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Everything posted by KhamG

  1. I hope the devs see this:) Two bars of 100 makes a lot of sense
  2. I remember that quest being seriously hard with a healer sage as Quzen would invariably die or I would die micromanaging him. With some dread I enter the area with my shadow tank alt. He had no problems at all. I blame the NPC tanks. They are underpowered and their stupidity has more consequences.
  3. Assuming you mean 'lore' or background/roleplay tools when you say fluff: No its not really a fluff patch. There is new Flashpoint, Operation, crafting systems update, class balancing and a battleground. Its one of the problems - patch is trying to do so much that they can't get it done.
  4. They are still marketing and trying to create hype. I guess it will take some pretty rough facts to shatter their facade. We are getting there. I am having fun and lucky to be in a healthy guild but the server is feeling the bleeding. Even so 1.2 is sorely missed - if nothing else because everything the devs post are about that patch. They seem to not be quite aware that we are still playing 1.1.5...
  5. 2/12 = 16.7 % 16/100 = 16.0 % I know the difference is not big but WHY is there at all?
  6. I don't really know what to use this feature for. Im know its a dedicated team but my humble suggestion would be to dedicate them to something else. Like coding or writing actual content. I do hope those that look forward to it get their expectations met. The danger I see is that Bioware seems to feel that if they can just keep is making alts we will be happy. And a pure sith Jedi Knight is NOT what is the number one priority for most people (that I have talked to anyway). I hardly care what race my current characters are because it doesn't seem to matter except in a few dialogue where you treated a little different as a non-human.
  7. So why does a bounty hunter have 100? I really don't want to be complaining but it is extremely hard for me to just write this things off as random errors. BH and Trooper are mirror classes right? So why the hell does one of them start with 4% more resources!! Just another of those small things that benefit the Empire side I guess. I just hope it doesn't affect regen rates but given that they work as a function of how much resource (as a percentage) you have spent it very well may. And they must know it which pisses me off:mad: I guess having heat run from 1-12 was too easy.
  8. Are you considering changes to stimulate a more even ratio between Empire and Republic?
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