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Everything posted by Elgarr

  1. Its sickening, i am lvl 61, 17.5k hp's part bm geared, and its not working as intended at all. No fecking way, enough pvp'ers know this, but these supposed guild leaders dont even ask about RESOLVE lol, sorry, just totally dissapointed by the supposed pvpers there. There has been many posts about it, but no one from BW has responded and and said "sorry its fine move along", they say nothing, which is bang out of order. Sorry, why even bother with resolve, if it doesnt do what its supposed to. or maybe the tons of posts about it, are just clueless pvp'ers.... p.s, a simple fix would be as soon as the resolve bar is filled, it cuts the stun/mez from that point, oh no, a simple idea that BW hadnt thought of? lol sorry, shame i am not someone with any common sense so it makes it work a lot better.
  2. some of You at the guild summit call yoursleves pvp'ers. but not one mentions RESOLVE!! Seriously, do you honestly think its working as intended? Sorry, but would have been nice they invited pvp'ers, and not peeps who were after a free holiday, yes harsh, very harsh. You could have asked about DR in pvp and stun, slows etc, but not one did. Thanks for pvp'ing..... p.s hope you enjoyed representing....
  3. Resolve, when will it be working as intended, tried to post a question but cant seem to, and pvp section is up next. AHHHHHHHHHHHH
  4. Hence why I said "I thought!" but hey, I will Learn to use the dev tracker when you learn some manners. Oh sorry I forgot, school is out on the weekend so you won't until Monday.
  5. I thought BW fixed this bug in a prveious patch, that when you succesfully RE and item you would learn a new schematic and not get that errror message.
  6. With the new UI being worked on, and seeing the video of it being released, I am concerned that you won't have the option to have hotbars moved about, I am one of those who always likes all of my hotbars at the bottom of my screen and not on the sides. Will you enable people to move hotbars so they can be however you want on the screen?
  7. Lol got to love the people who aren't in favour of it. There isn't a LFD now, so they don't lose anything when they add it in, because they just don't use it and continue as they do now (really,its that simple? Lol) How hard is that for people to comprehend!
  8. Lol not omitting the facts is the same, carefully worded or not
  9. Class balance in pvp is fine, trust me as soon as you want stuff changed you will end up with flavour of the month and a way bigger problem than you have now. Be very very careful what you wish for people!!
  10. It's to late they won't do it now. They might well do it with an expansion, it's one mistake they should have done and made the leveling curve slower, it would have given them more time to add a lot more towards the end of the game. It is the easiest and quickest game to level in the 15 years ive been playing mmo's, sad really.
  11. You did what I did on one of my toons. You were ala level when presented with going to two planets you were able to do the higher level one of the two, so doing that means the lower level one is grey by the time you have done the latter. Space missions and some war zones will help, but by the looks of it you don't pvp or is wouldnt be a problem for you. You are going to have to grind out some flash points along with pvp imo if you are going to get to the level you need to be to now progress. Annoying I know but necessary.
  12. If the person can do what he does while at the keyboard then it's legaloffice it works with out him being in front of the keyboard it's ilegal. Multi boxing is acceptable running keyboar macros etc that allow you control multiple characters at once is fine. I dont see what the fuss is about, this person pays for multiple accounts and contributes more to the game than most do. Maybe he is just fed up with groping with nubs and decided the only way to fix it is to become the group himself.
  13. No thank you for fixing the game breaking bug, that although didn't crash the servers through complaints was affecting quite a few of us. Let's just hope you have fixed it, or this downtime would be quite a waste of time!
  14. If you like it play it, if you don't, then don't! Or do some of you feel you need a degree to figure this out!
  15. Please read what's been said above, if you try to get in it says they are down, and Ts all servers, I have accounts on US and EU.
  16. Thank you, someone else that has seen this and k ows its wrong. So they do change what they say, which I am just asking for them to stop doing, as you have just proven causes people big problems!
  17. You could t access serversn15 minutes before, I know as I was staring at it. If people in game aren't kicked, why prevent people from getting on who have been kicked which wasn't my fault. Just asking for clarification from BW as towhy they do this. It's doubtful I will get a reply from them
  18. As it doesn't affect you please don't post, in this game you don't get points for posting pointless replies. I am not hurting you by pointing it out, but if it did happen to you when you were about to kill a boss in a FP or were in the middle of something you would be annoyed also.
  19. No the op isn't getting confused, I was kicked from a game only to stare at a screen with all servers saying offline when I got back on. And to prove it, look at when the original post was made, not 2 minutes after I couldn't edit it as the forums weren't available either and I posted it only after it said all servers were off line. Trust me, if you aren't in the game 15 mins before they go down, then you can't get in as they say servers are offline. BW know this and I am waiting for one of them to explain why.
  20. That reply you quoted was out of context btw, and in the wrong post. But next mainemtace if you have been kicked from the game, and it's 10-15 mins before you won't get back as it says all servers are off line. It's not an internet prob as that still works fine and I can still boot the game up fine. So they can just take them down on time is all I am asking, or stop that from happening where if you are disconnected you can't get back in. Not asking for much.
  21. Taking down the servers I am fine with, but doing It before they say is crap. People do get in FP's etc and know they have to be done by a certain time, only for them to get to the last boss and find the servers go down. Sorry I just want them to take them down when they say not before. If they want to take them down 1/2/3 hours earlier I really don't dare, just stick to the time you say you are taking them down.
  22. It seems lately you post saying a certain time, but take them down 10 or 15 minutes before. I don't have a problem with server maintenance, but it is annoying that you think you have 15 minutes to do something, and BANG, server goes offline. Please just stick to the times you say they will come down, whenever that is.
  23. http://www.theforce.net/latestnews/story/Ian_Abercrombie_Passes_Away_At_Age_77_143341.asp Shame as he was great in the films
  24. 22 pages and I don't even have to read first page lol It's lol that this topic has gone in for this long.
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