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Everything posted by Lularapio

  1. Sure, it's even worse - the service isn't fully interrupted since the servers are working, it's just people outside that cannot log in. I'd appreciate to get news about the problem when the launcher redirects me to their website, especially when it's been 2 hours since people are being blocked from the service.
  2. Piss poor excuse. If they were competent enough, they would make it so the launcher can show news of the game instead of using social media for that. I do not use twitter and as a customer I would expect them to update their website first.
  3. Almost two hours since the thread was created and no answer to this? Yet people still mock others for saying this game isn't dead?
  4. It's not about being terrible at knowing what to do. They are fully aware of what they are doing, announcing the item having a stupidly low drop rate is casually shooting themselves in the foot - thats why fools are still falling for this kind of trickery.
  5. Two packs ago people did not learn about these things, why would you expect them to learn now? You know what they say about a fool and his money.
  6. Yeah, it's kinda annoying to be forced in a section of the game you dont enjoy playing. I faced the same problem. While forex is alright as a comp, I simply ignored him since I can have SCORPIO or HK as my companion, as I find them cooler anyways.
  7. It baffles me how I still see people actually not believing there is an exploit going atm, or was a few weeks ago. The amount of duped items in the gtn, the sudden increase of all cartel market packs by over 30%, that is just the tip of the iceberg. Seriously, I have played this game during launch and even back then we already had lots of hacking going on, The fact that people still hack this game should say something to the blinded unbelievers.
  8. It never will. Just consider that they have a hard time developing droplets of story on a monthly basis, what makes you think they will devote the time and money for something that has yet to be proven to be reliable consumer wise?
  9. Why bother when half of its playerbase dont know the interrupt skill even if they life depend on it? Its useless.
  10. Yep. I finally realized today that I am not going to resub until I feel there is something done about the present and future content of this game. Case in point: almost 2 hours for a hard mode flashpoint group to pop up on harbinger, tank fails at the last boss, heals ditch, tank goes away. Waiting on fillers for another almost 2 hours, nobody joined (also consider groups in progress are "priority"). That is how bad it is. I have 30 days left on my sub, I hardly think I will come back until they have done something about this sort of issue.
  11. Skadge is love, Skadge is life I expect nothing short of glory in his return during the story, he must have his own chapter and will save the day on it, otherwise, I will unsub.
  12. Hello, I would like to suggest the ability to queue up some of the crew skill missions, like at least two of them. Reason being, a while ago, I managed to level up 7 of my sith warriors companions to rank 50. Took a while, and it was well worth it considering the benefits. The only nuisance I am facing with it now is when I am running quests or any other sort of content, when I am farming certain crew missions (especially lower level ones) is that I have to basically stop every minute to tend to them. It is really, really annoying. The time I save up on crew missions end up being diverted by having to micro manage them every minute, interrupting any other activity I am working on. So, here is my suggestion, allow us the ability to queue crew skill missions, you can put a cap on the length of the quests to prevent imbalances, you can prevent it from working while you are logged off, making only the first chosen mission to work if that is the case. I am sure you guys will know how to balance it out, but I do think that any update on this regard would greatly improve the quality of life of players, preventing constant interruptions while gaming. Thanks!
  13. Not that I do not enjoy some fluff here and there, but I would honestly prefer that some of the effort this company puts on their cartel market could be devoted to fixing bugs and balancing content.
  14. That is why BW has to act fast on things like this. Punishing players that had nothing to do with that because they acquired stuff from credit launders on GTN without knowledge would promptly direct me to cancel my sub if it happened to me.
  15. They think it is free because (insert generic reason #3124). Yeah, it does not matter if they think its free - if its behind a paywall, you are paying for it, just like the cartel coin bundle and everything else included. You wouldnt be getting them otherwise, so its not free in any sense.
  16. If you think this is bad wait until you run HMs with people lvl 50ish while they still have rating 70 gear on and the lack of ability to perform basic commands, such as interrupts or running away from crap.
  17. Just adding an update to the thread for the latecomers, TL;DR version dude wants to watch all the cutscenes while the rest of the party doesnt share his will, yadda, yadda, yadda, complains about being booted from the group and blames others being antisocial while he is the one being an *** in the first place.
  18. Dude, repeating all that drivel for 50 pages or 500 in this thread wont make you right and wont change peoples minds. You will be able to watch your cutscenes if people are okay with that - If they are not, you are getting the boot. Simple as that.
  19. Son, it its a democracy by default if you have the ability to cast a vote to get said person removed by the group. If you want to watch the story and the party agrees to it, cool beans. If they wanna rush it, run solo mode and take as long as you want running and enjoying it. Just deal with it.
  20. It's certainly hard to understand why they wouldnt add spanish to the hall of languages this game could use. They could at the very least add the subtitles in spanish if anything. I am sure that would be more than enough to appease most spanish speakers and open the game to a whole new niche of players.
  21. So many spoiled kids in this thread... as usual, they are the first to patronize the OP. First, if the patching client is garbage, it should be reworked into something better and more efficient. It doesnt matter if you worked your mambo jambo to get the client patched faster, it is not something that a normal user should be doing to have your client patched efficiently. A bunch of kids with probably way too much free time on their hands (as they are always the first to reply to threads with any semblant of criticism towards the game) cannot really grasp the value of free time when you have to work, study, take care of children etc - in that case, if the company still refuses to employ a better way to update the game client, they are basically taking away said players game time because the patching process is horrible. Yes, they are stealing his money away because he is not supposed to devote his schedule around a game patching process. Get your priorities straight.
  22. In one hand you have hammer station/black talon/foundry on HM In the other you have blood hunt/manaan/lost island HM I get it that there are nuances in difficulty always based on mechanics, but blood hunt HM should have its own category of HMs, because its way overtuned in comparison.
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