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Everything posted by WarheartZero

  1. I hit 50 before all my friends. So I've been waiting on them to run any HM's, so I've been PVP'in to pass time by. If I'm almost all Champ PVP gear would this be enough to do heroics? Aside from the Expertise stat, it has all the same stats as PVE. I prefer this route as dailies can burn me out. I'm a Guardian Tank on Corellian Run server, About 17k unbuffed. I'm def/vig tree build.
  2. Corellian Run - Republic Around 150-170+ in fleet on peak.
  3. Don't be a tool to the OP. Everything he said is not Invalid at all, you make no sense. He will always have new content in this game, that's why he has a subscription. It's a never ending game for him with the updates. Your statement was invalid, as it made no sense.
  4. Those really aren't escape moves. One requires I have a ally nearby. The other makes me go at the enemy so that one definitely doesn't help. Even w/2 sec stun, it's certainly no gonna help like the force speed.
  5. Sorry chose my words wrong,"Whirlwind: Instant 10 sec CC. When it breaks it stuns for 2 seconds." But thanks for pointing out the correction and also proving what a *****hole you are. I can see you try to make a positive discussion in the forums here. I hope there's so many more like you. I'm sure you'll be gone once you can pick a panda.
  6. Life is not fair, get over it. WOW! I just taught you something your parents should have taught you around the age of 4.
  7. All I gotta say is 10sec stun! 10secs is like a lifetime in PVP. No stun should be 10sec. Can we fight and not have the game pausing on me! And imagine if 2 or more are on you, I'm a tank, I'm dead before I can throw a single attack. And don't even get me on their run speed, if you actually do manage to get close to killing one in 1v1 they just run. As a guardian I have absolutely no "escape now" move. How about instead of nerfing them, bioware just give the others extra utility!
  8. 100% agree We need to have larger visual clues. Unfortunately, this means it would need to be a mod and that's not gonna happen anytime soon. Guardians are not a rotation tank class, it's situational. I'm tired of staring at my bar. Better larger position for focus bar or opacity based focus bar across screen that's scalable and movable would be nice.
  9. Love the class. I'm PvE tree based at lvl 50. But I'm mostly PVPin right now to get Champ gear vs doing dailies for lvl 50 mods. 17k unbuffed HP. Love the class. I usually get 1st or 2nd most medals in Warzones, average about 80K protection and I'm not even in PVP tree. Tank in PVP sucks if there's no healers as I will protect so much that if I guard sometimes I'll just drop dead lol. I'm just gearing and PVP while I wait for my friends to hit 50 before I do hard flashpoints and OPs. (not a fan of pugging now a days, most people are elitist jerks, no help or rude, Probably why people have hard time finding tanks.)
  10. Dark, light. It's what is stated in the movies....everything is about "certain point of view". Your looking at raw powers of combat. It's easier to destroy then create. From a aggressive standpoint dark side may be stronger....from a certain point of view! The power of good is not the same as power of evil. For Example a Jedi that trains and gains trust and rebuild the jedi order is "in a certain point of view" more powerful then the dark side, which sith are always turning on each other, trying to kill one another, etc. use Obi-wan's wisdom... It's all about "certain point of view". Were the Jedi evil.... from Anakins point of view they were, as he stated in movie while fighting obi-wan. So what does power of the force really mean!? In theory, yoda new that because Luke had friends and guided by the light side he was stronger...because of his friends. His companions, their friendship and all that good stuff made them strong....from a certain point of view. So Yoda was not incorrect. Look at the bigger picture. Even in real world, people are more willing to fight and lay down their lives for their friends and from a country they have freedom in vs people forced to fight, they have no spirit. you'll work better for a boss that's cool to you vs a *****. So what has more power here the good or bad?
  11. LOL who cares play the game. If a name bothers you that much you suck and fail at life! grown people acting like "tattle tales"! hahahahaha. They have a name for you... troll. Try, live and let live. A f'in game and these people report other gamers trying to have the same fun. You types are a virus to gamers and communities lol. Never had dbags like these types back in the day. And we all know people that do it are insecure in real life. I saw smuggler with name Wyatt Earp lol...Earp is the legacy name.
  12. This totally made me LOLOL! last statement = epic! Also just to add to this, I'm pretty sure the style, Vader and Luke used, they used Force strength hence those grinding moments per Lucas. Force strength is also part of Form V, parry and deal heavy blows. I miss the grinding struggle of lightsabers from the original trilogy. Prequels were cool moments but very choreographed looking. Form V by nature is a very aggressive style hence why a lot of jedi never picked it up.
  13. After watching ep 3 again, I agree. Palatine was acting part of the time to play the innocent when lying there. Acting like the big bad jedi were the aggressor. 100% agree, Dark Empire was a joke and a spit on the face of everything Lucas wrote about Anakin. His sacrifice meant nothing at all if Dark Empire was true. It would've made Anakins final act a udder waste, aside from saving Luke for a temporary time. I'm glad others see it the same way. Lucas killed him, he's dead. Palpatine was nothing in the face of the Skywalkers
  14. I'm pretty sure Lucas has said Vader was only about 50% as powerful as he would have been, if he had not incurred his injuries. Vader could never use force lightning due to his suit and mechanical limbs, hence why he got messed up throwing emperor. He also had to alter his lightsaber styles due to his suits restrictions and weight. Lucas said, Luke was what Anakin was supposed to have been. And Luke would become powerful enough to defeat the Emperor, if he had eventually fought him, per Lucas. Vader was no where near the power potential of Anakin. So if you do think Vader is super powerful, then imagine what he would've been like if he never got his injuries. I'll go by what the creator says PS. Most is from memory. So correct me if I'm wrong on what Lucas said.
  15. OP, welcome to MMOs not single player console games.
  16. In republic fleet I constantly have around 120-160 people there. Not sure where your at.
  17. Yeah how hard is it for Bioware to wave their magic wand, I'm sure between your intellect and development background you can make a accurate remark on that? right? I mean aren't most things a overnight fix. DERP! Warnings serve as a reminder to you of the forum's rules, which you are expected to understand and follow. All the best, STAR WARS: The Old Republic LOL really!? Sarcasm is no longer allowed!
  18. Yes they can, once again, as they have already stated in dev thread. It will be part of patch 1.2, which rough eta is march. Engine issues are not hot fixes.
  19. Well it is Star Wars, so we probably have tons of people that are new to MMOs plus all the kiddies. That's good, more the merrier ...but also bad lol. Most would rather internet rage then educate or come down to reality.
  20. The original Poster was referencing WOW. And the PVP plays more like WOW then Warhammer.
  21. Funny...I don't remember Bioware making a MMO then. funny....I don't remember Bioware teaming up with blizzard to make their game either. hmmmm...funny.
  22. Have you compared hardware with the other people w/the same issue? Anything in common? Blue screen is usually hardware not liking something. Also to help Bioware find these intermittent issues sending Support your crash log helps. They can compare with others and find the cause.
  23. Yeah it's really affecting the 25 people that are in it at any given time. HAHAHAHA
  24. Learn to read first and maybe you would have your answers to those concerns. But cool repeat post you made.
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