mother of god lol. vigilance hybrid spec is fantastic for guarding a healer and putting out mild dps but there is nothing like leaping into 4 people hitting them all for half their hp and guardian leaping out before u get targeted. then repeating i have officially converted to focus
  9. I, and every guardian i know leveled in vigilance spec.
  10. i have a guardian and a sage and i gotta say after i learned how a sentinel plays, like what key skills to watch out for and what situations they are likely to pop their cooldowns, i dont have a problem with them at all. the pure dps class with so many utilities and defensive skills i find interesting tho.
  11. lol all i can say is now i am fighting warzones against 6 powertech teams in non ranked warzones. in ranked warzones we fight TONS of teams with 4 powertechs. when the results pop up i am starting to be surprised when there are less than 3 on the enemy team. what does this mean? powertechs are having a good time pvping^^ that said i dont believe them to be "OP", i would call them flawed. 1 powertech = not a big deal, can be an issue if ur not careful 4 powertech = good luck^^ 4 of the same class of anyone one else is nothing compared to 4 powertechs on the same team.
  12. so basically if i understand u right u want to look at a number and know if u can leap to an ally then leap to an enemy that u used to have targeted. as in oo my ally is 15 meters according to my ops list, that enemy im targeting right now is 40 meters. that means i can target and use guardian leap on my ally and then instantly force leap to the enemy that i used to have targeted before i targeted my ally. then i swear to god i will slap you. if u dont see the irony of what i said i will be sad edit: what i just described is all possible. (that was the irony) the ops list tells you if your close enough to an ally to use guardian leap or guard... thats all the directions you need. just to clarify.. it is possible to target an enemy, use guardian leap on an ally then leap onto the enemy while never actually changing your target.
  13. i would agree with everything Zuckazz said im just gonna toss my 2 cents here because i can i guess lol firstly im not a pve'r but when i do occasionally get screamed at to tank something i dont have any issues with agro or staying alive. i should point out that it is entirely possible to main tank a raid or a 4man group in 11/28/2 vigilance spec. (this spec only has a taunt,aoe taunt, no agro builder) i will be the first to tell u that is because the healer with me is usually a beast and the dps knows to kill the weakest enemies while i pick up a tiny amount of threat by attacking the hard hitter before i start helping dps the lowbies. our class may have its share of flaws but it is by no means "useless" or not worth taking with a group in pve or pvp. this wasnt directed at the topic starter , it was directed at all the people who read this topic i suppose
  14. youtube focus target if u dont know what it is. (its a setting u turn on and key biind) if your a tank focus target the healer u have guard on. if your dps focus target whoever u wanna stay next to. (u can already guardian leap instantly ) if for some reason that doesnt fix ur guardian leap problem its really not hard to train urself to look for the lit up box's in ops frame. as far as targeting the enemy goes i can finally use tab instead of clicking on enemies so im happy my honest opinion tho, is that it would just be another step toward the inevitable "macro's for everything" shenanigans which i personally am not to fond of.
  15. i have not tried focus in a long time but when im solo defending a node i win most 1 v 1's and if its looking like ima lose i live long enough for the backup to arrive. the spec i use is 11/28/2 http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#500RMG0zZMZfGM0rhdzG.2
  16. there are several reasons to start off with sending a person to the enemy node. for non rated matches. 1. in big servers there are ALOT of "noobs" who think something along the lines of " i only have 600 expertise i cant kill anything so ill defend." this usually means they will get smashed and lose the node before anyone has time to respond. 2. If they do call the inc, alot of the time's no one will respond. other times everyone but 1 or 2 will respond and leave the mid wide open. (honestly its amazing how many people dont use their mini map in warzones) 3. If your team is heavy with heals and tanks but no dps, the team with the first 2 turrets capped will win. (usually) if this happens its actually a better idea to send all the burst dps u can get east and stall mid the best u can. as for the left is to far from right thing^^ when u are at a node and u start to win, a good enemy will stop trying to kill u and wiil start trying to keep u and ur team there while their team respawns and gos to the other node. a smart player will realize his team has won the battle and will start running to your teams other node. so basically, if its 5 v 2 do not sit there and kill them. TEAM AWARENESS IS AS IMPORTANT AS ENEMY AWARENESS
  17. first off i suppose i should say that i play guardian tank/dps. i have ran across pyro teams in rateds and anyone who says pyrotechs arnt king of the dps is either crazy or has been lucky enough to find bad pyrotechs. 1 pyrotech is not bad. 4 is downright ridiculous. i dont think that pyrotechs are "over powered" but to act like its simply a matter of skill is a bit outrageous its a matter of stacking, 3 pyrotechs are alot harder to deal with than 3 of any other class. snipers can hurt but they are alot easier to handle due to the fact they try to range u so u only have to worry about LOS. with pyros its LOS while they chase u... with good ranged and melee dps. flawed.
  18. 1. How do you think your Guardian spec is perceived by other classes? as a tank/dps we are considered a threat but not over powered. if your a pure dps guardian most people will prolly see you as someone who is not playing their class to the best of its potential. (in 1.3) people who look for dps will not ever say we need a guardian dps. 2. How do you perceive your own spec? 11/28/2 - http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#500RMG0zZMZfGM0rhdzG.2 i can tank pve and not have any problems with agro or staying alive. pvp i benefit my team but the loss of addrenals kinda took the "burst" out of my burst dps . we are not under powered but losing addrenals and 2 relic cd's makes the "burst" random and way less efficient.
  19. didnt read most of this but i will point out something that every guardian needs. FOCUS TARGET. this is an actual setting that u turn on and use. if you do not know what it is, youtube it. i guarantee if you dont use it and your level 50, when you turn it on and use it, it will up your pvp skills by 10x. in summary: focus target + guardian leap = sexiest thing you have ever seen.
  20. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#500RMG0zZMZfGM0rhdzG.2 have main tanked "lost island" in this spec. im not a pve man but im pretty sure that is the most challenging 4 man, or was close to it. i have main tanked and off tanked EV and karagaa's palace in this spec. and most importantly its a great (if not the best) vigilance spec u can have for pvp. besides having to switch around skill tree changes in patches i have not ever had to change my spec for a special occasion.
  21. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#500RMG0zZMZfGM0rhdzG.2 pretty sure it doesnt get any better than this. no problems wth life span. no problems wiith dps.
  22. after 1.3 i can honestly say i am not afraid of any class in a 1v1. in 1.2 the only class to fear was a shadow. hell even pyrotechs are not that scary. (granted u have to be careful with them) this topic is 100% false.
  23. here iis the catch 22. stacking defensive gear will obviously make u harder to kill. BUT with heavy armor, cc's, and 9/10 a pocket healer.... you are already hard to kill. the only time a guardian is in mortal danger is if he runs into pyro techs. (stacking defensive stats will not change this) so basically ur stacking stats that make ur already hard to kill character harder to kill for the people u dont really have to worry about. now say you stack dps stats and spec 11/28/2 not only are u hard to kill, u are a single target dps power house. to put simply. if you stack defensive gear its basically like taking a soft cap'd stat and stll stacking it.
  24. http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s202/ttalker06/swtorepicfirepic.png its a pretty old picture, i look nothing like this now but still a great pic
  25. i play guardian tank 1. guard. 2. focus target - yup i mean i actually watch my healers hp. 3. healers hp moving to fast - guardian leap, awe 4. use aoe slow and aoe taunt. 5. leap away and dps. 6. repeat. i wont comment on how the healing is done because i am not one. BUT i know sage, scoundrel, and commando healers that have no problems staying alive (or atleast make them work for the kill) when we use the talents that are given to us. there is more to it than guard + heal and run away if your not getting guarded by a tank its because they do not see the green numbers that should be above their head, or they have a healer guarded already. (or they are "noob" tanks) so ill finish what i said before, a tank and healer who work together... can actually survive against a group of people who are working together...
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