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Everything posted by Heimskringla

  1. The author they gave the story to was one of their most junior writers. I can't find anything notable that she published in the Star Wars universe (or the science fiction genre) before being given the SI story to write. Class stories should have been done purely by the big-name, published writers in Bioware's employ.
  2. No. They apparently silently removed many titles from the game. At level 44, having completed several world arcs and bonus series, I the titles I left Korriban with (Acolyte and Apprentice), the two titles from Black Talon, the title I earned from getting DS III, the title I earned at the end of Act I of my class story and... that's it. None of the quests that bestowed titles in beta do so. When I file a ticket it disappears with no response.
  3. No. They haven't eve acknowledged it as a bug, as far as I know. Revan is supposed to look like a Mandalorian Spaceball.
  4. That's a pretty major bummer. It would have been awesome if we had an actual choice. This game presents mostly the illusion of choice.
  5. Because vBulletin isn't actually capable of handling the amount of traffic they expected for this game at launch, or something. The official reason is that they're having back-end issues with the search feature and the database, which is entirely possible. The Tinfoil Hat reasons include everything from wanting to make it harder to find criticism of the game to an evil alien plot that will require the completion of Mass Effect 3 to foil.
  6. You're missing the point. He has a backstory, and it is very good. However, he is not developed in your story sufficiently as your nemesis. Rebecca Harkness didn't spend enough time developing Thanaton as a nemesis for Act II or Act III. He's just sort of there.
  7. The problem with Thanaton is that he is never developed as a nemesis. We get a couple of conversations with him on Dromund Kaas, and then another encounter with him before the beginning of Act III or at the beginning of Act III. After that, there's nothing, really. You don't engage in "The Game of Sith" with him at all. He doesn't really attack your power base, and you don't really attack his. It's a problem with all of the nemesis that the SI has in the class story... they're not really fully developed characters, and you don't interact with them enough to feel much of anything. I barely cared that I had to kill Zash. In fact, I cared more that she took over Khem Val than anything else. However, with Thanaton, I didn't care at all. He was simply thrown in there as my nemesis, but he was never developed as such. I didn't feel anything about him. He never really did anything to me.
  8. I have maintained, all along, that Bioware gave the SI to its most inexperienced writer. This seems to have proven my suspicion true. Seriously... they had Daniel Erickson, Drew Karpyshyn, and Alexander Freedman... all of these writers have acheived some degree of success in their field and have proven that they can actually write compelling stories, but they gave a major class story to a no-name writer, and it shows, because the story completely fails to capture the feel of a Sith. The SI is probably the only class that doesn't feel anything like its movie inspiration.
  9. I have a Zotac GTS250, which is known to run hot, and I've never had an overheat issue with this game. I have an aftermarket heatsink on my Phenom II X4. If you're still using stock cooling you might invest in an aftermarket heatsink + fan.
  10. I don't know if the servers are empty, but Hyperspace Cannon certainly feels empty to me. Maybe 50 people on Alderaan last time I was there.
  11. RAM is probably your biggest bottleneck here. I had 4GB and found that my performance improved upon upgrading to a total of 12GB. I think anything over 4GB will be sufficient.
  12. Meh. My sorc's chinstrap helmet thing clips with his hair. They didn't disable that from showing up. Personally, I'd rather deal with some clipping than look like a spaceball.
  13. 44 Sorc 14 Jug 12 BH Started on day one of EGA.
  14. Personally, I would find a new guild. I can understand "You don't raid until you have good gear or these stat thresholds per class/role," but "You don't raid unless you have a stim that's less useful than the non-reusable blue version." New guild time.
  15. It's somewhere north of 30 blues per purple for me. At level 44 it costs me approx 2k and 45-55 minutes to run the mission to get enough blue fabric to craft a single blue. So, we're talking 60k and 22.5 hours. That's more time than any raid and most of the craftable gear is nowhere near as good as raid gear.
  16. Synth is useful for the (currently) BiS Rakata gear you can make. There are also some nice-looking light armour robes wearable around level 47. However, I find that most of the gear (aside from oranges from UT) is not very aesthetically pleasing. In a word, the gear is mostly ugly compared to oranges and quest rewards. It's like Bioware wanted to discourage people from wearing it. "Hi, I'm a Dark Lord of the Sith and this is my fearsome robe WITH FUSCIA ZIG-ZAGS ALL OVER IT!"
  17. It's the same on the Empire side, to be honest. Black Talon is very well done but everything else is not. Hammer Station? Pointless. Finally, you get to The Foundry and it's good. Even The Foundry pre-cursor (Boarding Party) seemed thrown together slapdash.
  18. Yep. I completely agree. The story lost coherence after Act I. I've long maintained that the SI was written by Bioware's most inexperienced writer. I too can see the story the writer was trying to tell, but it wasn't the story the writer actually told. First I'm Indiana Jones. Then I'm Egon. Then I'm what, exactly, and why? I have a feeling I'm going to enjoy both my Bounty Hunter (even though I don't care for Pew-Pew classes) and my Sith Warrior stories a lot more, because they actually appear to tell a coherent story in a way that doesn't abuse my intelligence. I probably would've dropped the SI entirely if I didn't enjoy the gameplay mechanics so much.
  19. The Emperor | |The Dark Council <> The Emperor's Wrath | | "Second Rate" Darths | | Dark Lords of the Sith | | Sith Masters/Overseers | | Apprentices and Acolytes Apprentices and Acolytes have authority proportionate to that of their master. They don't necessarily have authority of their own until they've begun to build their own power base. It's all heavily dependent on your power base, to be honest. My Sith Inquisitor, while dark-sided, has done his best to make it known that he puts the Empire first and has tried to make as many connections with the Moffs and Imperial Military as possible.
  20. There's a nice set of Dark Side robes for l47... that's really about it. Some of the orange gear I've received via UT has been good, but I've spent almost the entire time leveling in orange gear instead of purples I can craft. The l39-ish light armour that SI's can craft has fuscia-pink zig-zags on it. There's absolutely no ability to customize color with crafting in TOR, and that is very unfortunate, because designers appear to have been doing spoiled acid while designing.
  21. And they still haven't discussed putting in back in. Revan looks epic without a hood, let me tell you... epic. Very iconic.
  22. Man, it would have been awesome to have the option to sacrifice Ashara for Zash .
  23. She doesn't have a fully textured/skinned body like other companions. Take all her armour off and she's got a pair of green longjohns where others have regular underwear. Bioware hasn't addressed this issue to date despite several threads.
  24. I am enjoying the game. They need to work on a movable, scale-able UI, high res textures, and some other bugs (like the one that means I have to CTRL+U multiple times per session). I also would enjoy it more if there were server forums. Much easier to talk to the regulars, arrange sales of truly rare items, and make requests of crafters for purple items.
  25. I will only keep playing if they send Aishwarya Rai to my house with Rajma Chawal made by an Indian housewife every day. Also, I expect it to be served on vintage Wedgewood bone china. Seriously, folks... they are working to address these issues... they've said as much. If you want to be outraged, go rage in the thread where Stephen promised us an answer to the lack of high textures in the game by today and failed to deliver.
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