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Everything posted by Seraphynn

  1. AN Off topic forum is sorely lacking on SWTOR forums and I feel it is needed. There is a lot of discussion that goes on that does not directly relate to the game but aids the community. Instead of closing the topic they can be moved to the off topic forum. This fosters a community spirit and well in the long run will build a stronger community.
  2. There is only one HK and thats HK47 not the imitators from KOTOR2.. I heard you could build him in this game but I may be wrong.. Would love to have HK-47 back.. He was funny and insulting. Meatbags. Anyways to the ship driod.. I don't even hear him anymore.. I just tune him out.
  3. Give it a year I may wear the title I don't see the point at the moment where everyone has it.. I rarely wear a title, if I do its a basic title like Jedi or Captain.. the long ones tend to bug me so I don't wish to bug others.
  4. I have to second this. You could potentially make this problem a lot worse by tinkering around with stuff you don't really know. It may seem cheaper in the short run but in the long run you could be looking at a dead PC.
  5. I have played through Alderaan three times now on the republic side and did not experience any lag or bugs.. I am not on an Pvp server though.. RP one. So no camping issues either.
  6. I never had headaches playing this game before but since the update.. I have headaches. I don't look at the bar but its there in my peripheral vision all the time and after a couple of hours of playing my head begins to pound. This is not right.. They quickly fixed the PvP problem with an emergency patch and four hour take down of the servers why could they not roll back the UI update at the same time? I don't have nausea or motion sickness.. Just these headaches... and as other posters have said its not the GCD itself, its the strobe animation effect. Please BioWare.. This is something that really needs to be adjusted..Keep the GCD.. just change the animation.
  7. Black screens are barely loading screens they are up for a mere 30 seconds Whilst your hardware catches up. Where the planet loading screens are up for a few minutes.. That is what I call a loading screen. My main concern with the fleet pass is the cool down and yes I know about the hour long disposable ones from the security key vendor.. The one supplied should be an hour cool down and not eighteen, which imho is overkill. Especially when you have used your pass and get stuck in a class instance with no way out but the fleet pass... I logged off and had to come back the following day to finish my class quest.
  8. This is exactly what I took it for and when I started playing I was not even aware of Space combat until I tried it and it was exactly what I was expecting. A great mini game. I would like to see some pod racing too like in KOTOR.. that was fun.. But time will tell. Take it as the mini game it is.. then you are not disappointed. I like the fact that its on rails and I can have fun just shooting the bad guys..
  9. Khem and Qyzen are both as guilty as each other for this intrusion into one's personal space. I don't know why they have to stand just where you want to click but playing both an inquisitor and consular.... It bugs the hell out of me.. My bf laughs as he hears me swear to said pet to move their great big hulking butt out the way. Usually I get to that stage once I have moved a couple of times and they are still in the way!
  10. My bf is like that. He does not like it if I am ahead of him at all. As I play more than he does I have to hold my chars back just so he don't pout or go off and do pvp to catch me up. So I have other chars I play on my own otherwise I would never play... He is a bit annoyed at them at the moment as they are above him in level and I am getting the places before he does. You are not a liar and really its not fair her calling you one. You just avoided the question which most of us do when we are not in the mood for confrontation. As with your GF either you put up with it or don't play with her... Say its because she is so competitive its putting you off playing.
  11. /signed. This is one of those little annoyances that I could do without.
  12. I added my voice the complaints.. The first thing I have really complained about other than the green laser light show which has since been fixed. I noticed when I was playing on Hoth (bright white background) it was not as bad as when I was in a dark dungeon area. Then the flashing as the cool down happens became really distracting and I can see why some are having major issues with it. I would not go as far to say headaches and nausea for I did not experience either. It was more the distraction of the flashing white whilst the cool down happens. It was fine before .. why change it?
  13. I posted earlier in the thread and I wish to add to what I said. I can't help but look down.. People saying the ones who look at their bars don't know their chars.. that is an ignorant statement. I know my chars and with the flashing the eyes are automatically drawn to it. I don't mind the GCD thats not the problem.. the flashing ... both sides of the screen and at the bottom just gives you a headache. BioWare I am a huge fan of this game, I subbed for six months and planning on being a long time subscriber the general consensus is this is not a good update. Please listen to the fans on this one and change it back, still have the GCD or whatever just change the graphic to what it was.. This is way to distracting and not good for people with perfect vision not to mind people with vision problems.
  14. I have to say having tried this now its the first update that BW has done I am not fond of at all.. I would rather the other version.
  15. Dantooine for sure. Kashyyyk, Naboo, Yavin IV, Dxun and Ossus
  16. Well it looks like the bounty hunter ship.. I could be wrong and no doubt if I am then I will be corrected.. But maybe there is another exit off the ship to somewhere else? Like Narnia..Who knows
  17. My MMO experience I am not ashamed to say is Diablo II LOD and well it may be an old game but the basics of grouping there seem to apply here also. I may be new to MMO's but that does not mean I am stupid and do not understand the mechanics of Healer, DPS and Tanks. I find you ignorant to suggest such a thing. If someone you are grouping with seem to not understand their role explain it too them, and I don't mean in a condescending manner either with the silly name calling. I have one of each class myself in both factions. My tank char is a trooper vanguard sitting at level 40 right now. When I started tanking heroics and FP's I told my group I am new to tanking so if I mess up tell me. I got no complaints what so ever. When my DPS groupie later invited me to RF and asked me to tank the Colicoid war games I must be doing something right. So if you are grouped with someone who seems unsure of their role, help them.. Give them some friendly advice rather than yell Noob or some other silly comment and rage quit the group.
  18. I have to agree. I too have 8 chars and my trooper is far the hardest to get anything for. I look for new pants etc but nothing matches her chest plate and looks correct. She is a level 37 now and still looks a mess. I hope they reintroduce this soon.
  19. I would rather speeder were banned at the Fleet. I find I lag more when all these people rez these huge *** vehicles in a small location like the fleet. Make everyone use their feet on the fleet rather than speeders. It will help with lag.
  20. The only thing that gets me with this is. It costs like 71 credits to cross the galaxy to a planet but then 600 credits to fly from one end of Alderaan to another on a Thranta.. How does that equate? Speeder travel no matter where it is should be a nominal fee of under 100 credits. Like the Space travel is. A 600 credit charge for a path you are going to opt for is a bit steep in comparison to space travel.
  21. I am female and I only really use 4.. Only thing is.. I avoid cloaks like the plague. 1 looks like she needs a good meal 2 I used on my of my chars before I really discovered 4 and if I could reroll her I would pick 4. The chest could be a bit smaller but I like the overall look to her. A char that looks like she can handle herself and won't break with the first time she is thrown. 3..meh too much like a dude.
  22. I read it and its nothing more than an opinion that I read everyday on these forums. The naysayers who want this game to fail. You know what I see most complain about in the game itself. The disgusting state of the forums and how many of the real players have quit reading them because they are sick of being called fanboys etc for sticking up for a game they enjoy playing. Grammatical errors aside. The blog poster saying BW are not listening to the community is basically rubbish. A lot of bugs have been fixed and will continue to be fixed as time goes on. With a lot more content coming in the following months. No bug I have encountered so far breaks this game for me. I have one of each character on both sides, I have played more or less everyday since this game has been released on early access and will continue to do so and I know I am not alone. Even paid for a six month subscription. Stop with the negative c*** already and either go and play the game or bugger off. Most of the posts in the general forum are never constructive. They are just opinionated rubbish and I don't know about you guys but I am sick of reading them.
  23. It is fixed I am extremely happy about it. It was one of the most intrusive and annoying bugs especially on Tat when it would fill your whole screen and you could barely see. So thank you BW for taking care of this issue.
  24. Any datacrons that involve Mario jumping I just don't bother getting them anymore. I am no good at jumping in this game and I always end up falling half way through. Its frustrating as hell. The ones that require a little out of the box thinking are good. But please this is not a mario game can we at least have puzzles or something to get to them and not jumping on pipes walking around narrow ledges 50 foot off the ground... But nay, that is not going to happen so I just move on to the next planet.
  25. Six month sub and proud to be. The way Bioware is listening to the community and working through the bugs and exploits rather quickly is something to be admired. I am looking forward to the legacy system and all it has to offer as well as the UI upgrade that will come in the following months. Also guild banks is another thing to look forward too and more content. As it stands right now I have 8 chars on the one server. One of each and none of them have reached 50 yet and I am proud of that fact. I have took my time and enjoyed the game and all its offerings and look forward to more in the future. The reason why I got eight chars.. I wanted to experience all the storylines first hand. My two highest are Jedi's so I have a lot of content to go yet. So here's to the future and it is bright.. now all the naysayers are gone we can all stay and have fun. May the force and BioWare always be with you.
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