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Everything posted by adamqd

  1. I think you need to be able to fly a ship to enter another players ship, I have unlocked my Ship at level 13, and as late as level 18... depends on how quick you do your class quests on your capital world.
  2. "IF" this fails, there will be no more Star Wars games, or at least any that aren't Lego or Clone Wars related kid fests. Lucasarts have put all their eggs in one giant multi-million dollar blender, but I fear the resulting omelette will not please enough people to justify its massive budget, and kill any chances of a suitable ending to the KotOR legacy, or another MMO in that galaxy far far away. ((catches next buss to SWGemu-ville))
  3. I'm a Star Wars fan above all else, and I have played and loved KotOR since release. The lack of end game, bugs whatever dont bother me one bit, its the story and look of the game that spoil it for me. Maybe my standards are too high, but I have had a neutral look on my face since creating my character... not one time have I had any level of fun, excitement or emotion from any part of this game; Its just not good enough for the Old Republic era, and the legacy left by Tales of the Jedi and KotOR, and certainly not good enough to kill SWG. The Old Republic (era) should be epic, and MMO's should be more open to customization and blazing your own trail... This has neither.
  4. They've had inter-galactic Space Flight and Blaster technology for twice as long as Earthlings have been growing food for themselves, and thats just the Core Worlds, The Rakata and the Celestials? thats a whole other ball game. Star Wars has different rules.
  5. Gen'dai, although the ones in game look more like Durge, who was in fact alchemically, and cybernetically altered by a crazy Doctor, rather than his previous almost human proportions.
  6. wow, just wow... (Not the game, just an exclamation of disgust)
  7. A Sith Lord in the Order on Bane, purposely opened a Dark side rift in the force a few Hundred years before the rise of Palpatine, the Jedi Sensed this. Also, I believe they knew of the rule of two from a captured Sith operative or something... But they still assumed they were no longer active in the Galaxy.
  8. The Jedi lost their way 1000 years before a New Hope, when they grew despondent and failed to realise Darth Bane had survived Ruusan, and had set the Jedi demise in motion. A new Hope was in fact the Jedi realising they had screwed up, and that the Son of the Jedi who betrayed them, was their only chance to put things right.
  9. yea sucks, I wanted to make crystals and stuff for my Imp alt, but no inter-faction mail
  10. I wholeheartedly agree with this. I have minimal play-time at present so I can only spare a couple of hours a night, if that! so by the time I've logged in, gone through the B/S of arriving at the quest, doing the quest, I've got to log out... which is why I'm still level 29 yet I got in to the game on the first wave of early access.
  11. Thanks for the links, I miss SWG now I've played ToR. You dont know what you've got til its gone
  12. He said he would not make 7,8 and 9 years ago, this is no surprise guys.
  13. Lol that would be bad. George Lucas has never commented on Yoda's Race, and they are supposed to be so rare that there is only one or two in a multi-thousand star system universe every so many thousand years.
  14. Midichlorians were mentioned once or twice at the beginning of The Phantom menace, that was nearly 13 years ago... Is Jar Jar Binks, Midichlorians, and a 9 year old moffat haired Anakin really legitimate problems people still have? I'm sure some people who read/post in these threads weren't even born in 1999. I think these explanations add depth the universe, the more expansive and detailed the better, but then again I am a Lore whore
  15. I have no problems with the bugs, but the lore just doesn't come close to Tales of the Jedi, KotOR (Game and Comics) so with a lack of end game and a poor PVP system, I have no reason to play until the "MMO" bit is fixed. Un-subbed for now.
  16. as long as it isn't a kids show with annoying brats, and it doesn't screw the EU, I'm down.
  17. The Original Trilogy and the Prequels were/are amazing! not a thing wrong with them IMO... The Clone Wars Cartoon? the anti-Christ franchise destroying catastrophe of death.
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