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Everything posted by YaanaOhtar

  1. Ok. after seeing the talents tree of all tanks, compare it with the old one., i want to ask: What the fing that Devs thinking. The tank that is in light armor which in a tanking stance that barely has the same amount of armor equal as heavy armor dps, now lost 20% of our armor ? while the others tank in their tanking stance - which increase armor rate - with Heavy armor, now having 16% more armor ? On top of that we lost our 10% instance self heal from Battle readinese ? and our self heal is still as crappy as every - the 2% receive more heal is worthless if sage heal you 2000hp, it will add 20 more hp, it's worthless - They said KW would compare to our armor rate ? it 8 charge that barely last for 10 sec in any freaking boss and the cool down is increase to 15 sec, so in 5 sec we're dead meat. And the shield is useless against any Force/tech attack. Did they really test it, or those idiots only use computer simulations then said it needed to balance out to others tank. Fing BW, i will wait till 2.0 out to cancel my sub so they understand why i stop paying idiots.
  2. That is depend, playing Jk i feel like an assassin for the Order, hey go there and kill this Sith Lord, go here and stop this Darth. It's has no impact at all for the republic.
  3. Check again , your job is not only study the Force but also play diplomatic and be a tactician. If played other classes only act 2 and 3 is linked because it include in the Rep or Imp, Act 1 is isolated from every stories.
  4. Actually. You played diplomat, not raising an army. The army more like a happy go lucky bonus. I would expect they let the JC to invest on the emperor ritual near the end of the game, but not now, common that is the epic ending, they wont release it.
  5. Oh please, dont group together. How ? hey there a smasher let's run away from him and from the objective. Oh hey there a smash let's run away even though we're melee. oh there is a Jug/mar , they're definitely smasher spec let's all run away from them. Stop being an idiot. 1 vs 1, please the OP is the Aoe of smash not against 1.
  6. Ever try think why they can't move away ? Let me see, oh yes melee classes, ah cause it is idiotic to stay away from the door/controller/ pylon, oh i know instance activated.
  7. Wow it really competitive to kill a recruit gear, i guess it must be so since you're like a bunch of hungry coyote Do you have problem understanding, you are a freaking old pvper, the new player join in the game will not doing pvp every days to level up, they wont have knowledge of saving com either. Apparently you have great skill in stomping a recruit gear. And you still can't answer 1 single question. "WOULD YOU TAKE IN A RECRUIT GEAR in premade ?" I will ask again, are you have any problem understanding ? The freaking premade making sure that they are all WH against the PUGs which include new player. Without the premade, the newplayers have a better chance facing s.o at their level. That's called fairness. The chance for new player to fight against their own. Anyone find these 2 point contradict ? Cause i sure do. And listen to you, take advance of the features built into game to stomp on new players. Lolz... I guess i can imagine the majority of all premade player like.
  8. So all you hard core pro pvper are only care about winning, but not the challenging ? So you making a group to stomp on new player ? Really ? tell me would you take a recruit gear ? If you don't dare to take a recruit gear in your premade then your argument is just hollow words. You would never take a recruit gear when PUG will have to take a recruit gear. Your team will have less chance to get a recruit gears compare to PUG. So if everone is making a premade and no one taking a recruit gear, We have team of recruit being match up against pro WH +aug premade. Well done idiot you just put and end to all new player in this game. May be all of premade like you, having trouble understanding. PUGs have to accept newplayer and train them, that is what none rank casual wz for. Premade dont accept newplayer - recruit gear, hp below 16k -, chose specific classes to join, you are not freaking better skill, the only thing you have is eliminate the newplayer in you group. And i said again, if people all make premade in casual WZ, the only left will be recruit gear with no where to compete against Full WH premade group. So try to think before you ask s.o to make premade group, it's stupid idea.
  9. Unfortunately the majority of premade or hardcore pvpers are not sporty players. They are mostly kids with the inferior complex so to fill the hole they need to stomp over on others and said that were skill.
  10. As i said before, they could use Expertise as a control. If you want to play with group, you will be limited the total of expertise of your entire group to enter non-ranked. I would suggest the total of expertise for the entire 4 person group will not allow to be higher than 4400. Even with the other 4 PUG with EWH, they still consider to have 2 member with recruit gear, so their strength will be limited. 2 premade joining together will be heavily limited too
  11. The word for premade who enjoy this is "sadist"
  12. The idea of premade is just like you said, 100% preventing idiots, new players - recruit gear, etc... - So Premade against PuG is fair ? PuG you only pray that you dont group with idiots. So what if all are premade ? Then where can new player join in ? Would you dare to take 3-4 recruit gears ? Even the Host topic, also dont want to play with recruit gears. Dont try to delude us. Premade ruin normal Wz. If you good, go and show up your skill to premade, dont fight with PuG to cure you inferior complex.
  13. First before the match did you explain and ask for plans, assign guarding cap, etc...... ? Cause in ever PuG i did that. If you did not, it was your fault. Second, as they had said. always check on the guarding, asking status, making sure he is not Afk, or being attacked. Third, Important to tell them the situation is controlled - for example only 2 enemy left and 4 of you - so they wont running to you while leaving the other area opening for a fast attack. Last, make clear that you or s.o is the commander so others can focus and listen to 1 person. Communicate with your stealth teammate not to break cc, etc... All of these things i have been doing in every PUG wz. If you so comfortable with your premade, then dont join in PUG wz cause it's not for Hard core player, it's for casual.
  14. Absolutely agree with you. I have no idea those quest that i done were planetary quests untill i reach Ilum. In every planets The consular story tie close with planetary quest i guess because as a role of a Diplomat. The smuggler stories is nice a funny, though i would prefer consular
  15. When you defending a node or taking it, running away - melee class - is a bad idea. Let's think it this away. 2 or 3 Shadow need to get their infiltration tactic + cric - which quite unlike likely -, or have to prepare their Force Potency charge yet these are 1 target so they have to chose to attack the same target. Smash ? you dont need to attack the same target, every one around you will get 5k damage, 2 jug in a pt can instance deal 10k damage on their enemy - 5 target got half their hp gone. - you think their healer can heal enough for 12 sec before the 2nd smash ? not to mention being attack by others.
  16. As i've seen JK and JC stories and we all know how the game will end, the Imperial will lose and the Emperor will die, so as stories wise goes, i would say the JC would be sent to investigate the ritual that the Emperor will use which i think will meet the SI, they may have to join hand to stop the ritual .While the JK will confront the emperor and the SW. I would say the ending will be the SI will escape while the others of the Dark Councils will be dead - well may be because of SW is sent to kill them for their treachery acts, or the SI and the JC kill them cause they well in the way of preventing the ritual - The SW i guess will be dead cause he is Lord Wrath, if the Knight want to kill the Emperor he need to kill Wrath. The trooper and smuggler may join hand in attacking Imperial strong hold while the agent is sent to sabotage their bases.
  17. Really ? This is lore thread and you posting this question ? Were you trying to be funny ?
  18. Hi i make a list of those skill and pro pvper that alway join in non-rank queue to help newbie learning how to play, so everyone could ask them for pointer and help to be just like them. Since i only play in The Progenitor in Rep side, i can only name Imp in this server. Exo-dus - You will see this Jugg player in every none rank Wz helping new player along with his teammate, usually with Agent . Requiem guild - This is a magnificent guild, every days, their strong, pro player grouping together joining non-ranked wz to help new player. A few exceptional individual of this guild are: Daegonn, a Sith Sorcerer you can easily recognize with Darth Sion mask, Tua a great Agent can heal through anything a team of recruit gear could throw at him/her. Well these are all i can remember, i will post some more so new player coud ask for their help in wz, helping them to learn quicker.
  19. The thing is, genius, the premade group making sure that their team is well gear to slam new players. Have you ever see a premade group full recruit or BM gear ? If solo queue, then it's a chance - a chance you could meet 8 WHs+ aug again and again likely to 0, no one going to complain about it. But this is become an exploit for medal or for satisfaction, i don't care. If Bw intend to make money from F2P, they will have to change the match making system - cause the original 50 would not change to F2P, only new player, and new players that joined for stories wont pay a cent, and we have the rest and they will quit if the game community are all *******.
  20. You dont see the big picture do you ? Those that high gear can still purchase low gear to join WZ. For example: you have WH+aug gear, why do you need pvp com for ? you can still purchase BM to join in normal WZ. Beside this will increase the number of people joining ranked Wz since if they can't gang on normal WZ they will have to queue on Rank WZ. P/s: there is no such thing gear gap gone. How can they reduce pvp gear gap ? reduce expertise ? or reducing the effect of expertise on WH and EWH gears ? If so, they also have to reduce stat on pve. Cause this will allow pve equip some what equal to pvp. And the gap is still there. My way will eliminate the gap and all those parasites along with it.
  21. Uhm..... You're trying to play innocent ? Let's see they nerf the stat for WH and just to be safe EWH, anyone think this is a bad idea ? Before when expertise were not as much of a big deal in pvp like today. People can use mods in pvp gear + armoring in pve, there wont be much differences between using pve gear in pvp. Anyway let's put that aside, nerf the expertise of WH and EWH the gap is still there. Whether it is useful or not does not fix the problem that High gear try to farm of low gear like a parasite. My Idea - Ranking Expertise preventing group with certain expertise point will join non-ranked - will make sure that Those high gear group will never ever farm low gear again.
  22. Uhm... dont see your point. The idea is to prevent Pro farmming Casual. By control the total expertise they could have, we can control the gap. Event if the WH gear will be nerf, the gap will still be there for Pro to gang on New/Casual player
  23. I have an interesting Idea, How about rank expertise ? If players are in any group, if the total expertise in their groups are over certain number, they will be in ranked Wz. So no matter how experience, they will need to tone down the high gears.
  24. So PUG are pewee leagues ? Then answer freaking why so pro premade 8 WH+aug like to roll on our pewee league ? Keep rolling in there days after days ? What does that make those guys ? If you are so pro. Stick to your pro league. No want beg you to come to our pewee league.
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