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Everything posted by adamqd

  1. A combination of leveling another 50, Biowares inability to translate our feedback into patches, and a massive download, prevent me from ever considering being on the PTS.
  2. I sent 500k to an alt, a Trooper, wanted to get him to 50. bought all the Class, PVP and exploration XP boosts... took me four hours to get to level 7... not sure if working lol
  3. I agree with the Video you linked OP. But I haven't got a cotton-picking idea what Jason Winter said throughout the whole thing lol.
  4. @OP; God I hope so, been waiting for a barber shop since I rushed through the Creation Process, then at level 37 realised I didn't actually have to be bald, ugly, scarred, weigh 390 lbs, and have 1990's facial hair
  5. Whats the opposite of Touche'? anyway, why do I carry the evidential burden to justify my opinion of SWTOR's flaws? and regarding Star Wars, I'm as big a fan as they get, which is why I waste my time posting here, If I didn't care I wouldn't be here. I Love Bioware (the Former) for the game they gave us in the past; KotOR (KotOR II wasn't a Bioware game btw) I Love Star Wars, and I Love MMO's... But at this Point, SWTOR is a greasy Big Mac, But I believe It can become Filet mignon. Hopefully frequent updates and the "Fluff" Coming with F2P will bring this cuisine up-market.
  6. I'm down, I love a Star Wars Christmas. As for the "Immersion Breaking" I'm a Star Wars Lore freak and a Roleplayer, and wookiee life day doesn't break immersion to me, and this game has little immersion anyway, the worlds are dead and static.
  7. I read them and either agree or disagree, I actually play the game so I have my own opinions on the state of the game. What effects me more are the "I dont care what they say, we still love you Bioware!" threads, they anger me more... I want Bioware to know how we feel, be it negative or not, it must be realistic, You can kill with kindness too you know.
  8. Community meet and greets are cool, so are The Old Republic encyclopedias and Novels... But your not gonna have anyone interested in this era and game soon, unless we get more communication, and answers. Maybe we should elect a class senator to pass on the most talked about problems and suggestions to the community team? a meet and greet in America, isn't going to yield many results compared to the worldwide forum you already have.
  9. They should add collections and badges like SWG, Kill so many mobs for titles and the such, give people a reason to return to these linear paths of boredom Bioware call planets.
  10. 42 pets and a load of space missions? really got your finger on the pulse of the community Bioware, hey?.. There are many threads asking for Barber Shop and Plastic surgeons, 100's of threads asking for server transfers of our choice. Space is a bad mini game, and I've never used a pet.
  11. Yea they did, it just fell out of fashion towards that time. The red vs blue/green is just a device to help distinguish characters in the films, its always very black and white in G-canon. The comics take the stance that when your plotting the return of an empire of Dark magicians and fighting across the galaxy, color coordination is of little importance. Also as it has already been mentioned; Tales of the Jedi etc was written in a time before it was explicitly said Red for bad, blue green for good... Even during the making of AOTC the comics had Council members wielding Yellow, orange and Red blades.
  12. 6'3, 200lbs. But yea, big as they come, Films books games comics everything Star Wars all the time.
  13. I look at the EU as in-universe Mythology rather than real-world theology, makes things a lot more easy to digest and more importantly stress free and enjoyable. Look at the opening crawl... A Long Time ago, in a Galaxy far, far, away... A long time ago from when? Far away from where? Who's telling this story? is it based in truth or myth? This helps with differing ideas, design styles and powers throughout the Vast expanse of the franchise. "Why do Republic Troopers of 3,300 BBY have Stormtroopers armor of 1 ABY on?" Well because that's how the guy telling the story remembers it, or had it explained to him. I spent a lot of time and energy over the years stressing about continuity gaffs, the fact that Tales of the Jedi looked so Archaic compared to KotOR which was only 40 years later, why is Galen Marek more Powerful than Luke! etc etc, then I adopted this outlook, and I just get 100% more enjoyment from the franchise as a whole, I even like the Clone Wars now
  14. I would never play this game again, and I'd spend every waking moment putting this company down in any way I can.
  15. Its ok if your a raider/pvper; I like to RP, customise my character, explore the galaxy and leave evidence I exist, So I'm kinda sat in a corner logging in for 10 minutes once a week at the moment, I don't care about new OPS or whatever they're called, I'd just like to explore the galaxy, wear what I want and build a house lol.
  16. Yep, mine is 495, and that was within seconds of the site going live... so if someones is 1,000,234, they're lying lol
  17. awaited announcement from 2004 after KotOR II came out. Was there when they trademarked the name, joined forums within seconds of going live, pre-ordered within seconds of availability, played beta, played early access, played when there were 2 people on my server, transferred with the rest of Shien... Deleted Character when I found my name was taken by a level 1 placeholder. currently have no toons in game, considering starting again.
  18. He may as well, Bioware only exists in name now.
  19. I'd love this! When I played Galaxies I'd repec my profession on a weekly basis, added more fun and content to my experience, plus it would be a money sink for Bioware (Buying new gear and items for new class)
  20. I Want player housing so bad! but I think as the game is built in such a restrictive way, they could make it work by having instanced apartments on our capital world in some massive spire or something, I'd love that.
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