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Everything posted by Psiwolf

  1. Earning your gear by toiling away for months in ony/mc/bwl during vanilla wow was a great experience for me, especially due to the server firsts. Now mmos drop gear like candy and the thrill is, quite frankly, seriously lacking. Where I DO have fun is playing competitively. BW can still put in a grind, only the rewards would change.
  2. Well I've been pvping for fun since I hit level 50 after about 3 days after the "official" launch, about 2-3 hrs most days, hanging out with friends and guildies and I still have a blast and I LOVE playing Huttball and I'm sure there are other people out there like me, who don't pvp because of the grind. However, I agree with warzones. Making more Huttball maps should NOT require so much wait time. There should be new huttball arenas coming out at least like once a month or two.
  3. The end goal of PvP'ing should be having fun, not grinding out gear. It should be a contest of skill. If people really want pvp to be about skill, then everyone should just get some standard equipment. As in sports, you should be able to earn rewards such as money (credits), trophies, titles, rings (cosmetic items), and even cars (mounts) like in real life. However, you shouldn't get shoes which help you jump higher and run faster in basketball or uniforms which enhance your strength so you can smash people harder in football. That would be rediculous. Imagine Kevin Durrant with gloves that add to his accuracy when he's shooting the ball? Or the gear Kobe Bryant would have, with 5 rings? Jordan could still be dominating the league with performance enhancing equipment with how much he dominated and how much more he'd own with all that enhanced gear. Give rewards to people who put in the time to grind stuff out. Give rewards to people who make skillful plays and win. skill should not = time nor time = skill Regardless of whether you pvp for 15 minutes a day or 15 hours a day, do NOT give a person a statistical advantage over the other. The advantage should be in your skills and teamwork, developed through play. Do you disagree and feel the need to grind out gear which will help you beat someone else? Then you're asking for a crutch. Chances are, if you play enough where you feel you deserve gear, then you also have a team, use vent, and are decent at pvp, due to the amount of time you put in. Why would you require any additional assistance vs a guy who only plays a couple matches a day?
  4. Translation: I play a sorc (judging by his avatar) and I dunno how to manage my cooldowns which actually make my class pretty useful at carrying the ball in Huttball. I get stunned on fire vents and I am a terrible passer. Please dumb down the game and help other special olympians like me become winners. Thank you Bioware.
  5. Doubtful. Based on your qqing about needing gear as a crutch, I'd say you're middle of the pack AT BEST.
  6. Since you're trolling us, I'll troll you. Make it like Vanilla and remove the pvp stats and let people use whatever gear is available for pvp. Then even if you choose to spend a majority of time pve'ing, you can still compete in pvp and vice versa.
  7. E for effort, but your last line has 6 beats, not 5. Try "go QQ elsewhere"
  8. As a healing sorc, yes, we need every single utility spell out there to survive the focus fires and the standing still to cast our bigger (better) heals. I don't cry about being marked/focus fired every warzone and having to stand to cast so quit complaining about me being able to use my utility spells (which some of super long cooldowns) to survive an encounter. Oh, and I heard we wear light armor.
  9. Oh, what do you know, it's Voidstar pictures x3 (i know this without even looking at the pictures). Because healers heal for over 1mil all the time and people don't group up near the doors when defending so aoe healing is actually effective.
  10. I think OP is trollin'
  11. Psiwolf

    Final blow to pvp.

    If you're finding people farming 4 medals and then /afking, then that's on the players. Maybe you should find a server where people actually pvp to.. pvp! IKR SRSLY MIND BLOWING CONCEPT! As a healer, since the patch, my healing amount has gone up approx. 30% due to the fact that I no longer have to go around intentionally trying to dps people for kills and trying to get killing blows. Even as a player who's trying to help the team a majority of the time, I used to have to intentionally disrupt my play and go out of my way to farm some kills for medals. That's no longer the case. Btw, my awesome server is Rakata Mind Prison (US-PvP), just throwing that out there, if you're gonna reroll.
  12. Lol, who cares if healers get marked? It's in the game, so just adapt. As a pve specc'd Sorc healer who's well known on my server, I get focused pretty much EVERY wz I step into. a: Does that prevent me from kiting multiple people around all match and still healing effectively? No. By kiting dps following me into our dps, around corners, knocking them into pits, using stun and run tactics, and placing myself in odd locations, I survive and I heal. Doest that mean I never die? No. There are times where I can survive 4-6 people attacking me. This is done by kiting + healing, having a tank guard + taunt, and even having a 2nd healer on me. Then there are those times where I have none of those, step out of the spawn, and get jumped by two people who are coordinating their stuns/interrupts and I die promptly. Does that mean I die every match? No. There are plenty of times where I'm by myself and I never die, it just requires more awareness of the situation and react accordingly. Just take the marking for a part of wzs and raise your game above it. Remember, you're getting marked because you're doing something right as a healer. And after you carry your team to victory, celebrate like a boss. Here's how I roll. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FF_vliKV2Lw&feature=related
  13. I agree, marking targets is just fine. However you're completely retarded if you really think this game has "piss poor interrupt mechanics and lack of counters" as there is a TON of stuns, interrupts, and knockback in this game.
  14. Come on people, let's keep this thread on the front page today so hopefully someone can see it and ask the Devs during the summit!!
  15. Imma healer and my whole freaken server loves to mark me and harass me. Honestly, I don't know if they even bother marking me anymore, as pretty much anyone who pvps on a regular basis knows me as a healer. SO WHAT?! THAT'S PART OF PVP! SORRY THE OTHER SIDE DOESN'T INTENTIONALLY LOSE TO YOU EVER TIME SO PLEASE STOP YOUR QQING K THX! ^_______^
  16. If I could just queue for Huttball all day, I'd be happy. Okay, Main serving of Huttball with a sprinkling of Alderaan.
  17. I hope someone asks for new Huttball maps during the Summit today!
  18. I'm a sorc healer using a full pve healing spec to pvp and honestly, I don't care if the other team marks me or not. Usually I can kite people around until they either give up or get killed by my team when I kite the guy following me into them. At other times, I queue with someone who can guard me and use taunt, which then makes me NEIGH IMPOSSIBLE TO KILL. I've had plenty of DAYS where when I finally finish pvping, I've died maybe once or twice the whole day. Also, most people on my server know I'm a healer, so they come at me pretty ferociously at times.
  19. Wow balanced this by making it near-needless to leave cities, with cross server instances, bgs, and arena. What they need to do is start merging some servers. 300 empire to 50 republic might be a problem for the 50 republic to run instances, have a servicable AH, etc. but with server merges, at least there will be more republic on the server and they may actually be able to form groups easier, etc. Also, lots of horde left Terenas back when they had a whole summer where the server lagged so bad, raiding was neigh impossible, so it may not be the best example. I used to play on alliance Terenas for a while too, but I rerolled to PvP servers since and I haven't gone back to PvE.
  20. I also realized that PvP players seem much cooler, as in the data thread for PvE servers, there were a bunch of people saying the OP's work was trash because of the sampling blah blah blah, and in here, it seems to mostly be positive feedback and gratitude. Maybe we're just not as bitter?
  21. Also, @op would it be possible to keep this list updated and perhaps recruit help from each server to create a more refined sampling?
  22. Does this show that Pubs = carebears and Empire = bloodthirsty?!
  23. Yeah, well I'm a healer and I know things can be tough. To make things worse, playing as a healer will only net you 2-4 medals per game, as opposed to 5+ as a dps when you're first beginning. Now I manage 4-8 medals on a fairly regular basis. Also, when you get known as a pvp healer, the other team will mark you in hopes of focus firing you to make your life as miserable as possible. That's when you know you have it made.
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