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Everything posted by offbeatpaladin

  1. Just like they tested the game before it came out, right?
  2. You can do the same thing on a Scrapper by simply not using Sucker Punch on every Upper Hand. You can burst just fine out of stealth with minimal setup effort. If you think that 'all you can do' is burst from stealth, you need to rethink your scrapper tactics.
  3. Yeah, the entire Dirty Fighting Tree is optimal for PvE too, right? There are no PvP talents in that tree? Scrapper does just fine in PvE and saying they lack sustained damage is laughable at best. You seem to want it to fail so bad that you'll say anything to make it seem bad. Flying Fists is a very good talent. You regrant yourself an Upper Hand to do more DPS, something you know, Dirty Fightning simply cannot do. The 100% uptime on the Armor Penetration is something else you are overlooking, as well as the bleed that comes associated with the same talent. Deep Scrapper PvE is in a fantastic place right now, with the only real complain being the lack of a gap closer, which we do not have for obvious PvP reasons. I very much hope that you will stop attempting to post any sort of constructive feedback with anything besides the tree that you utilize. Your perception of Scrapper is very warped and, to be blunt, wrong. Try using something before you comment on it.
  4. Open wound adds one tick. Mortal Would is better when it happens, Open Would is more consistant. Small edit to be clear. I would go ahead to put one point in Mortal Wound and one point in Open Wound. That way you'll still get the benefit of the double tick when it feels like occuring, but you are not losing out on the guaranteed damage of another tick.
  5. If I was a dev, I wouldn't post here either. The general forums are a cess pool of misinformation and mentally deficient primates.
  6. I "see" You need to get to 50 before you reserve your judgments as Guardian toolkit comes together late, and Vanguards are much better at lower levels.
  7. It's worth noting tha this CC is also channelled, os he isn't going to heal you while he's CC'd. I used Risha until I geared out Akaavi, and I can tell you right now that Risha crits higher but Akaavi's DPS is pants on head retarded and she will probably get nerfed.
  8. Your job as a DPS is to DPS the mobs. What is wrong with you? Do you know what an enrage timer is? You will become very familiar with them in this game as almost every boss is a dps check.
  9. He doesn't have harpoon shot and takes damage like a hollywood actresses psyche.
  10. Opener advantage of what? Filling my resolve and doing about 400 damage? Scary. Shadow opener is nothing like ours and isn't to be compared. Yes it stuns, but it also does almost no damage. Their burst also has a ramp up of needing to use other abilities to stack buffs to make them hit like they do, while our damage is frontloaded. Outside of stealth, the classes are apples and oranges. You cannot compare them.
  11. That SS was cool. It's like you jumped into that zerg expecting to win or something.
  12. Why do they need a nerf, exactly? They just do what we do and stack consumables to get huge crits.. the focus specced force sweeps that do this kind of damage also require some situational setup that isn't always in their control.
  13. We are not very mobile. A gap closer would make us op as hell. The only way most people survive us is to knock us back and root us or run away. Since you're not level 50 yet, I say reserve your judgment until after you get there. You will understand why you don't need one when you hop on a kid and dismantle him in about 8 seconds. edit: To add, I understand what you're saying on huttball, but with careful positioning you can not get knocked off. Just make sure you are always in a direction where if you do get knocked back from the angle they are standing, you get knocked.. say, into a box, or further onto the platform. Of the three, Huttball is the only one we're at a disadvantage in, in Voidstar and Alderran... well, that's our world.
  14. I do understand what you're saying and get what you're asking for, but this is a nice change of pace. You can play a sword wielding hero melee type in any MMO; in this one I can beat dudes with my gun. Like a mobster, right? Shakin a dude down for money, the guns there, but im not gonna shoot you. I'm gonna bust your face open with it and threaten your family. Then kick you in the balls.
  15. Tell that to the south. And yes, I suppose it wouldn't hurt since 99% of people have named their characters after anime characters or naruto references... then again, there are classes that already use swords. They are called Jedi. We'd be cramping their style like a period.
  16. Because hitting **** with our pistols is awesome, and using vibroblades and the like isn't as cool. I'm a space cowboy, not a space samurai.
  17. Trooper is not a ranged tank, either. Vanguards primary abilities fire off in melee range.
  18. This is stupid. Why even argue with the guy; he's wrong.
  19. You're level 39, which is why you aren't getting these numbers. When you get Flechette, you will see numbers. Most of hte outrageous crits come from stacking consumables as well.
  20. yeah, scrappers kind of have this issue too since our dps is positional. Losing the armor pen from Flechette round sucks for our damage. I imagine that you could probably just drop your hots on yourself, open with backblast so you at least getone, then keep vital up, crouch, and just spam charged burst. Pray for crits.
  21. Your suvivability is like any other melee dps. Bosses mechanics are in place simply just to screw you over, learn to avoid them and you're fine. Get hit and you'll die. Our damage is high. I require guard to function in a raid.
  22. It's not midranged. Stop trying to play a melee class at range.
  23. Even when specced for it's almost never worth the button press. Most things you read on these forums are flat out wrong most of the time, anyway. It's really just meant to be a filler because, like you said, if you're hurtnig for energy that bad and ***** hitting the fan, if cool head can't get you through it, you're most likely boned.
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