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Everything posted by Kirkaz

  1. Basically, what we're saying is make it scale and not static.
  2. Word on the street Alacrity speeds up DoT ticks (for Madness) though I can't find any solid confirmation. Though it is a moot point because Madness benefits way more from crit, I just don't like dealing with absolutes with out all viable paths being explored. Here's a quick post I found saying that crit doesn't just stop after 30% and I have read a few others. Though the diminishing returns may be bad I don't believe the crit just stops. I will be verifying this later tonight. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=224104
  3. It seems to be something for an upcoming patch...or we're getting trolled by Bioware. We had numerous ninja tooltip/ability changes with out any patch notes or confirmation form devs. Over charge saber lost it's 300% to healing, Harnnesed Darkness proccing off Wither, Induction being exclusive to Surging Charge (though it still procs with Dark and Lightning charges, which makes the 12/13/16 PvP build freaking awesome) Basically after hours scouring official and unofficial forums, there is not a single clue as to the future of theses abilities.
  4. Really it's going to depend on your playstyle and what type of situations you find yourself in most 1v1. If you just like bull rushing in and taking on groups go with Insulation. Avoidance if you are a sneaky type and like picking off Healers and Sorcerers for the shorter interrupt. Static Cling, this is good for Deception since you lack range spells and or a gap closer outside of Force Speed. Though, I have not even trained the ability up because I never seem to be in a situation where I need it. I would rather rotate through stuns before just a slow which some classes can break without using trinket. Resourcefulness...no, it's just wasted points, most of our raiding Assassins don't even take it for PvE.
  5. I PvP and raid as Madness, and if Assassins are the most versatile class, then Madness is their most versatile spec. As stated there is a few GCD ramp up time and lucky procs on Raze, but once you stack enough crit the Raze proc becomes less of a problem. The ability to do damage as you approach your target is really a benefit as being able to jump out of stealth behind the target is not always an option. The thing with Madness is while it's a good spec on it's own it shines as a good support tree for Darkness and Deception. That is why you see few 31 Madness Assassins. However, after playing all the specs I've settled with Madness for raiding(when I'm not tanking) for the sheer maneuverability and DPS on the run it can provide.
  6. The function of the talent is the same the tooltip was changed. Basically, either were going to get really lucky in a future patch or Bioware is trolling us. Because Wither proccing HD would be slightly OP considering the short CD on Wither.
  7. I know that spec and rotation were listed in the <Everything to know about Assassin guide> but since I started raiding (as madness of course) I have made a few changes. Spec - http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#200Mc0cZ0MZfMfRrbkrcz.1 Dropped maul because it's just a force dumper that doesn't make a good FP per damage ratio. Even if the talent proc, Thrash and Death Field both do close to or equal damage and you don't get the chance of maul going all buggy on you like it normally does. Charge Mastery increases Lightning Charges effect by 3 second, making recirculation pointless as you only need to refresh as the debuff is falling off. Picked up a few more points in Darkness tree to give a little more damage to Thrash and Lightning charge. Running this spec also simplifies the rotation a little. You don't have to always be behind the boss for maul Death Field Creeping Terror (refresh DoT before it falls off) Discharge (refresh DoT before it falls off) Crushing Darkness (on Raze proc) Shock (Everytime, it hits like a truck and is a nice filler between DoT refresh) Thrash I'm not putting in Assassinate or Saber strike in because I assume you know when and where to use them. Basically this spec is built for mobility because almost every damn fight melee is running out, back in, back out etc etc. In the end the rotation when standing still is keeping DoTs always up, then rotate between Death Field and Shock with Thrash and saber strike being the fillers. Oh, and of course Crushing Darkness(if it ever actually procs)
  8. From what I understand Xalek is broken right now. He is meant to be a tank but is not getting the mitigation bonuses from gear and buffs that he should. That being said, the only other choice you would have for him is DPS. Unfourtanetly, Xalek falls way behind Ashara and Andronikis in DPS when similar geared.
  9. Going to need more information. Your level, your role (are you wanting to tank, are you a tank,just leveling), what are your current stats and what are you trying to achieve.
  10. Suggestions threads tend to go the wrong way most of the time. It always becomes and endless argument between random players on the state of the class. Complaining about not having this buff that another class has and such. Though I would like to see a suggestion thread stikied, it will only happen if people can stay halfway civilized and not just post <skilll> is bad and needs buffed. Suggestions are meant to improve a class/game play in a way that it is fair and balanced for the entire community. So, if this thread takes off, make sure and post where you think you have found a problem/discrepancy and how you think you can make it better for the entire community. Choose your words carefully least you be called a troll/fanboi/QQer etc. Example: I would like to bring attention to the Raze talent in the Madness tree. Currently the tooltip lists the proc chance at 33% on a melee critical hit. Being so low in the talent tree you get access to this skill at a very early level. Here is what I'm noticing; At low levels the gear aquired from quests and drops lacks any significant amount of crit to increase our chance of actually proccing the Raze talent. Though this does even out some as your level increases, at 50 you are still having to stack a large amount of crit to try and get any consistency out of the talent. Being a DoT based talent tree and having one of our hardest hitting DoTs unavailable for a large amount of fights seems to be counter-productive to the Madness tress synergy. I would like to see the Crushing Darkness changed/modified to be an instant cast spell with a long CD and the Raze talent reducing that CD time to around half (30 seconds?) to still keep it in balance. etc etc etc. Point being, a post like this I could respect even if I don't agree with the poster because he/she brought a logical viewpoint to the thread.
  11. So far, according to my healers, stacking defense to about 30% then pushing shield rating and absorption rating towards 50% evenly made for the smoothest damage intake. Granted numbers may reveal that this is not how you should stack gear, I am one who choose real application over numbers. If my healers say they like it better it works for me.
  12. - Armor Values are a minimal problem at the moment being there is very little difference between actual mitigation percentages. -Gap Closers: -Force Speed -Force Pull -I even consider Force Cloak a gap closer. -Rotations: Assuming PvP -Darkness- Wither, Thrash till Energize procs, Shock, Force Lightning with 3 stacks of Harnessed Darkness -Madness- Death Field, Creeping Terror, Shock, Thrash, Crushing Darkness on Proc -Deception- Voltaic Slash x 2, Shock, Maul on proc, Discharge at 5 stacks of Surging -Bubbles/Mitigation: -Force Shroud (The I'm immune to everything spell) -Deflection -Dark Ward -Dark Charge -CC/Status Effects -Overcharge -Wither -Electrocute -Spike -Low Slash -Whirlwind -Mind Trap
  13. Though I love raze for what it is, it just doesn't proc enough for it to be worth the extra points to get to it. Especially if you are gearing more for survival instead of hard DPS. You could drop points out of Shroud of Darkness (it's like 450hp or something for 3 points) and swelling shadows (being that Dark Charge has an internal 4.5 second cooldown) you will rarely find it not proccing with the static 50% chance. I do love Death Field an at this point it's do you like Wither/Slow more or the range on Death Field. I also believe Bioware is just trolling us with Wither proccing Hardnessed Darkness, though I would love it to be implemented, it would be OP as hell.
  14. Basically, if you are running in Deception you have no viable way to close the gap other than Force Cloak/Force Shrouding. (Though I'm not sure what level you get those) At level 30 in the Darkness tree I believe you should be able to get Force Pull. At level 20 in the Madness tree you can pick up Death Field, though the cool down is quite long. Really, Force Speed is the best closer we have. Other than that I spent 75% of my time leveling stealthed so I could be jumping them instead of them jumping me.
  15. Don't forget about Nerve Wracking in the 5th tier, I dropped swelling shadows to pick it up (because swelling shadows is kind of junk now with a 4.5 cd on dark charge proc) and being I spike/Electrocute all the time I can see a noticeable difference on the CCed targets
  16. I'm assuming you are talking about the Deception tree. This is really where Dual spec would be nice as I myself have switched from Deception to Madness for raiding just for the fact that I have more DPS time on the boss while moving. Seeing how Madness is half way viable as a range/melee hybrid, I doubt you will see anything added to deception for any kind of range allowances being that we have the ability to do range just in another tree. I agree our CC is bogus and I really only use it when I'm tanking since I'm already next to the mobs. Shadow Step would really make this class more enticing to play and I would never have a complaint if I had just that ability added because of the sheer utility of it.
  17. Also, earpieces can have augment slots from critical crafting.
  18. Madness has two abilities that are 30m that I can think of off the top of my head. I've also found most fights require a ton of movement and find I am at least DPSing more often as madness than deception though I can only guess at the damage between the two specs with no combat log.
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