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Everything posted by Shouku

  1. I kinda tend to agree. Ilum is a poor overall design. It is too large of an area with too many details. And although I still play there it is the only place in the game with performance issues for me, I really wish they had adressed this sooner. Incidentally I do very well as long as there are only about 10-15 people per side doing the battle, things go south for me once it hits around 20, and then usually if there are 20 repubs then like 80 imps show up then things go down to about 3-6 FPS, literally.
  2. Hi You are extremely wrong. It is in fact stated by the devs several times, last time in the March 2nd Q&A somewhere in one of the answers (look and read for yourself one of the stickies), that they inent the fleets to be central hubs for the games players and want people to gather on them. Therefore, it stands to reason, that although inaccurate, it is as someone above put it a good analogy of sticking a thermometer where the sun dont shine and taking the temp. That aside, a certain percentage drop off after launch is expected, not sure what is or is not normal. I play on WIF, republic side, fleet pop after launch at peak times was 110-140 people, low times was around 30 people. Now, fleet pop at peaks is 60-90 people, low times 9-15 people.
  3. Hi As far as I can tell there are 4 major targetting bugs in this game, probably more but these 3 in particular stand out, especially since one of my characters is a tank so I switch targets a LOT and I am affected by them beyond just PvP. The bugs are as follows: 1. Tab Targetting - Often times when targetting it will skip a target if its on a different floor tile. For example, you can have a group of 5 mobs or 5 PvP players, if one of them is directly in front of you, but on a sloped or somehow different floor tile then the rest, Tab targeting will completely skip it and you can only tab through the other ones. I have to actually manually select the said target by clicking on it, which is not usable during fast paced combat. 2. Target Nearest Enemy - feature does not work. Most of the time it just does a random rotation same as regular Tab Targeting AND is affected by targeting bug #1, #3 and targeting bug #4. I stopped using it all together for those reasons. It doesnt work at all 3. Targets do not properly switch - animation related - If you kill a mob or player, often times you can switch targets by using Tab or Target Nearest functions until the death animation is finished and PvE target becomes lootable and PvP target its equivalent state. The game simply does not allow you to switch targets other then again, manually select and click another using your mouse cursor. This is most apparent in settings such as flashpoints and PvE Ops, but I have seen it occasionally in PvP as well. 4. Select Nearest Target - does not do so. If you have enabled the option where you are supposed to auto select nearest enemy using a combat ability, this function sometimes fails and selects further targets or ones which are completely out of your characters front arc. I am not sure wht is causing it, but seems to be a combination of animation target bugs, floor tiles and server lag. I have noticed my target is simply no longer the closest or in the correct arc by time the targeting function kicks in from the moment of activation. This one does not happen as often as the 3 above, but it is noticable. Hope this clears things up a bit.
  4. Shouku

    Scoundrel Is a Joke

    Hi I play a scoundrel, scrapper and a Jedi Guardian Tank Spec. I made the scrapper after all the hoopla came to light and after I got tired of them owning me on my tank in about 3-4 secs flat. afterall, a tank in tank gear is supposed to be a tank, not a squishy reminding me of playing a WoW mage in pvp without even a manashield up. Now they are both 50, the JG is better geared almost BM (58), while my Scoundrel has just a couple champ pieces (rank 43). I do not use stims or adrenals for pvp on either one at this time. Probably will in future, but not yet. JG is Tongku, the scrapper is Cike, both on Wound in the Force server, repub side. Dear sir, after playing both sides of this I just wanna tell you, that ALL of you and yours are full of utter sh**. I OWN the JG mirror class even after these nerfs, undergeared (by now i know what imp BM gear looks like), and without stims / adrenals. Any of you that tell me otherwise need to seriously go to roll other classes or just quit. Above, I have provided you with my toons names, server, etc. feel free to hit me up for lessons, we can work out an ingame deal for ingame credits. I play mostly around peak times, Pacific Standard Time. BTW, playing a scrapper in its current state, is AMAZING in comparison with my JG Tank. Tank requires a pre-made and a pocket healer for full effectiveness to start, a scrapper needs only another body of any sorts or flavor for a target to be distracted. And dont even get me started on Ilum PvP, between stealth and some ranged abilities I gain valor on average 4x faster then the JG for so many numerous reaons its not even funny thinking about it, just gets me pissed at BW on how in hell did their testers not catch such an idiotically huge imbalance. IMHO, after playing a scrapper, they need to be seriously nerfed not juts thrown this little drop of water in the ocean, and their burst stabilized and reworked into a sustained DPS more suited to PvE Ops content. OR tanks need to become more tanklike and have at least some sort of defenses against internal / elemental dmg which they currently lack.
  5. Between the GCDs and targeting problems it is too easy to lose agro. I noticed that if DPS unloads while you are between your big stuff on GCDs, or 1st target dies and you have to switch to the next, and your taunt is on CD, then you might as well forget it. Even if you piack up the tank target again the total DPS agro is built up so much that it won't stay on you and go back to them.
  6. I agree 100% with the original poster. In addition there is a targeting problem tied into this and/or even caused in large part by this. This becomes plain and apparent during boss pulls and multiple mobs and it is the reason why melee tanks lose agro so much easier then ranged tanks. I really hope Bioware addresses this issue.
  7. OK, a silly question. Where do I take my T7 to do his "talk private" thing on Coruscant ? I tried cantina and every spot I pass and I cant find a "private" place for him to do his thing. Can anyone give me a pointer ? Thanks !!!
  8. Shameless bump, would like the answer if possible for once I am in
  9. Thats awesome, is there an equivalent for West Coast Servers ? Thanks
  10. Just one question. Could you not pick some regular website instead of gaybook ? Many of us dont feel like providing our entire lives info to marketing companies to be the targets of spam, malware, junk mail, many of which are maliscious.
  11. I would like to point out, that you can be a Dark Side Republic, right down evil, or a LIght Side Sith. I dont see too many Sith players going Light side, but in beta I saw many Republic players going dark side.
  12. OK To my understanding, PvP servers have world PvP starting around level 25. PvE servers do not. Also to my understanding, there is a max level PvP dedicated zone called Illum ? (not sure the spelling) If Illum is a PvP zone, will it be available as PvP even on a PvE server ? Sort of like certain areas in other games ? Also wanted to know, how is that imbalance of Sith / Republic going along ? I wanted to play Republic because of too many Sith, but I am having 2nd thoughts. Mainly, I HATE playing on low / medium pop servers. With a passion. I like it crowded with thousands of people where I gladly pay the price of queues, some lag, etc. If I go Republic, I will be limiting myself to a low population due to this imbalance. Dont want to invest a few months into a character only to find out that I need to reroll for the endgame content on different server due to faction imbalance, that sucks. So if some folks can share, especially those that are a bit more advanced, 30+ already, I'd appreciate it. Thanks
  13. The Usual Tanks and Heals there are a lot of Knights both Sith and Rep, but not a lot of tanks, most spec for DPS or PvP. Also, UI is kinda screwed up for healers at the moment because some elements obstruct debuffs etc. and its not customizable yet. Trooper is a very good and rounded class, can go as tank or focus on ranged DPS or focus on combat heals for their advanced class. So at the moment there is least heals, tanks 2nd least.
  14. I support recount for 2 main reasons: 1. Self Improvement. All the data will help me to improve thus be more valuable member of my group / guild as well as have more fun due to having a clearer path in working through obstacles. 2. Makes it easier to weed out and replace the bads. The ones who are unable to improve and often times end up halting progress and causing break ups of entire groups and even guilds. If they dont get it on their 5th or 10th repeat its time for a boot. Tools such as these make it easier to deal with this aspect of the game.
  15. Its epic indeed. I remember the 1st one that came out way back in the day
  16. I don't know if Amazon still has CEs available, but if I were you, I'd cancel Walmart and get it from Amazon. Yea, you will not get into the game before 20th, but at least you will get in it before x-mas, instead of next year.
  17. This is exactly and precisely why I am rolling Republic. I love Sith, but I am a pretty good PvPer and love to be the underdog. So I'm going Republic. Also, the underdogs always develop better PvP skills and tactics and eventually win. In WoW I played horde on 2 realms, both started as underdogs. 1 realm is about balanced half and half, but the other, we didnt just win, we literally exterminated all allies. Server went from about 75% Alliance to 95% Horde. You cant even find a single ally anymore if you fly around for half a day. I am going to the outnumbered side for the love of PvP. I gank. I stalk. I corpse camp. I lead groups. I win outnumbered battles. I have killed many players of opposite factions dead smack in middle of their own capital cities. And I'm looking forward to the weak arse excuses for Sith.
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