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Everything posted by Strayth

  1. I'm cancelling. I'll be back with : - hood down armors, robes, AND capes - actual sentinel gear - large butt fixing Also the horrid FPS issue. If any of that isn't fixed, I ain't coming back.
  2. At first, I laughed. Then, when I realized there's not a single gear you get for Jedi Knights above the level 35 (besides the ugly cape one) that doesn't have this ugly butt, you start to cry. It ruins everything. They removed chest matching colour because what ? They wanted gear progression ? Being forced to wear the same gear to avoid their lazyness sure is cool. I'm not even talking about having a helmet toggle feature, but leaving the hood up on ALL the Jedi gear, making them ALL BALD and with their faces hidden =) . It's like they don't even care.
  3. 1) They ARE cutting through the butt every time you move, so whatever the reason was, they totally failed, as it looks horrible AND has clipping issues 2) you can see right when the physics gets disabled, it looks perfect. I don't CARE AT ALL why they did it, but the least they can do is "removing" it at least on the idle pose, since when running you don't notice it... Look : http://img856.imageshack.us/img856/2958/bootydk.jpg See ? It does work, so they just get it done, it's their freakin' job.
  4. Up, that's just ridiculous and needs a fix ASAP. It's also there during cut scenes :/ . Once hi rez textures are here, the "breast" will be acceptable. The huge butt NEVER WAS AND NEVER WILL BE.
  5. In the meanwhile, I decided to start a consular. I stopped playing after 30 seconds. You know why ? THE FIRST FREAKING NPC YOU MEET WEARS THE SENTINEL CLOTHES WE CANNOT HAVE -_____- . And I'm not talking about the hood down, the actual gear, they removed it from the game from the player while giving all the sentinels gear to NPC ! They couldn't do that to guardian since they need actual heavy armor (different art than medium), but they just removed every original clothes the Sentinels got, all we have is a reskin of the cape gear, and ugly bath robe gear, if you're lucky, with a metal plate in the back, but still having hideous textures and the fatt butt feature. Thank you so much Bioware, for reals. Look at that, FIRST NPC YOU MEET as a consular : http://img822.imageshack.us/img822/4538/screenshot2012011001594.jpg It's honestly very beautiful. On par with all the other classes gear. Yes, it's on all sentinels promoted through trailers, screenshots etc... But we can't wear it. Not even with a hood. Why ? Just, why ? Why are we forced to wear glitched ugly robes (both because they just are ugly, and because of the low rez textures it looks like vomit) with a huge butt and a hood that hides our faces. Why ?
  6. Add the fat butt feature into the "let's ruin the Jedi knights as much as we can by providing broken gameplay and terrible terrible looks". http://img856.imageshack.us/img856/2958/bootydk.jpg
  7. I agree. And I'm one of the many few that actually got the "horrid FPS" issue, that prevents me from playing warzones. And that terrible butt feature and the no hood down robes are actually worst for me than that.
  8. Let me take a wiiiild guess here ... you mad at knock backs ? What are you playing ?
  9. There's not a single GPU in the last decade that doesn't allow you to use AA on anything. So what the hell is that ? BTW, you know, they removed AA because it was glitched for many cards ^^ . Well good news, it still is broken as **** ! =D If you got a ATI you're forced to use the GPU one.
  10. Hood down = / = No hood. Try again. Though, yeah, 80% of the actual pieces we got have an alternate hood down version wore by an NPC. So they're just trolling us. That and the fat butt feature.
  11. Dead Space 2 is EXTREMELY well optimized. So is Batman AC and so is Skyrim. TOR has three problems : - Actually horrible optimization - Actual game engine trouble (memory leak) - Unable to use the ressources of some systems properly (multi threaded desktop and laptops so it seems)
  12. Oh come on you whiny brats, there are far more important issues. First one being the horrid FPS issues. When people can actually play this game properly (people with computers three times better than yours), then maybe they'll focus on adding better textures. NOT BEING ABLE TO PLAY THE GAME comes before I WANT A MOAR BEAUTIFUL GAME It's good to stay vocal, but don't act as if you deserve Bioware's dev to come here and answer you personally.
  13. People who can fit over 60 hours of gameplay in 5 days are, yeah, rushers. Also, you obviously never cared for the social interactions with other people, never took the time to enjoy little things, went against the enemy on planets with improvised companions etc... Then, to "make sense", see things like this : You get a chocolate cake. You do know that you will get another one, but not right now. You have the choice, you either eat it all the way, OR, you try to enjoy each part, and try to mix other things with it to make it last longer, without ruining enjoyment at all, and the time will come faster than you think. If you want 10 big cakes right away, well, that will never happen. If you can't care about immersion, story telling, meeting people and improvise your own adventures, and the star wars universe enough, once again, nobody can't do anything about it. More over, game hasn't even been out for 3 weeks, so it's getting ridiculous along with those "OLOL THIS IZ TUDALLY GOIG F2P" people. What do you want us to say ? People love it, some don't, well, leave, maybe some updates will make you into it again, who knows. If you're not even willing to let something grow, why bother ?
  14. Good lord. What happened in your childhood guys ? Seriously. BTW, the voice acting isn't even over... All the new content will provide the "immersive" dialogs, and I guess we can expect class related content in the near future too. If that game's not for you, just leave. That won't go F2P. Lucas and EA won't allow it, it will either be cancelled or milked. Go for Milked.
  15. Can I remember you guys they dubbed the WHOLE game into french in german, with top notch quality. (and trust me, being comedian myself, the prices are ... huge... especially since they got all "famous" voice actors) So of course it costs a lot. Then, the monthly fee you pay is there to provide new content ... Who forces you to rush the game in a week ? I think people are expecting the wrong things out of this game. That's probably why the community is such garbage, even on RP servers.
  16. Which is what Balmorra and Alderande are, basically.
  17. You realize the only thing worth paying for the game is the story for many people, if that gets ruined, I'm pretty sure a lot of people won't put hundreds of hours to get to 50. Also, they take care of "harrassment" so, it's a form of it.
  18. I agree, ban for anybody ruining the endings. Short notice : DO NOT PLAY DURING THE WEEK OF THE 20TH !!! Cause all the trolls who won't subscribe and won't care about anything will spoil it to death.
  19. Lol, what ? How is Balmorra and Alderande any better ? It's not in "closed area", but it's complete trash. Coruscant is terrible and such a disappointment, Nar Shaddaa is just ... and lol at all the heroics in the enemy's camp, so that you get ganked all over the place by sith players helped by elite mobs. But Alderande ? It was a total disaster.
  20. BTW, look at what those wonderfully ****** hooded robes do to our butt. http://img856.imageshack.us/img856/2958/bootydk.jpg
  21. You do know it does that with every robe that has a belt over it ? ON EVERY MALE TOO. http://img856.imageshack.us/img856/2958/bootydk.jpg :/ Of course, only the Jedi Knights have 90% of their gear to be designed with this ridiculous crap. Join us on the Jedi Knight forums to show Bioware that we do care about not having Jlo's butt. http://www.swtor.com/fr/community/showthread.php?t=43334&page=20
  22. Come on Bioware :/ . Stop making our Jedi Knights ridiculous.
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