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Everything posted by TheHauntingBard

  1. They can't neither will they look at the difference between haste/crit and what not. They are just talking out of their necks to get their point across.
  2. That's normal mode here. Even better you could argue that an add on like recount allows more tight encounters that are better tuned and well harder.
  3. Glad you speak for every person out there just to get your point across. Besides since when do the hard core raiders count as the 'average guilds' Ah yeah to make your point. In all honesty I've seen a lot of good arguments why recount is good for a game. You on the other hand just clamp to straws and base everything on assumptions. It's hard to take it serious.
  4. Bioware creates a hard mode boss. The boss requires both DPS to do 500k damage in 8 minutes or else he enrages and kills every one. This is the set rule. To achieve that you need the things below. A: A certain amount of gear B: A certain spec C: A certain rotation. Now if you got better gear your rotation can be a bit less. Specs are another story a healer and tank need to have an optimized spec else either the tank or the healer will suffer from that and its clear that things go wrong. DPS can hide it and here on the forums people go 'I have a fun spec' it's the same thing the consequences will reveal them self later. There is a huge difference between taking a 5% less damage for a instant CC than a 'fun spec', it's debatable what is better. Going with a half healing/tank spec is a fun spec for some people. If you join a hard mode as a player you want a bigger challenge. Stating you don't want to submit yourself to the set rules simply means you're making it a challenge for the rest. In other words you are unsocial and make three people have less fun because of your own needs. Think about it.
  5. All I see is DPS complaining about the fact recount means they have to be a bit more responsible. Any well formulated posts gets skipped and all I see is ' I DON"T WANT". First of all recount problem is only about pugs, you know the same pugs people say about that it's 'normal' that most of them behave poor. So you don't like me seeing that you're playing bad. But you know what. I don't want bad DPS to stand in fire and blame me as a healer because yeah they didn't do it. I don't want bad DPS to whine about me losing aggro while they fail to interrupt a cast that stuns me I don't want you to have a fun rotation that causes me to chain pot to keep the group running. I don't want to spend 2 hours on a boss until your ' RL" kicks in because you cba to learn your class. See that's the other side of the story, no recount means a free ticket for some players to slack/pester and abuse tanks and healers. But you know what's the best, I can avoid this all by not pugging! There is your answer for recount, make friends with this LFG tool find a nice social guild and have fun. But don't moan about recount because it ruins your pug experience.
  6. Actually hardcore players min/max in both spec and rotations. They will usually log the fight and break everything down in a log. Even though with out a combat log/recount they can figure some things out most of it remains guessing with out number. It's a spreadsheet MMO based on numbers and formula's, simple as that. Define casual player please. You can raid 'casual' times but still want to play at the best you can, you can also log in 2 hours a week. In fact 3 day raiding guilds tend to be considered as 'casual' and some are a lot more hardcore than the 5 day counter parts. Most of all people don't harass each other because of recount in pugs, they harass each other because they are morons. Pug behaviour has never been that good, keep that in mind before making wild claims. You assume they do. Also what about - Damage taken -Death log -Dispels -Interrupts -Over healing. I would like to monitor it but you focus your argument on >>>Damage<<< 5. It's a different game. Learn to appreciate difference and be able to deal with changes. Recount had never been needed, it has been a tool, a convenience in a certain game. Time to do something else today. Human had been blessed with intelligence and are able to adapt themselves to change. Or..are we Bioware uses tight enrage timers in their hard modes. It clearly states >Do X DPS or you wipe< they went the way of 'WOW" as you call it. In that case you might as well give people access to numbers since these encounters force you to spec/DPS in a certain way. Also giving people access to data means more fun and complex encounters instead of straight out gear checks with enrage timers.
  7. Pretty much that. Also there are 3 healing medals if I am not mistaken. 2.5k heal 75k healing 300k healing The last one is ridiculous since you got the 30% healing reduction. Making it impossible to achieve for lower levels. Even at 50 it is not easy if you're being focused a lot by a smart team.
  8. I am going back to DPS for PVP. Pushing 300k healing keeping the team up and 3-4 medals. I get rewarded for actually not doing my job aka dotting people using thunderstorm while I could heal some one or farming the middle in huttbal instead of helping the ball carrier. As DPS I hit 7-8 medals with out a problem, in fact I don't even have to be useful. If the UI was not killing healing in pvp the reward is.
  9. I can't stand SWTOR fanboys but I don't want this game to fail. More good MMO's means more competition and companies learning from each other. I don't like how EA/BW handle this MMO but wishing the game to drop sales and lose subs is another story. In the end it will just mean more F2P mmo's and well I don't like that. Though I must admit some part of me does want them to slip because of their customer service and Eu treatment.
  10. That isn't entirely fair what you ask him, even when you discuss something involving subjectivity . You still set up certain boundaries to avoid the argument ' the wall is white the wall is black'. If you purely speak in subjectivity and objectivity you will need to balance with logic. The next example will also show that bringing in that kind of arguments isn't a good idea, especially since you will have to dig through gaming history. Anyway here it goes for the sake of fun. Note: This is not about my own subjective opinion. WOW and Bioware both have LFG tool. Ask your self this, what is the purpose of a LFG tool in a MMO. Remind you assuming that one is more social is subjectivity and so is stating 'it builds a community' Even if a dev stats ' we think . Just stop right there that's an assumption so we ignore it. Bioware stated the LFG tool is to find people to do quests/flash points, it's intended purpose is there for not subjective. The end purpose of a LFG tool is to find a group faster than grouping with out a LFG tool. If that was not the intention there would be a clear absence of the tool. The essence of a LFG is to speed up grouping, there for the end destination is a faster and more efficient method. Numbers will show that the WOW tool will for fill that purpose faster and more efficient. There for WOW is has a more efficient and better LFG tool. Since WOW's LFG tool is more efficient in terms of numbers and time it makes WOW a better game since it succeeds in achieving it's goal more efficient than SWTOR.
  11. The sith inquisitor is very random in his/her evil actions. It goes from straight out psychopathic to just being a mean bully. Sometimes the light options are arguable more evil than the dark options. If you would play say 50/50 your character would hardly be neutral as a SI. You most likely end up murdering a lot of people, display your power and lie but you aren't necessarily going to destroy things(including wrecking the empire) just for the sake of it. This isn't really neutral it's just not being chaotic stupid. Problem what I've noticed with evil is that it's not consistent at least with the SI. I haven't tried light side SI but it seemed more logical from time to time while Dark side SI is just chaotic stupid. I think for the empire 'neutrality' isn't so strange if the other two lean towards extremes.
  12. Funny in my book calling people kids because they have a different opinion is pretty immature.
  13. Funny that's how I look at the people that keep talking about the good old EQ days.
  14. I rather be lazy and have fun in the instance while chatting and killing stuff than be the hard working guy that spends 30 min on forming a group. Especially since even if I form it with pugs it might still be bad.
  15. I wanted something new and innovative, I wasn't waiting for WOW with lightsabers. But Bioware went for making WOW with lightsabers, it's their decision so they might as well get it right and go all the way. I first though OP's post was well a bit silly, but sadly he makes a good point. People just don't like to accept this. So yes I want Add ons Macro's Recount Customizable UI LFG tool (not xrealm) Guild perks
  16. Not for you, you keep it constructive. I just wanted to add it to my post but detach it from your quote.
  17. Don't know what WOW has to do with SW lightsabers. Though I don't deny that the importance of looks of gear/weapons has been around in mmo's for a long time. Read most replies and well I think it boils down to personal taste. Some people seem to be content with 'just' this , I mean it's a lightsaber it's as epic as it can get for SW standards. Others point out there are more type of light sabers in the SW universe and that they would like to see them in. Also I agree with lore should not be taken to serious JL doesn't seem to do so.
  18. Every hardmode and every nightmare mode is based on this concept yes. Do X DPS do X healing and do X threat , if you fail to reach the amount of DPS the boss enrages and GG. These enrage timers are also pretty tight. When you design the game like that be reasonable enough to introduce recount. After all if Bioware did make something unique no one would ask for recount. They would have worked around it. Edit: As other posters pointed out. No matter if you are for or against add ons the moment you feel the urge to insult others over it anything you wrote has no meaning. Since you're not able to respect others their opinion you not possible to debate with, call it the state of mind.
  19. So it's weird to expect that 3000 years ago people used maybe different models of light sabers or weapons that looked different with light going through them. I mean if this is lol lore how about life day that was suppose to be a part of the lore. Even better Jar Jar Binks is this to be taken serious as well? That alone killed a part of the story for me. Not to bash or anything but JL is pretty easy in adding weird stuff to SW. I just don't find this such a weird thing to decide especially in a MMO where getting gear is a part of the game along with looks. I appreciate your input though, I'm pretty sure a lot of HC SW fans like it the way it is. Than again I can't speak for the average MMO player how they experience the same weapon start to finish.
  20. Actually they already force a certain spec for hard mode flash points. It's called the enrage timer. Say you join a heroic as DPS with a half healing and half DPS spec. The boss has to die with in 3 minutes and you need to do 80k damage with in that time. Same goes for the other DPS. You got blue gear and the max damage you can push with that spec is 60k damage while the min max allows 100k. I don't consider this to be 'fun' for the rest of the group. These hard modes force you to play/spec in a certain way until you out gear them.
  21. To repeat a post of AcidZero that explained it to me. According to him it's a part of the SW lore. But well maybe people think SW=Lightsaber and they stick to that nvm the rest of the lore. Still his post seems very interesting,makes me wonder why they sticked with normal sabers. t would be quite easy to add in more light saber types, there were numerous different kinds aside from just your basic saber that we all have, or the dual blade saber shadow/assassin have. Well Easy and stay with in the lore, below is a list of weapons that are all in SW lore. Great Sabers Saber pikes Light whips (yes the night sisters used these, a long with a few others) Guard Shoto San-Ni Staff Cross guard Saber Dual Phase saber (these held 2 crystals) Dueling Saber (just a slight hilt change though) Long Handle saber (again mostly hilt change for the game, but they were designed to easily be one or two handed when wielded) Wan-Shen
  22. Operations/flash points are group focused. Doing what ever you want in a group is not being social or kind, you're being selfish. Besides the anti add on people on these forums are the worst elites I've ever seen in any MMO. It makes high end raiders look like civilized humble people.
  23. 8.0/10 it's an all around good MMO that does nothing new or improves a lot. Still it's great fun, sadly it's plagued by bugs and lacking features.
  24. Read the whole thread, some one gave nice examples of weapons that are used in the SW universe. Basically lightsabers in different forms. So yes you can expect that from SW. Please stop trolling. I'm asking a normal question here, keep the fanboy comments out of it.
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