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Everything posted by TheHauntingBard

  1. No rig can possibly handle high resolution textures on characters only. SWTOR looks like a game from 2012 , it will just fry any GFX card and kill of your CPU. This games beats any other game online ,it's visually so stunning. No matter what rig you got,YOU ARE NOT PREPARED!.
  2. The real question is, why is she on my ship? No really she doesn't like gifts, she disagrees with everything I do so why can't I put her in the air lock.
  3. Nice initiative, filled it in and a bump for the OP.
  4. This pretty much sums the current LFG system up. Sounds very social or perhaps Bioware is just to lazy to make a proper LFG system.
  5. Haven't read a review that pointed this out. It's pretty obvious though, weird.
  6. Cheers for the awesome post, and bump.
  7. Sounds all nice but rather have them fix all the freaking bugs and add high resolution textures >_>. Besides legacy system in patch two, just wow.
  8. Think those textures are for the PC version, this game looks like it was made for consoles.
  9. Top one looks very nice. I really don't get why they can't put this in game and why they lie about it with 'it's a bug'. For now the only top quality things Bioware seems to deliver are excuses.
  10. It's smart ,they just keep locking it until people run out of steam. Nothing will change , it's by far more effective then posting more excuses. It's a great way to keep costumers as well,really.
  11. No I love paying 100k just to enjoy another aspect of the game.
  12. Mr Reid, I appreciate your concern with my FPS. But I can handle three different texture settings. I know my rig quite well and if it can't handle SWTOR amazing graphics I will notice it. Unless you wish to tell us their is something wrong with SWTOR optimization and engine and that's why you can't provide us textures textures that are on par with those from 6 year old mmo's. I think the current texture settings aren't good enough. I can't see what the artist intended to make my robe look like untila cut scene. patterns and colours are all washed out. What I can say is your tone isn't appreciated. I'm a customer not a share holder, I think it's disgusting you take people for fools with comments like ' oh this was just a bug'. We both know it isn't.
  13. It's always bringing a smile on my face when I am making auctions with this lovely AH and suddenly >HOLD< Khem val is back and he brought presents!
  14. I doubt the engine can't handle high res textures. I mean that would be really stupid if that is the max it can push.
  15. Seems I am missing out a lot, running this game on a high end right with a nice 580GTX and it looks nothing like that.
  16. The medium choice was a bug. By accident there happened to be a medium texture setting in the beta, that made the textures blurred out. Now there was also a high setting that was not working. This 'bug' during the whole beta, has now been investigated. You know these settings that 'magically' appeared. MR Reid Biowares attitude and customer service are disgusting. It's disappointing to see you answering with so much >Insert bad word<. As for the optimization, this game runes terrible. Even if it did ran smooth servers in Ireland aren't helping, don't come with 'it's good service'. Ireland is one of the worst places to have the servers in for the EU but guess what, it's also one of the cheapest. The game is alright but some how I hope Bioware just fails hard when I see this kind of comments.
  17. Haha indeed, it sounds logical but it would be incredibly stupid. If it's true ouch.
  18. I don't get how you can get 9 medals as healer in HB or VS. Typical HB match. Every time I play I tend to either follow tanks around with the ball and healing them or pulling people over the line. If the team is less good I tend to score myself. The matches I am the most useful I get 4 medals tops. maybe 5-6 if I am lucky and the opportunity presents it self. Even more laughable 3 goals made solo and guess what 4 medals. 1: 2.5k heal 2: 75k healing 3: 400k 4 Killing blow 5: 10 kills. The 30% healing reduction debuff pretty much wrecks the 5k heal in most situations. Now I can score a few more medals but that would be by simply standing in the middle,DPS and roam around for solo kill. Basically when I am being an efficient healer that helps the team and isn't spending his time doing useless stud for medals I get punished. Sure I can hang around the middle let people die and DPS. Roam around alone for solo kill and basically farm people while ignoring everything else and hit 7 medals in HB with effort.
  19. You know, Fly text used to be an add on in other games. It hasn't been a standard feature in every MMO. You're using it now and it is a personal combat log. Yet you moan about recount, sad.
  20. That's the nature of a lot of DPS players with or with out a parser. Perhaps developers should stop rewarding them with more DPS for risking it and perhaps punish them instead of the healer/tank? No instead let's blame recount in WOW because clearly in SWTOR DPS is not doing this (yes they do it as much as in WOW fun stuff)
  21. Even worse, tank that wants to brag about DPS! Sorry had to post it else he would and it would have gone on for a few pages.
  22. You know these two anti add on people are just trolling. They keep repeating the same and ignore any serious comment while they quote small parts of post to pick them apart. They have no intention to discuss it seriously, so please stop feeding the trolls.
  23. Pretty much this. Though they would probably claim they can spot everything in a 16 man raid etc.
  24. You assume it trivializes that's something different. Besides why is what you want more important than him? In the end the add on doesn't affect you.
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