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Everything posted by DarthCasus

  1. Scroll over the individual datapads on the table for each piece of information, not the table as a whole.
  2. My guess is that OP is showing how much of a fail some ESO customers see the game or its customer service is, for supposedly the Swtor-killer. Funny thing is, the only people I recall seeing "Swtor-killer" from are the ones that were complaining on these forums about various things and saying they were leaving for it.
  3. Anyone else feel like its time we stepped up in the animation department and got the ability Darth Traya used at the end of KotOR2? You know, summoning multiple lightsabers to dismantle your opponent? Im hoping when they increase the level cap that some thought goes into some new cool abilities
  4. Getting that Sword in box feeling so I just wanna be here when history is made
  5. I ran my Balance Shadow through to the end of the story with Zenith since I got him because I wanted to try something new other than the dps/tank+healer combo. Honestly, it was fun. It was pretty easy but I found that I would have to really upgrade my mods more consistently (every 3 levels was my pace) if I wanted to fight say 2 silvers and a gold and stay away from near death. Some times you have to resort to kiting to let him pick up aggro and get some hits in but its progress non the less. Also his gear was top of the line as well (multiple crafters at hand) so it was a breeze, but it took more mangement. Give it a try and see how well you fare against an elite at your level with him, it definitely was fun.
  6. After reading the first few responses, I decided to just skip ahead and post what I think. I think this is a wonderful idea, though it probably would have been better to not include any SWG comparisons as that's a "valid" reason to derail threads on this forum. I love the idea of pet auto loot, or probably a cosmetic change granted by special types of pets. Like the Rakghoul event ones, which will give everyone something to really look forward to other than just to have them. Perhaps they could give the player black eyes, or the ship pets can participate in battle by shooting like they would in real battle while doing no damage, they draw no aggro either. Just a few ideas but its little improvements like this that can keep people attached to the game. Incentive to collect them shouldn't be to collect them.
  7. I had an account since back when the game was first announced. I was hype to start playing but then fell on hard times and couldn't fit my schedule around playing at all so I held off. I often would watch some videos of pvp just to get a good idea of the class I'd start as soon I had my schedule straightened out. And then it was announced, Swtor INTRODUCING (Not becoming) a F2P model. I happily got on and loaded in, but then it started... Species restricted Couldn't trade 2 Quickbars No Sprint until level 15 Speeder training at 25 (?) Only could talk once per minute No artifact equips Subs hated me And etc... It was HORRIBLE at first, so I subbed a month later and enjoyed the game. Continually sub too because I love to RP unrestricted, have my over 350k credits ON me, not in escrow, and have 2 more stories to finish. I have dealt with all the restrictions and after a while of thinking about it, I can honestly say: -Restrictions that are purely cosmetic (Headslot and Unify) are FINE. -Restrictions that can impact your playing experience (Quickbars and cred limit for Preferred) are dumb. -F2P restrictions are near perfect because it is a fair trial considering they can play any of the 8 class stories to full. (Though its more time consuming) -Subs should get a bit more appreciation. Yes, 500CC is wonderful, but considering that you're paying for access to BASIC features that should be included in the game with no restriction (Craft queue, loot roll, pvp, respec, EMOTES), there should be some sort of appreciation program that'll reward you for being truly dedicated. Whether time commitment or cash. Some are perfectly content with their subs and that is perfectly fine, I'm just saying, I'd be fine without the 500cc and would happily go for a color crystal or customization of some sort. Something other than currency, something to show I'm valued. Options are nice. -Preferred players are given some leeway compared to F2P, but could still be improved. Some way to deal with a few more restrictions would be lovely. Ops passes and PVP passes are fine, im looking at craft queues and Credit cap. Perhaps there could be an unlock to bump up the cap some for CC's amd same for craft queue? These restrictions are harsh for people with multiple 55's just talking it easy for a bit. TL,DR: They aren't as harsh as they once were, but if BioWare takes a chance to improve on it in not only a positive way for the consumers, but also themselves, it'd make me happy. And a but easier at dragging my friends into this game with me
  8. Am I the only person that loved the prequels? They got me into Star Wars in the first place :\ But on topic, I figured that even when the new movies were ushered in, fans would just go about their business and stick to what they preferred. I mean the post RotJ was decent but I never could take it seriously compared to the more established story and lore in the movies. I went in to the comics/books and video games knowing that the stories can easily be cast aside and redone, so the fact that people are still surprised and or pissed is odd. I'm not really bothered by it. Now, if they go out of their way to mess with the Old Republic Era..
  9. Long time Merc healer here, the process of gearing is fairly easy but time consuming. I may have done so in a less organized way but got it done none the less. To start off, yes, HM flashpoints is a great way to get started. Im not much of a min/max person as I prefer to role play while being able to at least complete the occassional operation/flashpoint or new endgame content but from my experience, you're doing fine so far. Collect as much Med-tech gear as you go along towards 55 and definitely be sure to complete Oricon for the easy (Basic comm) 66 gear. I believe Dulfy has a gear guide for HM flashpoints where earpieces and implants drop so be sure to look that up. After Oricon, pick up the HM flashpoint weekly from fleet for the easy Elite comms and Basic comms for earpiece/implants/relics to bring the rest up to date. Healing as a Merc in some flashpoints can get pretty brutal so be prepared and watch heat management carefully or it couls be a painfully long weekly (3 HM flashpoints...) The world boss weekly mission is also a great help for Elite and Ultimate comms so be sure to do that (You can actually solo this at 55 by killing Trapjaw and the Droid boss on Alderaan). Next is operations. I reccomend watching youtube videos of healing in DF and DP (Since those award Elite & Ultimate) and doing a 16 man first to get used to it. 8 man is also fine if you feel more than confident enough. Dailies (Makeb, Section X, Czerka) also help raise Basic comms (66 gear) if you're still lacking some. Pugging 55 ops is a gamble (Read the Weird flashpoint/operations stories thread) unless there is some kind of communication (not really needed if everyone knows the drill). There is always a chance that you end up with knuckleheads. Try going along with a guild first. Ask someone to tag along on fleet, and be sure to tell them if its your first time. Some people will gladly meet you half way. Study the mechanica of each fight, be curtious, tell if you need an Arkanian drop (66? Gear with great set bonus) and gather up them ultimate comms to get ready for NM stuff. Augging your gear is another topic but it helps! Hope this helps ya, cheers.
  10. Yes, you keep the character you had created, however any characters made after the shift to preferred or f2p while NOT having the unlock will be restricted as usual. Get that first character of the species to 50 and you're good.
  11. Well aren't you a ray of sunshine? The method I provided is pretty cheap and only takes about 2-3 minutes max so excuse me for trying to be helpful. And getting offended for me calling someone else "kid"? It's not like I called them a child, it was a figure of speech. The information wasn't incorrect, just less effective so with that, good day.
  12. She does appear to be a tad off to my expectations as a Sith but at least it's better than looking at Darth Zhorrid. That's disturbingly painful.
  13. It may have to do with your speeder training level. The more you upgrade it, the more hits/damage you are allowed to take before getting knocked off. I was getting knocked off all the time on my agent but would never on my merc and wonder why. I saw that I hadn't upgraded my speeder training besides the initial ability, so I did so. Afterwards, the problem persisted, but was knocked off less frequently so I checked my gear and thought how my armor rating came into play. As a Sage, you arent going to have a very high armor rating naturally, so expect to take more damage but to help, I recommend upgrading to speeder level 2 if you haven't. 3 is imho too expensive and not really much of a difference from what I can tell. See if that helps some.
  14. Yeah, the bug has been around for quite some time and they did address it before. The bug occurs less often than it used to but still awaiting a full fix
  15. Psssstttt, hey kid, a trick for changing the missions you currently have, is to send a companion on a tier 1 2-3 minute mission. Cheap, quick, useful. But I agree that the return reward could be a little higher.
  16. Read every single post of this lovely thread and always had stories but never knew where to start, today is that day. Just got dropped in a lowbie Colicoid Wargames with my 42 Shadow only to be greeted with the following: Tank: LOL IM WAY TOO OVERGEARED DPS: LOL Want to? Healer: Not again.. Tank: LULULUL OBLITERATE! Voted to be kicked, reason? "Is a lame" I was too tired to even realize what the hell just had happened so I queue up again. Got a Kuat. Yay.. At this point I just wanted the little 2 bars left to reach lvl 43 so off I go. Again, dropped half way through and I ask what happened to the last person. One of the 3 tanks say "She wasn't healing". So I didn't bother to reply and just jumped to show I'm ready, we go on and we get the Assembly scenario. I say I know the puzzle and one tank says "k, you do it". We clear both rooms and collect the access pads, but as I put in the right pieces, I see a character following me as I do so, so I look back and see the same tank that said I should do it, changing the order. I started typing that I got it and then assembly starts... Of course it was wrong but I just said "What do ya know, cat's on fire again. /salute" and quit. At that point I was ready to go to sleep but then I saw I was missing barely 2k xp so I decided to give it another go. I get kuat again at the beginning with the Holy trinity. The tank was nice healer made sure to throw heald if needed and other dps.. It had to be someone, right? We started the prisoner scenario and I asked if I could free the all after we clear the rooms so I could get that final achievement. The healer and tank happily complied but not a word from our daring scoundrel. Anytime I sin for this achievement, it's the quiet one. We clear 1 room and run to the other but then I notice 1 less purple person on my mini map and my heart dropped. Then came the notification "1/10 prisoners free" and guess who wasnt standing by our side? DUN DUN DUN *Lightning* He claimed he rp's as a traitor since his original squad betrayed him and yada yada. I just replied "But... my cheevie..." and stayed quiet the rest of the run. M. Night Shamalan wouldn't have seen that shock coming I tell ya. Atleast I got my 43
  17. Well being that Armormech is for medium-heavy Armor users that don't use the force, you won't get much use there. I'd say go with Artifice. Then again, Artifice doesn't really have much usage unless you plan to level your toon with the sabers and crystals you make. Even then, you'd be outleveling the stuff you make quickly and find yourself with a tacked on skill you probably won't want to take fill advantage of (crafting and selling highest level hilts, which really takes time and commitment). I went with 3 gathering skills on my marauder (Slicing, Investigation, and Treasure hunting) since Vette has the +5 crit and Quinn had the Investigation efficiency bonus which makes it easier. I recommend 3 gathering skills to help other toons level crafts faster.
  18. I'm assuming im doing it all wrong? I'm currently leveling a Shadow in Balance and I have to say I'm loving it and its perfectly viable in PVE. It definitely could be better though. PVP, I honestly cant speak for, but if you can do well with this spec, you're an attentive player to say the least.
  19. Basilisk War Droid. This has to be done like 300 years ago
  20. I understand your frustrations, but know that there is a known bug that when checking gear, the offhand item won't show on our screen, even if they have it equipped.
  21. A young padawan with great interest in history and the mysteries of the force. Would eventually travel to worlds like Telos, what's left of Manaan, and other presumably dead planets. Try to understand and feel wounds in the force more. Love that type of stuff
  22. You're coming off so hostile towards the idea, it's ridiculous. If the player went through the process of getting all the datacrons on a character, why not grant something legacy wide? I understand your point somewhat with people being able to make a little walk here and there to get them again but come on. It's a nice chance to take advantage of the legacy system, which could use this long requested feature. If not the stat bonus, at least the codex entries. Arguing, calling people lazy and your attitude aren't really helping improve the game.
  23. I logged on today and was greeted by one of the pre-launch trailers (got me wanting to start another alt ) and music from KotOR 2 IIRC. Anyone else get this recently? It's only odd to me because I was on last night and this didn't happen, but it definitely breathed life into my day
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