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Everything posted by ThaadJarvis

  1. I really dont mean to sound sexist or anything but seriously is there a team of females in charge of creating appearance options because first off going through GTN dye modules is like deciding paint options for your newborn childs room i mean come on F-ing stop it with the pink and light blues and light purples, ***... and now more ditsy do dah hairdoos? Im already sick of all the female characters running around with slave castumes cuz it takes me right out of Star Wars fantasy.. if i wana see naked chicks ill use ****. this is where i go to be in star wars bc Disney hit the delete button on all star wars EU and lucas arts as a whole; plus there was only one girl in the first trilogy so why is it when im questing i see more and more half nude girls with sims hairdoos pop up instead of normal geared people that i can mistake for npcs at a glance. We need more options that combine some of the features already available and for something other than humans, every damn game has humans. how about making some of the sith jewelry available for any race but only SI or SW classes, Slave Scars for republic characters, your getting CC from us regardless, Oh and as you know we have the sith race playable as a Republic Character so any response attributing these features (or any for that matter) as "lore-breaking" wake up. I just ask in this post for BW to please stop the lore perversion, and EA you dont give NBA live2015 armored outfits right? ...no so why are devs at BW polishing poo with their appearance options?
  2. Retractable blade instantly reminds me of the dual wrist blades in Alien Vs Predator . . . Also electro-net, and shoulder cannon seemed to be derived from the predator films.
  3. Just hit cap on NS palace ..i was in the middle of setting up a new room and bam - hit the limit I really think they should increase the cap but I think it would work better if you were given the increase compared to how many SH's you own.. NS is my main house and DK as my second but I didn't get Tatooine or coruscant. If having many hooks increases the server load then why do I have to suffer when I'm only contributing %50 of my load (if both my SH's were at %100 completion) compared to others with all 4 SH's (again at %100 completion). I only plan to add more to what I have in the coming years with all the content they're pushing out, I would actually pay CC to add inreases to the hook cap if it is that big of a deal for server performance, however if it's not incredibly devastating then it should be added free as response to a problem like a bug-fix. There would be a lot more people complaining about this issue once they reach their caps but my guessing is that many aren't yet just as I didn't care about it until today -I'm forced to disassemble some rooms to "make room" I guess.
  4. I currently do not play galactic star fighter because: #1: NO Mouse lock #2: Sniper ships - way to hire a CoD dev for GSF ..very sad #3: No PVE or Free Roam - SWG had it and it's engine was from 2003 I would actually dive in to this occasionally (instead of raiding/event stuff/ leveling alts) if they fixed #1. It's not that I got pwned by a bunch of sniper ships I don't play I've played nearly all SW space battle sims and full stopping in midair/space was NOT something that happened with other ships. The closest/only thing similar would be EvE online's Dreadnaughts with their Triage deployment only useful as a siege weapon. Lastly free roam or PVE space, I could write a novel on why it should be created.
  5. Argree 100 times over ..our legacy family tree window shows our player characters WITH memory of armors AND dyes equipped ..how come these can't be placed if there is a system to remember what we're wearing?
  6. My main is a PT advanced prototype in PVE and one of my favorite things about it is hardly if ever needing to even look at my heat.. Even preloading PFT by spamming flame sweep already in combat (while running to targets) which gets me to about %60 heat is no issue due to HEG cylinder, few seconds later I'm still in proper rotation and down to bare minimal heat. Mixing up or reversing rotation will build heat fast.. One of the things I realize while playing some of my alt classes is that i find myself watching my resource pools and cooldowns a lot closer in turn taking away from seeing some things happening around me while I'm staring at my HUD. With AP I can effectively take heat out of the equation more or less. I'm still hoping that something reasonable will be done in 3.0 to fix it's single target dps since PFT only likes 2 or more targets to see competing numbers.
  7. I absolutely love playing my BH Advanced Prototype i actually feel like I'm beating the living crap out of things then setting them on fire.. If PT ap's animations were seen in reality it would be a very very brutal scene: plunging a serrated blade into the victim like in the movie predator then smashing their face with a robo-fist, firing a rail bolt through their chest with your other arm, then to get rid of the evidence you literally pour napalm (immolate) on the poor soul then light a flamethrower for the hell of it.. - on topic >> I believe the trooper's HiB could use a more detailed animation but IMHO concussion round (60sec sleep) and HiB have their audio swapped in error.. The sound HiB makes is the same sound that a storm troopers "set for stun" on his blaster rifle made to knock out leia during the beginning scenes of SW a new hope. Also concussion round's sound is a lot more akin to a High impact bolt but ..it ..just ..stuns ..things ..out of combat. Change this!
  8. Bioware please break these essential packs into individual items.. As of right now I have 4 huttese sconces (1 bought CC pack and 3 from GTN) if made available individually I would most certainly max 50/50 even at 50 or 80 CC each (2500cc or 4000cc total). I'm sure there are items in these packs that many people would purchase large amounts of, I refuse to pay 700cc for another underworld essentials since there is only one of each peice ..I understand it's cheaper than the luxury and cantina packs but 1 light is a bit odd for 700cc.
  9. Seeing many people enjoying a cantina or club style stronghold I was looking around for ideas for more small or medium wall hooks and figured that a speaker/subwoofer would be interesting. It could go hand in hand with an increase of the jukebox range if BW decides to take care of that issue. Any thoughts?
  10. I actually get sort of upset when I am questing around because I see the scenery that the devs put together with their skill all throughout the game. They have the tool that SWG gave to players - a free placement system. I see tables with small boxes on them yet they are actually shrunk down versions of large cargo crates that now resemble a tool box or lock box. When I quest through a planet like voss for example, I see hundreds of things that could be potential decorations, yet the planet's reputation vendor only has one or 2 items. I propose "gasp" that each planet gets 1 (don't wana over-expect anything here) decoration droid that sells items from that planets theme and a crapload of items not 3 or 4 peices like we have at rep vendors now. The kits need to be crafted just like the three that exchange synthetic, ind, universal prefabs. My real idea was have a synthetic/ind/univ droid for each planet but that would be asking a lot from BW I presume. Or make all those small stores we run past on the Nar Shaddaa maps actual decor vendor stores with themes for each such as Ex: >alien name<'s carpet depot selling different colors of the rugs available or >alien name<'s Outer Rim imports selling stuff from Rishi, Tatooine, Hoth, Belsavis. I think it would make Nar Shaddaa that much more alive since it feels sort of bland even though there's theoretically millions of folks around you partying it up. Any thoughts on these?
  11. If BW were to release four starter world SH's or any other arrangement i don't think a "collect-em-all" approach would be adequate. As I posted earlier about korriban, Hutta, Tython, & Ord mantell, my theory was to have the diversity of whatever one may persue. For instance If a player has a tight bond to all things sith then there's an intriguing opportunity, as a zeroing in on what u like the most and to make that your go-to place. What I dread as far as decorating goes is making a place look like something it shouldn't ex: seeing a Dromund Kaas SH with republic banners across from empire ones and alderaan house flags thrown about and so on.. So if they were to release another SH by itself people would have to settle for a place that is dumbed down to be pseudo acceptable to all decorations like Tatooine and NS palace.
  12. Seeing as they like to have the capital planet apartments as "starter"ish houses I suggest they offer another four types being the starter worlds ..if this game has years ahead of it then why rush to lvl 40 - 55+ houses, I personally would be ecstatic about starter world SH's. Examples: Empire: Korriban Valley overlook http://swtor.wikia.com/wiki/File:SS_Sith_Ship01_full.jpg • similar layout to DK apartment except walls are of tombish design • sith hieroglyph room covered in carved texts from floor to ceiling • church style high ceiling for main hall Hutta Jigunna bastion (behind & above poison pit cantina) • WWII style bunker windows • centerpiece hook/hooks for things like turrets • area of SH to create a "VIP" area of poison pit cantina • exit SH to Hutta would spawn you in poison pit cantina • private docking bay for a ship hook Republic: Ord mantell volcano hideout • Mostly an instanced version of that area with enemies vacated. • Docking bay would work with a starship hook inside (only some ships could fit) Tython - Rear of jedi academy • landing pad • balconies • elaborate private study hall
  13. Most if not all things people do for fun are for the "child" in them. I'm kind of sick of Star Wars being associated with child things, yes I grew up with it and it means a lot to me but recently I've felt a harsh abandonment from lucas and Lucasarts since they were let go to Disney. There's no standard anymore, TFU 2 was the last thing LArts created that was worth a damn and there was some groundbreaking physics in it, 1313 would have pushed our imaginations even farther. I'm happy that the cantina tour is 21 and up, MMO's in general weren't created "for" kids rather a game that has no end because midage people can juggle work, kids, family and an mmo that goes by your own pace. Anyone I've chatted with that was under 21 and was honest about it was always talking a LOT of smack and never stopped bragging about how uber awesome they were at swtor. We don't need any of that behavior around opportunities to chat with the team, that's what e3 is for. However I do agree that cantinas could use some kind of spicing up but having dev meetings and such.. Why would they bother, u kno how many people would be dancing and air punching them because they "didn't get what they wanted from gamble pack"? It would be a waste of time.
  14. Being on the starship topic I'll throw in my 2 cents. I use it fairly often and am disappointed when I get inside that there are many areas that seem very vacant and could use some attention, my question is why can't they throw in just a few wall hooks and maybe some small/mediums on the floor? the BH ship looks like they designed it for this GSH hook system but they forgot to add the hooks lol and the smuggler cargo bay is in need of some more illicit things stowed.. How would adding a few hooks to our personal ships make things worse, as people seem to believe?
  15. My gripe is that all my speeder mounts are not parked, the graphics and sound of their idleness is absolutely needless and most importantly a BUZZKILL, I walk around my house enjoying it and i always hear the activation sound of speeders afterwards I'm aware that I'm wasting time and I leave. They're not even part of the decor since u walk 10ft away and they disappear on my balcony yet I see decor well beyond that distance. EVERYwhere else in game where there's a parked mount it's turned off, on the ground, and realistic. I'm no expert but IMO if they switched the current speeder mounts with parked/turned off versions with no graphics or annoying sounds then I do believe they could extend the NPC cap in GSH.
  16. Apologies- I messed up typing about pyrotech I meant that it is superior to AP in mid range combat and therefor AP could be the full melee (with gap closer).
  17. In the big picture I'm not sure that AP needs to remain "mid-range" dps, is it that important to keep it from a full melee adv class that clearly pyrotech is the chosen one for, example next lvl cap ability could be something like rail shot is now flechette canister with only melee range but jetcharge Is now available and PFT stacks 1 or 2 more times. The flechette bracer would still auto crit the same way rail shot does only the range and animation are changed due to JC being your gap closer. Is being midrange/melee(current) superior to melee/dmg+ with a gap closer?
  18. Something needs to change when hitting one target vs hitting 3+, I do agree with a raid wide buff similar to the Mara fury temporary abilities, in AOE situations I tire of hitting each target w RB before Burning.. I posted a while ago that carbonite stun should apply blood tracker for up to 5 targets (cold shrapnel) idk how well this would pan out for every type of gameplay but I thaught it might work. Or add another cylinder type in that has single target AP buffs and the other AOE but uses similar roto.. Wat you guys think? Also aggro in large AOE conditions has become a death wish for the enemy and myself simultaneously.
  19. I dig the look and visual effects of the jukebox I got but it is very lame in output, I have it in the main window room of NS palace and when I get halfway upstairs or go through the solarium doors it shuts completely off, and it only plays one loop of a song and shuts down. If BW is crunching for data in GSHs to raise npc limit etc, then couldn't a solution be to remove the effects from speeder mounts and PARK them the way they are everywhere else in the game.. There's no one in them anyway so why aren't they turned off. As I run around my palace all I hear is my mounts turning on from getting within 10-15 ft or so ..the speeder mounts should be an actual decoration object with no active animation and flush with the ground. I think the distance that mounts disappear is the same as the music distance.. It's very noticeable and a buzzkill while decorating.
  20. The SWG crowd, if upset at anything they have every right to no matter what it is because SWTOR shut down swg servers to make room for TOR's expected millions. SWG was created and maintained by Lucas Arts who has a direct link to George himself and all the resources/sounds/voices/etc from LucasFilm's archive. Tor is a great game but SWG was a pioneer MMO. U started as a citizen and it took months to get things done, I read that it took 4 real months to even start being force sensitive. The reason people felt let down about GSF was because it wasn't nearly as creative or large as SWG's Jump to Lightspeed expansion, there were professions around space travel, hauling, and combat. Overall I love GSH expac it dosent have free placement like SWG but it's mostly polished and I dig it.
  21. I didn't mean by any reason for OP to stack defense, I was under the impression that an attack defended against (parry) is no damage taken as opposed to an absorb where you still take some of the damage. This is just what I have learned from trying to understanding tanking stats and their functions.
  22. Max endurance ..u will mostly be effective in Huttball and maybe node guarding, sheild/absorb work better now in pvp than before but there are several classes that use different damage types and some will get through to u faster than others, endurance/defense (juggernauts) have an easier time generally.
  23. If I had to pick a track from Star Wars for a Hunt specific theme I would say the chase drums from the pursuit of Zam Wessel, it's already in game for several opening FPs and OPs: TFB opening and I think S&V. As far as pvp though I like to have music off to cue in on audio stuff happening around me
  24. To sum up my last post for the OP's questions, the AP tree may work to your advantage in PvP due to many people being unaware of PFT's AOE power ..I can't speak for marauders as I haven't leveled one.
  25. Hi my main is a PT and I've enjoyed it greatly.. Currently I am AP spec and have a full set of 168 aug'd gear I do have a life outside of the game so I'm proud that I have come that far for you dread forged people out there. During PVE fights I find that vs a single boss/ no adds I fall behind in steady numbers put out by say an equally geared marauder or sniper however when adds arrive or trash mobs get clustered my PFT numbers really shine ..if I'm lucky enough to get an RB on 5 targets and 3 stacks of PFT/expl-fuel/adrenal I've seen it hit 3200 - 4k each tick of the channel for each target, that's like around 8-9k total on each add in one FT.. There's something great about seeing big numbers pop for every DPS class but for AP a good crit FT will fill my whole screen with ticking damage. I began playing AP because I got PFT'd (whatever the pub version is) by a min/max pvp geared Tactics trooper in ancient hypergate, as our team ran into the center opening ramp I saw the crazy pulse cannon we just all ran into thinking it was nothing and next I realized all 5 of us were around 5% health/ dead/ or trying to realize what exactly just happened lol. The entire group except 1 guy gettin the pylon was in the respawn area, I was like "jeeezus AP can do that??" Since I was getting bored of my PvP tank setup that I leveled up through WZ's with (after hearing they fixed how shield/absorb worked in pvp) I thaught it'd be time to change it up a bit. I joined up w a casual raiding guild and started getting geared. The one thing they don't tell u about an AOE dps spec for use in >>PVE<< is aggro ..I didn't mention earlier but unfortunately when I critted those elite mobs in SnV they all focused me instantly and I died before I could hit my threat drop/ kolto ovld/ EShield. IMO this is the real reason for all the defensive talents in the spec tree. Just figured I'd tell u wat life is like from AP side ..if anyone feels differently I'm open to constructive advice as I am fairly new to endgame but no vanilla to a PT
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