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  1. I'm puthing this here because the Guardian/Juggernaut board seem to be down or at lest to me. Anyways I am a returning player who have mostly done the pve stuff, well really I never left just havent played it for a while sense the new exspection for WoW came out. Sense it been a while I have hoped that some of you could help me out. My main character I have is a Jedi Guardian and right now I need a revamp on how to play him again lol. Sense the talents have been rested I have forgotten which ones to go with and would like some pointers if anyone give me some. If I could I would have swtich him to be more the dual saber spec but sadly I can do that. So what stats and 2nd stats should I be looking into for gear and more for a dps type Guardian? Rotation as well unless there is a site that is updated info for 5.0 content? Just wondering though this is not part about relearning my class, is there a few other characters being added to this new story? Mainly want to know if Kira will end up being part of this main story ark.
  2. In truth it is not really the fualt of the group finder but rather the players. Before you all give me hate replys hear me out. Just like wow there is really nothing wrong with the tool but really the players who don't want to take the tank or healing roles and that is all mmos. Most want to just do dps and not worry about about taking those roles and because of this more likely 90% of those in the game are dps. So the only thing I see that would make group finder and such go faster is if people start taking the other rolls, they should have it where you can do two specs and yes again like wow. That and your picky people who if wipe only once leave and take a long time getting a replacement. The way you make it sound or to me at lest they might as well just take away the tank and heals role or have your campanions stronger then they are now to take the role for you. Doing that wouldn't work because then it not only be more work as you be playing two roles and that is no fun. Otherwise if you take the tool away then your back to the "dps looking for group." deal which leaving those whos times cant match with those in guild and such left out. Like me I work from 4pm to 12:30 am right now and in that time is when everyone is one to do the raids and such so it is why I never get to do it other then useing the group finder system. However I would agree about the timer part of how long you have until you are sure you would be in a group and agree with the corss servers as well, being there is not many it would help with the waiting time.
  3. My Sith (which I haven't been useing sense I got back) is Recooness and my Jedi is Kalive.
  4. Oh I understand trust me, I'm hoping to find a more reasonable job so I can be on with everyone else. But this is what I have for now, as for your offer I might as well lol sense no one guild have ask me to join. What would I have to do to join the guild?
  5. I never really got to raid because like all mmos I play the dps roll most of the time and guess what I hardly get in any of them because that roll is always full. That or want fully geard people and Im sure there are many more out there who would say the same thing. As I said before, if you feel you have done everything then play another game until they get more content. Will everyone do the same? Maybe, maybe not. But the thing is when everyone get a free 60 level character more likely there will be a lot of new people coming in. In which case dont know what the heck they are doing all because they have a high level character. Tell me if you just starting to play the game and your first character is a level 60 what will you wanting to do? just go out and do what ever, start pvp right away or start with your class story? Like WoW when they gave there free level 90's a lot of people came who were new and were given a hard time because they knew nothing of what they were doing. So I can only guess but making this move they want people to go though the old content and get more feel for the game and I'm guessing this why there not puting up new Ops. I could be wrong but I hope your understanding what I'm trying to say. Besides they say they wont put up new ops right away or at lest for the time being, but don't mean they might wont put one up later on. What you say is nothing new which is on every mmo game, they say because of this or that the game will just fail because the people that made them are not doing what you want them to do. If it is going to go down then why havent it already? Because people can say all they want. But unless there is like only 100 or lower playing that makes not worth playing anymore then I would see it go down. But until that day I will keep on playing. In any case I say just go with the flow and see what happens, because bioware have done well in games or so that is I believe. Besides you can only do so much in an mmo game however if you and others like you are so dead set to have it the way your wanting then I guess you might want to play something like online console games or something those lines. Or make a game your self and see how long it would last.
  6. Being I came back to the game I been leveling a Jedi knight more in tank spec. which I have gotten up to level 32 so far, very fast I must say. I do have two 50's which are Sith war and Sor, the war is a tank and my sor is my range dps. However I started new so I get the feel of it once more however I may reuse my 50's if on the empire side. I live in Colorado Springs and play in that time frame between 11am - 2pm Monday though Friday, Saturdays a bit longer but not by much and Sunday I would say 6pm - midnight. That's my time as of now until I get a different job. I am more interested in any pve stuff rather then pvp, don't get me wrong I have nothing against pvp, just I get tired of getting my butt kicked by people with fully geared characters if you know what I mean? In any case if any guild don't my schedule I be more then happy to join ya and help out best I can.
  7. You know I just love it when people go and say they would quit or say they stay for so long and quit or something in those lines all because of one little thing is not added in. No different then WoW. Yes I get the idea of no new operations, they say they are not planing it but give it time and they might just make one later on. It depends on how the story part goes, I don't know for sure but giving a wild guess. I just came back to the game a few days ago and catching up on stuff. Ckoneful Have a point for which those new players coming in they want time to do all the old content sense they would be getting a free 60 if I remember right, if I'm wrong then please let me know. The point is see how it goes, if you gone though everything and feel there is nothing else for you to do right now then move to another game or do something else for a while then come back.
  8. US, my two 50's I have are on prophcey of the five. I may have gone with ebon hawk but I never been on an rp sever before and not sure if that would do well with me. However for the time I have right now I might try EU, maybe. I may start over on harbinger and hopfuly get in sense as it stands right now it is heavy with people. In any case thanks for the info and ill do what I can.
  9. Thank you for the reply's that really help me out. It seems I also have to go get the exspasion you guys have now before I can get higher then 50, which might not be bad, I just might start all over just so I can get in the feel of it again. It be a jedi knight or sith warrior sense tanks might be more in order (like wow there is too many dps and not enough tanks or heals lol). Not sure yet but will decide very soon. Also which pve sever is more active these days?
  10. Like the title said's I am an old player of SWTOR, I played beta and when it came out. I played until I gotten two characters to level 50 (it was the max level at the time). I loved the game however I am also a WoW player and enjoy that as well, I had to give up this game because I didn't have time to play both mmos. I mostly loved the pve story and seen all class storys (to level 50) on utube but don't mean I didn't want to come back. Now however after 6.2 patch on wow I'm soon to have very little to do with the game,because there is only a few things on that patch and I'll be done with it in about a week or two which be mostly farming stuff and raid finder. After seeing the clip for knights of the fallen empire I believe I will have time to come back and hopfuly catch up on everything I missed sense I been gone for I have not been in any of the expanions of this game. I have been in a guild (or clan, forget which on this game) the lasted I remember but being gone this long I don't think I am in one anymore so I would be looking for one. I live in Colorado Springs and play in that time frame between 11am - 2pm Mondy though Friday, Saterday a bit longer but not by much and sunday I would say 6pm - midnight. I am more interested in any pve stuff rather then pvp, don't get me wrong I have nothing against pvp, just I get tired of getting my butt kicked by people with fully geard characters if you know what I mean? In any case if any guild/clan can handle my schedule I be more then happy to help out best I can. The last I remember I have a two level 50's, sith warrior which is more tank, and sith sorcerer dps. Might still stay with one of those and level one Jedi just so I can see both sides or just stay with my sith warrior or I might just start over, not sure yet. Now being I been gone for so long I have some questions and this might help be decide what i would do, so if any of you wouldn't mind telling me or give me your own input I would be very greatful. 1. Is there now a dual spec like wow have, such as if i was my sith warrior would I able to now do two light sabers on one spec and my tank one on another? Or is it still only one spec? 2. If I remeber we have looking for group on flash points, do we have it for the operations as well? 3. What is the max level right now, I saw something saying get a free level 60 so I was wanting to know what is the max right now and how many we are getting on the next expasion? Also with this if getting a free 60 character is that only when the new expasion comes out or do you get it right now? 4. Is there now group battles for ship combat, I think I heard of it before but didn't know if it went though or not. If so is it pve base or more a pvp fight?
  11. That did help guys, thanks.
  12. Ok I know this might sound like a dum question but I cant seem to figure out how to go back to look at my posts on the forms. Like wow you can click on your profile and able to give links to your old posts, If anyone understand what I mean could ya help me out with this issu or is there a way?
  13. Not really, just mainly looking for one that be active enough in the type I set and also a good guild as well.
  14. Hey all Ya I'll be coming back to play on the game though more so as more pve then pvp, never got to see the other class storys so I'm interested in coming back just to see the rest of them. That and right now there's not much going on wow right now so At this same time I'm thinking of starting over and on a new server as well. I heard this one was most active but if not could any one point me to one that is out of pve servers? With that said is there any guild that would be interested to have me with them? I am more so looking for one that would be more active in Colorado time, between 9am- 3pm mondy though saterday, sundays I'm mostly open on any time. Hope to hear from some of ya soon.
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