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Everything posted by YaanaOhtar

  1. 1- It's really easy to predict what simple mind peoples are thinking. Really ? Rocket Launcher, Explosive ? Hey I have a better idea, a tank will be more effective, an army of Jedi should drive tanks. What a simple mind. Carrying a rocket launcher ? Great idea there, Rocket Launcher need rockets, i think they should carry rocket with them too, and explosives, and gun, and ammo. You know what I think they should bring the legendary "Inventory" from games so they can stuff a tank in it too. Lightsaber can destroy tank when the user get close my dear. They just need to stab into the engine. Blastdoor idea is to prevent explosive, to carry enough explosive to destroy a blastdoor, well we have rocket launcher right ? Those shield ? That is what tuning to the force for. Jedi can enhance their lightsaber through the force. 2- Ya, just hiding right ? Really, you should stop this trend of simple thought, it is bad. First, the jedi were killed because of betrayal, with guns or not if you are stabbed behind your back by your men, you will die. Second, apparently Jedi with sword can't run away and have to stay and fought head on, only those with guns know how to hide behind cover. Lols, my dear, Jedi have force, they can hide and smash everyone with a simple force blast, it is more effective that your stupid guns. And you still can't disprove that Lightsaber can give a better protection than gun. 3- Lolz, blaster don't use bullets, mwhahaha. Check again in all starwar wiki, blaster need bullets- not the same as our guns but still.. - Want to know why Force user should not carry a gun with them ? because it is useless and may restrict their movement. their style of fighting require a lot of movement that wearing a side arm and ammo would more likely weight them down than helping. Let's look at Ezra case, constantly switch between sword and gun, that 1 sec of switching is more than enough to be killed, in fact he's gotten his *** kicked a lot.
  2. Evidence of bad performance : 1/ cant destroy blast door, can't destory tank, wont work against shielding. 2/ Cant become shield, user need to move around to dodge incoming blasters. 3/ Out of bullet ? You are dead. Need any more ?
  3. Please don't bring back the grey force stuff.... It was horrible.
  4. I don't really know why people said making TOR area will disrupt the new Disney movie. It was 3000 years before the Galactic Republic. I doubt anyone would remember who Revan was.
  5. Like everyone said, the most important thing is it can tune to the force, guns are not made with force crystal, a force user uses gun can't tune to his weapon as good as the one using a lightsaber. They can reinforce the lightsaber while they can't do anything with guns. Next is because it act like a shield, I don't care how good you are with your gun but you can only fire so many bullets at a time and they will get a lucky shot. Finally, sword don't running out of bullets, Quote: "Vendetta" : " what you have are bullets, and the hope that when your guns are empty I'm no longer be standing, because if I am you'll all be dead before you've reloaded ", A Force user with gun will be dead if they fight against another one with lightsaber.
  6. And you know that there is no consequence because ? Did the game end ? Are you the writer ? Have you ever written anything that has been published ? No ? Then don't get on your high horse and demand people to write the story follow " your guidance". I am really sick of nerds think they can do a better job. Choice matter ? ok.. I want to freaking kill the Illusive man why there weren't that choice ? I want to freaking kill Fiona when I learnt that she had allowed Tervinter invade Red Cliff where is my damn choice ? Big consequence ? are you high ? in ME none of your choice matter. Destroyed or kept Collector base did not affect a damn thing, and why couldn't I keep it for myself or give it to the council where were that damn choice ? Fan fictions are the worst, they destroy the original intention and pervert the character's personalities.
  7. That is why I said what you genius want is writing your own "Fan Fiction". You want it has to end "your way". ME is the prime example : Keep or destroy the Collector base mean nothing. And how would you know that there is no consequence ? Have you finished the game ? Nothing worse than a nerd thinks he/she could do a better job when they have zero qualification.
  8. Choices do matters, the problem is when you will see the consequence. If the game stop before Chapter 9 or 10, you wont see the consequence of accepting Valkorian power too much. You had seen minor consequence - kill off companions, Koth mad at you, ..... -. What you genius are asking is writing your own fan fiction. DA, ME,... none let you write your own fan fiction, they have the line that you have to follow : Arc Demon had to die, Loghan can't rule, Kirkwall will fall, The Collector will die,..... What your choices " matter " are small variations which has no consequence to the story - whether the Warden live or not does not matter for the next games, Loghan died or became a warden mean nothing. Spare or Shoot at them may have different consequence in the future. And stop using meta knowledge into the story, you don't know that Senya spared her daughter, you knew nothing about Scorpion plans. You are not a Mare Sue or Gary Stus
  9. Lore wise they are quite equal since JC is light side and would heal the plague Sith Lord which result in he/she would be weakening 6 times for their whole career. Only when the Plague master dies that the plague is stopped.
  10. You convinced me with this. Originally I like Koth, but after 3rd played through i felt annoying with him. But I think you convince me with this.
  11. You are assuming slaves were not trained in combat to serve the Empire. You used game mechanic into the story, every Force User will be trained by their instructor of how to use the force during 1st Act, no matter how good JK with his lightsaber during youngling times there is no way he can beat Darth left and right in 1st Act with just that, same with warrior, JC or SI. Frankly i have not seen any Force User needed that much help like SI. JK, Warrior, JC all fought through their story alone without help from higher power ever, and SI's enemies were B rate Sith lord
  12. Cause your money do not worth the trouble of fixing a bunch of bug and frankly i doubt that there is 1% of players care about same sex romance old companions. Asking to romance Vaylin or Satele is possible cause they will make a brand new code not messing around with old code that no one care about. And ya, I deal with it, Didn't i say beg all you want ? BW just dont care.
  13. Beg all you want but they will not change it. Those return companion through the story have a minor role, they wont have any trigger relationship dialog in the new expansion at all, the only way to trigger relationship with them is through the original companion quests. And they will not waste a lot of money and risk bugs to change those codes just to please a few people that won't get them any profit
  14. What plot hole ? Did they or did they not state that Omi-cannon were not online ? Did we not get caught behind our back by the entire Fleet ? Please, you only know that it was a trap because there is a scene about Acrann's realization. And we need to bring Scropion, she is the only one can interphase with the Gemini captains.
  15. All wrong answer, The reason we don't shoot Acrann is 1st The Omi-cannon is not online yet, this had been mentioned before, if the cannon had been online the Gravestone can take on the entire Eternal Fleet, not just a few ship. Only other systems have been fixed 2nd The fleet flank us, the pop out beside us so by the time we turn our gun most likely we would be shot to dead 3rd Acrann there was never a plan, no matter how powerful you are if you are caught by surprise most likely running is the best option, that ship in the beginning was a bait for us, Scorpio knew of this but she proceeded with her plans since she would not be around to die.
  16. What does Saresh have to do with anything ? It is Balmorra. It is not like they ask her permission to send supplies to the outlander. What ? She is going to send troops and terrorising peoples ? Notthing worse than what the Imp have done. You know the Imp soilder also survive the eternal fleet. Actually a lot people survive against it the outlander for example, our companions... A lot of troops from imp and rep. I said i understand your point but it is still useless. What you said is a bBigger IF.
  17. Uhm.... He actually was representing Balmorra in the Rift Alliance, because the current president was captured by the Imp, saying he was just a trade secretary before meeting JC like saying Darth Nox was just a slave before discovered by the Imp. They may not know of him, but they should know of Balmorra that is the point. Balmorra supply Battle droid and help the Rep won back Correila. He is a Senate for Blamorra that means he still able to supply those battle droids, the Admiral can only offer experience - work or not we don't know -, the singer can only offer useless propaganda.
  18. Technically both rep and imp side should know him, he the leader of Balmora the planet that the Rep had won back from the Imp. The Rep side should have known about him better since they have the whole celebration for the JC about it. And 5 years of carbonite nap i doubt it effect much to us, for us it's instance.
  19. I suppose you do have some points. I still prefer a bunch of planets supporting us than 1. Frankly, I were ready to sacrifice the Admiral, though she may have experience, she only survives due to Acrann want to know where we are. I suppose we have to wait and see though i doubt BW will address it deeply. And most Consular will save the Senate because the ominous title they may have " Betrayer of Balmora". p/s: I hate Koth, from his stupid destiny talk to his whining about Zakuul. I'm waiting for him to ***** about the singer in the next episode.
  20. If you play Kalio chapter, you should remember that Zakuul peoples are spoon feeded by their robot, they are coward, lazy people that seek thrill, they do not dare to do anything. They wont raise against Acrann that is for sure, Even in Jorgan chapter, these peoples did not decide to attack Acrann force but instead we armed them so they can defend themselves against Acrann but they WONT take the fight to him. And I am saying your idea of propaganda is wrong. The singer is completely useless no matter how popular she is, the popular of Zakuul will not raise their hand against their own peoples unless The Emperor return - Just see that stupid Koth and you will understand -. The senate and the admiral represent Pup and Imp 2 main force of your Alliance, these 2 force distrust each others, they only starting to come together and now we have their commander sacrifice people of 1 side that send a bad message about unity and cooperation. They wont think their commander sacrifice their peoples to save Zakuul civilian, they will think their commander choose the imp over them, why would they fight for that commander, etc.... That is why i said, you choose uncertainty ally instead of reinforce the ones you have
  21. Ya.... what is she going to do ? convincing Zakuul peoples to join you ? Unlikely if that work, North Korea would not be around, and she is ONLY popular with Zakuul. Good luck convincing the Reps that you value them just as much as the Imps. What you choose is the uncertainty useless ally instead of reinforcing the ones you have. And yes, yes he can acquire it.
  22. I will tell you how wrong your propaganda is: "Our alliance consists mostly of Rep and Imp, may be some off world planet but none of them are Zakuul. For argument sake, saving the Singer will bring more Zakuul peoples to our side, they wont fight against their soldiers, they at most will do protesting, that's it. Now if you save the Singer that meant you let either Rep or Imp die. If you're Imp the Rep peoples will doubt you, if you're Rep the Imp peoples will doubt you. That will cause in fight and distrust in your Alliance. By saving Rep and Imp you give out a strong message to your troops that you value both sides. The singer die, too bad, but we could not count on the help from Zakuul peoples anyway, they only revolt against Acrann, when they know their precious Emperor is still alive, we're toast"
  23. Really... You should stop writing fan fiction and treating it as fact. 1/ If he had fused with the ghosts completely 1 body and mind, he WOULD NOT be able to hear their voices at all. The ritual only bind them in his body so he can draw more power from them. 2/ Ancient knowledge of the Sith apparently not much since their sith emperor knows more than them and it is a drop of water compare to the knowledge of the Esh-kha. 3/The idea of calling Marr to help is idiotic : - Marr is not part of Nox resources - Marr does not obligate to help Nox - If Nox calls Marr then Barsen'thor calls Satele then we have the same full scale war stalment - 4/ Stop assuming, "IF" Nox play his card right; "IF" Nox able to bind Voss mystic ghost, "IF" Ashaa would help Nox...... If you can only write fan fiction to stroke your ego then it is my mistake to talk to an idiot You have no idea if Nox could play his card right or wrong, neither if he could learn anything to bind the Voss. And if you did play SI you would know that Ashaa would never help Nox against Barsen'thor. 5/ Again stop writing fan fiction, Barsen'thor would not just sit around waiting things to happen. Nox were cunning but he/she was not bright either, Barsen'thor was the brightest mind of the Jedi the chance for him/her to lose to Nox in mind game is 10%. 6/ Again with the fan fiction. Fact : Barsenthor defeated the First Son - Kill him or help him depend - end of the story, what you believe is not FACT.
  24. Hwee, get on your high horse and starting to boast ? You were the idiot that assuming first, genius, If you hate something dont do that to others. And please.... I can say that i'm working in Yale as a Research scientist . Any idiot can claim anything on internet now a day. Still don't see your point, as long as it is not innate the technique will repel them without fail that is including any ghost, the only thing would remain is the innate ability of Nox I knew of his history. I did not find anything remarkable at all. He were not strong enough to pass through the First Son power, he HAD a vision about the Kresh which were not in the First Son protection. Kresh were an apprentice, and she kicked his *** until a lowly slave saved him. He got lucky that's it. His method were stupid, and any regular Siths would still do the same thing. I will quote your quote "most powerful Sith risen from slavery in a long time", ya.. Nox is the most powerful Sith with the slavery background, not the MOST powerful sith at all, Revan was impressed by his achievements with that background. Compare to being "the most powerful Jedi i have met", including all the old master, Satele, Bastila ,.... Also, revan said that to every classes, it;s like Valkorion pay attention to a smuggler instead of the guy that killed his Voice...... You really want to compare the influence of IS with JC. Ok... Let's see JC has his personal voss mystic, a droid army that does not need to sleep or rest, the armada of the Rift Alliance, The Esh-kha : an ancient race that even the Rakata feared, and the good thing with ancient race is they come with ancient knowledge, voss comando. . I'm sure that holding Sphere of Knowledge is great but compare to have an ancient knowledge of a powerful race from the same time as the Infinite Empire trump everything. Again, dont see your point, The First Son were still far more powerful than anyone if he can seal ALL the children THROUGH the galaxy from ALL Sith and Jedi, and the JC were still under the effect of Chapter 1 weakening when fighting him. The JC had to fought the First Son NOT Syo Bakarn.
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