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Everything posted by Mephismo

  1. There is no going back. You even admit low pop servers are a problem. You need to keep up with the competition or it will wipe the floor with you.
  2. Its not a job! I agree with the OP never had this problem in that other game. lvl 1-25 is great past that its an uphill slog for us casuals and some of the class quests are too hard.
  3. Maybe they needed a second opinion. Sometimes I think they left stuff out deliberately. So they could say later, hey look at all these cool features we are adding.
  4. Because those that don’t want it are the awkward ones who cant make friends. They want you to be forced to party with them.
  5. The OP just dressed it up a little. Cant bring himself to log in then says he is going to lvl another two toons because he has nothing to do. Does it make sense ?
  6. Yes wtb the time it took to read it, another nothing new quiting thread.
  7. 1. Cross realm pvp/pve (without it this game will die) 2. Instant port to flashpoints/hcs etc(because if I want realism I will go outside) 3.Add more quests for all lvls (Because I ran out on higher lvl planets)
  8. Got to agree with the OP this game sucks cant wait for the next one to be released. The next one will probably suck too because these games have lost their way . Well at least we a can all whine on the forums.
  9. Probably if we knew their workload and how many there was doing the job we would be more understanding. Personally I would say doing their best , could do better.
  10. Can we get a refund they paid him too much:D
  11. I liked this a lot:) Also like to add that very few players are actually new to these type of games so most know all of the above.
  12. A one button macro would be great.(had this in WoW for shadow priest it was awsome) Clicking and how do you prove you are better than me. No combat log no damage meter no stress.
  13. But I do understand and agree with you wholeheartedly. Personally I would remove gear rewards and just make it so progression unlocked new content.
  14. Some see casual players as bad because they are seen as wanting things easily with less time involved. If you fit this category then yes.
  15. If everything is about progression then the best gear should be available to everyone. The best players don’t need the gear and it just trivialises the content for them, a title should be enough reward. The worst players need the gear to make up for their lack of skill and even with the best gear will probably fail badly at hard modes. The main point is how long it takes to acquire this gear. Most casual/bad players will not have the credits so it will take an eternity to kit themselves out.
  16. You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to work this out. A lot of players here came over from WoW. Are they avid star wars fans ? Probably not. WoW is near the end of its expansion, no new content very little reason to go back. Blizz will want these customers back, so by offering them a better experience as in cross server lfg and cross server easy raids, new content there will be a mass exodus. So for a short while a realm based lfg tool might be ok but not indefinitely.
  17. Exactly what I thought:p But better late than never:)
  18. Your next game will be the same and the next till you have less time to play games.
  19. This is completely untrue If they copy WoWs lfg tool and they copied just about everything else tbh You can continue to do other instances with the same group or part. Yes they do need cross server, why go halfway ?
  20. Yes but most raiders aren’t as smart as the OP. No threat meter no combat log. Watching scrolling combat text made me lol
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