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Everything posted by Yukondoit

  1. Okay, So as a completionist and someone who really enjoys gathering Codex entries, I've been mildly annoyed by some of bugged ones. I feel like the guy who always washes his car but can't quite get that one spot out. So, I'm hoping that in a coming patch, the Devs will be able to rectify this and I was hoping to get some feedback from people on Codex entries that are known to be bugged. I'll start it off: Republic Ord Mantell: Mon Calamari Kel Dor Coruscant: Darth Angral (Jedi Knight) Sullustan Sith Empire Korriban: Imperial Scholar
  2. No Yoda. No Ewoks. First off, the Yoda companion is never gonna happen. Secondly, Ewoks haven't even been discovered in this era yet, so that's never gonna happen either. All the wishing and hoping in the world for Ewoks and Endor is a waste of time. There has to be a compelling "gap" in the Jedi Knight's companion profile. What archetypes are missing? Male Jedi Knights The Loyal Sidekick: T7-M1 The Sarcastic (Lovable?) Rogue: Doc The Girl: Kira Carsen The Serious Buttkicker: Rusk The Mystery Man: Lord Scourge Female Jedi Knights The Loyal Sidekick: T7-M1 The Troubled Apprentice: Kira Carsen The Guy: Doc The Serious Buttkicker: Rusk The Mystery Man: Lord Scourge What the Jedi Knight needs is either a Force Savant (i.e. companion with a great potential to use the Force except no formal training ala Luke Skywalker) or the Dour Realist (i.e. a companion who always believes every mission is gonna end in certain death to the humorous chagrin of everyone else). For a Force Savant, I think there are any number of aliens that would fit this bill. In order to make the teachable moments of the character's growth more poignant, however, this character would need to be able to speak Basic and have human-like facial expressions. My suggestions would be one of the following: female Human, female Arkanian, female Omwati or female Wroonian. Force Savant Companion Analogue: Jedi Sage (burst damage, CC) For a Dour Realist, the alien selection could be broader as he wouldn't necessarily have to speak Basic or possess human-like facial expressions. For the sake of canon and lore, my first choice would be a male Advozse due to their overly pessimistic nature. However, any of the following would fit nicely: male Rodian, male Bothan, male Vultan, male Nautolan, or male Advozse. Dour Realist Companion Analogue: Mercenary (tanky DPS) There are two criteria for all future companion additions: Archetypes (to fit in with the story) and Class Analogues (to diversify the crew).
  3. No they aren't. One of their scout ships stumbled upon the galaxy by accident. That's all.
  4. Based off their criteria (humanoid, ability to speak Basic, easy to render), there are some choices that make more sense than others. Republic: Cathar Vultan Togruta Nikto Sith Empire: Chagrian Nikto Zygerrian
  5. No to all of the above, especially the Vong. Leave their lore as it relates to the NJO timeline. Canderous' comments in KOTOR should remain as a hint/nod to the Vong. And that's it.
  6. I failed the second jump to the Strength datacron. But I still love them!
  7. Not if you don't pay the exorbitant costs for the item listings.
  8. This isn't completely related, but it's relevant in that it deals with Angral. Did anyone else NOT get a Codex Entry on Darth Angral on Coruscant?
  9. I don't see what the big deal is. If someone puts an item up for sale that is too expensive, then no one will buy it. It's as simple as that. Prices are market indicators that are prone to such fluctuation. They are the purest way of determining value. And if people are trying to arbitrarily set prices in some sort of gambit to increase inflation, all one has to do is...NOT buy the items. Our behavior dictates prices--not the other way around. Rollbacks are not even remotely necessary.
  10. I just use my planetary commendations to buy my companion gear. It avoids these unsavory situations.
  11. I brought in a friend of mine (Gunslinger). Yea, I know. I cheated.
  12. It doesn't matter what language this link is in, it still doesn't refute the asininity of the assertion that "they have more than enough money." You people have what economists call a "knowledge problem." That is to say, you don't know what you don't know.
  13. And who are you again to judge whether they "have more than enough money" for anything? Do you have BioWare's accounting book? Do you know the cost of server maintenance? Each individual employee's salary? How about the total cost of overhead? What about their power bill? Do you have a chart denoting their transaction costs with their partner clients? Do you even know how many employees Bioware has working on TOR? Tell me, how much is BioWare spending on paper each month? Pens? Please elucidate for us.
  14. Dude, you're talking way too much common sense for this place.
  15. I'm willing to wager the $5 in my left pocket that this issue is fixed next week once the entire team returns from the holiday break. And then we'll move on to our next *****-fest. Repeat. Ad nauseum. The complaints about the Kira bug are legitimate (as a Jedi Guardian I'm acutely invested in the playability of my class). The way some have complained and the arguments that some have pitched are ignorant at best and peurile at worst. Someone mentioned the phrase "poor business ethics." Really? REALLY? Poor business ethics? No, rim rod, ENRON engaged in poor business ethics. The fact that some gameplay bugs have yet to be fixed, despite reassurances that they're aware of the issue and working on it, is not an example of poor business ethics. That type of commentary can only come from someone who isn't old enough to have taken a business or ethics course, much less from someone old enough to have any real-world experience in business. There's a method to the madness, people. Stay vocal, but as Ron Burgundy said, stay classy. You'll catch more flies with honey than you will with vinegar. And that's doubly the case here because BW has a major incentive to keep all of us happy. The bug will be fixed. And soon. And all the instagraties will move on to something else to piss and moan about, forgetting that their previous whining was addressed.
  16. Minor quibble. They will attack you for not being able to understand your logic.
  17. Ah hah. Ah hah. Ah hah. Ah..hah...hum... Perhaps you should continue occupying your parents basement instead?
  18. Those of us with functioning synapses were able to piece together quite a lot from his responses. Here's a small sampling: We're getting a new UI LFG is not high on their priority list right now We're most likely getting neutral faction gear We're getting new pets The ability delay issue is one the Devs are looking at right now The Devs definitely want to implement pazaak/sabacc He answered every question. Perhaps not in the way or with the specificity that you desired, but he most certainly answered all the questions.
  19. You're not entitled to know anything. He did his job. They allowed anyone to ask any question and he answered in the most accurate way possible. His role is not comparable to giving answers in a job interview. His role is comparable to the Press Secretary: providing the most accurate information allowed. You people are so petulant it's offensive.
  20. The problem with your rebuttal is the phrase "if he tries to pull one over on me." The Devs are not violating ANY contractual obligations with you. So yea, your smarmy response to what was a reasonable analogy, doesn't quite cut it.
  21. Look, I know it sucks. And I know it's frustrating for our particular class, but I believe it's important for us to be vocal about these problems without being incendiary and without adopting a victim mindset. Overall, the game is amazing. And it's going to be around for a long time to come. In the big picture, the community needs to hold itself to a higher standard than what is being exemplified in the General Forum. If we're vocal in our desires, but also encouraging, thoughtful, patient, and providing useful feedback, we will see things proceed a lot smoother on their end. They love this game as much or as more than we do--this is their baby. They created it. They want it to succeed as much for the satisfaction of mastering their trade as they do for the money that goes in to their pockets. This community is in its infancy. If it's attitude doesn't improve, it's only going to make everyone's experiences (both Dev and customer) all the more worse in the long run. Vocal but patient.
  22. I do "get" it. You apparently do not. Just because you've been playing since Beta doesn't mean that you're BioWare's "most loyal fan." We're all paying customers now. And there are far more new people than there are Beta holdovers. Prove your loyalty with your patience. And stop the whining. Good. Grief.
  23. Welcome to the entitlement generation. Also known as instagraties.
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