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Everything posted by Jinxblog

  1. Pfft. Shadows are amazing. If your guild can't down a boss with any (reasonable) group composition, then they have a long ways to go. We run with a Gunslinger and he rarely pops his bubble so any "buffs" he brings to the raid is minimal. If your struggling to get included as a Shadow DPS, you could try tanking. They are quite amazing.
  2. Can you give us some insight on how you will be doing the first stage of server transfers/mergers? Obviously low population servers will get priority, but how do you intend to create a healthy sized East Coast PvP server that isn't the Fatman? And would a hypothetical guild have to transfer to that new, popular server willingly or will you merge them to it automatically?
  3. Manaan - Has a bunch of potential in my opinion. Perhaps the Slekath are now allowing people to travel to their underwater cities Kashyyyk - Shadowlands and forests!
  4. There's a huge difference between Dromund Kaas and Coruscant. I've leveled 8 characters through these planets and I DREAD doing Coruscant. With the maze like maps and mobs, it's ridiculous.
  5. One of them drops from HM Lost Island and the other one drops from a World Boss (one of the Hoth ones I think)
  6. College Station! Howdy!
  7. The reliance on drop rates that this pet requires is unreal. :/ Only thing I can say is keep trying ^_^
  8. If you could keep track of people looking for a Jerky maker and the Jerky makers that post on here, that would be awesome Aino and Caecilius on the Sword of Ajunta Pall server, Republic side (SOAP!)
  9. Have you run Kaon HM? We did the FP once and it was in the chest on the final boss.
  10. I am 400 Biochem and yes, I was startled as well when I saw the "No Research Available" message.
  11. Just to clarify something Dragonbgone, my fellow guildie, said last thread, we have collectively made the decision to not hand out coords because we fully agree with what Boisha said. This was a really fun hunt, I enjoyed exploring theories and going back to the drawing board with you guys! That said, the hints Boisha were more than enough for us to find it within 30 minutes of his/her posts, and I'm fully certain that many of you will find it easily as well.
  12. Actually, you can't. When I hover over the Jerky, it clearly says No Research Available in nasty red letters.
  13. There is no location for Liver drops. It is COMPLETELY RANDOM. It has dropped from Normal, Strong, Elite and Champion mobs on Ilum and Hoth and has random chances to be found on Hoth world bosses.
  14. To all new posters: Many of us have already tried standing in/by/near every type on Tauntaun with the buff on. Nothing has happened.
  15. The explosive that you buy on Alderaan is very specific. Its says "It works great in underground cave structures, especially those built by Killiks. This actuator is specifically built for detonating red detonite blast packs."
  16. The consensus was Alderaan and Hoth. In the PTS forum, there was no mention of Ilum. Ilum was brought into question in this thread.
  17. A Dev commented on the PTS thread equivalent if this one that 2 planets were involved and that they already identified both.
  18. I really like a suggestion someone brought up a few pages ago. We are assuming that the Jerky and the NVSCCS are the only items involved. However, there are 3 other special items that can be purchases on Alderaan and Hoth: MGGS, ice thiner and the explosive. Perhaps they play a part.
  19. Let's try to clarify fact from theory: There has been 1 mention of a Mother Tauntaun. And the person that posted that was not even the person who actually saw it. There has been mention of a Frightened Tuantaun but no confirmation. There are no "coords" for these two because no one has offically confirmed in game. Checking swtor databases does not count as confirmation. I would ask people please read the thread in order to provide the best feedback, suggestions, and ideas. A lot of ideas have already been proven false by people searching in game with the Jerky item, buff, and NVSCCS.
  20. Has anyone tried looking in between all rocks and cracks and underneath boxes and such? Baby Tauntaun might be hiding
  21. Same. I tried to get back there and kept running into invisible walls. >
  22. I believe the contrary actually. Zeoller alluded that the baby tauntuan was found but not captured (please go read his comment).
  23. The out of combat health regen in interesting but know this: it only increases the rate by 60. There are plenty of other higher leveled items that increase the rate by 75 and 90. The interesting part about the item is that it persists through death. A theory can be created from this that closely resembles the +10 stats Datacron: Run into a certain exhaustion zone with the buff, make it a certain distance, die, get teleported to a new Medcenter (perhaps in an abandoned spaceport), find baby Tauntaun with the buff still intact. However, I think Zoeller's comment was extremely interesting. That someone found the baby tauntaun but couldn't capture it. This makes me believe that someone stumbled upon it completely by accident since they were travelling around without the NVSCCS. Perhaps they didn't even have the Jerky on them either. Or perhaps the other way around. Thus, it would be possible that people who don't have both items are still able to find the spawn point.
  24. Has anyone tried killing the Legendary Wampa and/or Highmount Ridge Wampa with the Jerky buff?
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