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Everything posted by Yukondoit

  1. /head desk I have a solution to your problem. ROLL A REPUBLIC CHARACTER.
  2. Ability delays. Other than that, not much. I recognize that bug fixes are imminent.
  3. Only Level 21 for me. I play when I can, which is after I get off work and before Everybody Loves Raymond!
  4. Yea...that's it! BioWare is enjoying the most successful MMO launch in history and the remaining few days of the Holiday season. They don't give two cents about the baseless whiners who demand this and demand that. Why? Because these whiners are almost universally children. And I don't necessarily mean that in the literal sense (though that is definitely the case for some). I mean that most of the petulant, peurile pontificators of pablum have never earned a paycheck in their life. They don't understand business and they demand instant gratification. BioWare cares about the bugs and the balance tweaks and new content. They care about valid feedback on ideas that the community as a whole would like to see that would improve the game. They don't care if Little Billy starts a thread demanding X being fixed else he'll stop paying with Mommy's credit card. And what the little narcissist monsters don't realize, is that no one else cares either.
  5. The ebb and flow of the game will change over time. Slicing will be a flavor of the week/month once more. Just give them time to make the proper adjustments necessary for the playerbase to drive the economy. Once that happens, you'll find things will be running much smoother.
  6. This thread is Exhibit A for why we're in an economic mess. People don't understand the cost of doing business. The whining of these forums is second only to the puerile belief that BioWare is trying to "screw" their customer base. You're paying for the development of a game that has no end. People don't work for free in a capitalist society. You could certainly argue til you're blue in the face that they should. The result of course...is North Korea. And let me let you in on a little secret, you don't get innovative products like MMO's in North Korea.
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