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Everything posted by Blackardin

  1. I'm surprised you are even replying to this nonsense. So far askew of any supported thesis on the subject that it qualifies as gibberish, the type we would witness on a grade school playground.
  2. Agree absolutely (though I agree with your second point more so). I would like to offer this small token of respect for those opposed to the military, that will apparently step up and protect everyone if we were to disengage that military that they feel no is no longer needed. Here's to you oh protector of the world guy. We're right behind you!
  3. You are both correct. To wrap them into one, it was our job to protect our society, the world from all aggressors.....and be prepared to die in the accomplishment of that ultimate goal...Basically walk into the gates of hell so that others did not have to. No greater sacrifice can be named, no greater honor should be bestowed but for those that would sacrifice their all for the greater good.....and I honestly do not even know why we, even me are trying to defend this. LOL To sum up as eloquently as I possibly can, you don't like the fact that my brother's and sister's list their service, then on behalf of those that cannot list such for giving that greatest sacrifice, you can kiss my crimson and gold arse from here to next Tuesday. No further explanation is necessary, no further explanation will be offered. Hope that helps.
  4. So its ok for them to stand infront of you when the bullets fly, but not to get a cheeseburger? I see how that works. ;p I'm not a fan of special treatment either, It was my job. However, a modicum of gratitude would be in order.....and coming from me it is sound, coming from you it just sounds like denial and selfish entitlement. Its not just a job, its an adventure. ;p
  5. it is weird to those that have no understanding of such, are too self involved or unappreciative of their freedoms, taking them fro granted as if they just exist, like magic. For those who are of the intellect, age, maturity to understand such, there is no issue. In fact, they support those that sacrifice for them. I know, crazy......
  6. So that all may remember that the only reason anyone is enjoying this game, the freedom that allows us to develop, play this game is because of the men and women who sacrificed their time, effort, lives for such. Every single freedom you have rests upon our shoulders. SGT Blackardin USMC
  7. Yes, true to an extent, but not in its entirety. Arenas have been around for a good many years, just not in this game. The formula has been laid out before us, has been successful under the distinct category model. I've never been of the mind to fix something that is not broken in buisiness. Geography does not a viable argument make here. Geography does not change the nature of the beast, nor does the difference between TFB and SV change the nature of the beast. However, the change from four man flashpoints to 8 man raiding is a format change, and that is what is being contended here, the format change, not the type within that format, and certainly not the geography. Your choice here is to decide if you want to be as hard headed as some of our posters here, and lose revenue, further diminish both the reputation and the player base of this game, or make the changes necessary (as we all have to do in business) to maintain, expand, continue to grow. Whether that would ensue or not is debatable, but as a business man I would want to know before I determined a course of action, and not just stab away at an elusive white wale, to my own demise. "to the last I grapple with thee; from hell’s heart I stab at thee; for hate’s sake I spit my last breath at thee."
  8. They are completely different, In fact, the only similarity is that they are PVP and not PVE. They are, in fact, more distinct then raiding and flashpoints are. We must acknowledge that truism before any logical debate can continue. As far as Queue times? At this point, for low level dungeons and 8v8 PvP, cross server LFG should be implemented. Those queues are extreme for the low level dungeons, and will be once 4x4 is implemented. For raiding, for 50 flashpoints, for 4x4, local queues will maintain the sense of community within one's own realm sufficient to allow for continued realm distinction in those areas. Disclaimer- I honestly would tap into the PvP community regarding cross realm queues for 4 mans to see if there is interest in cross realm competitive teams. I would base my input on that feedback as I do. When it comes to issues of format (not content), I always have believed that the such should be directed by the desire of the players and not what the development teams "thinks" would be correct. That's what makes it fun, keeps them playing "my" game, keeps my pockets lined.
  9. I can understand what you are saying here, and to an extent that is true, but how many times have they implemented something, then realized it is either wrong, or a bit overly complicated....then via player protest, player input (that same player input that you are speaking of), they re-patch the changes for the better of the player base. PvP, is PVP. That is true, but there are, as we see with PVE different levels of such. As I'm sure has been stated, there is a vast difference between 8 man raiding and 4 man flashpoints. There is that same difference between objective based PvP and attrition based PvP. They are two completely different types of PvP., and melding them together is having a negative affect. It is affecting those 4x4 guys that seek real challenge from organized teams as well as those casual PvPers that simply want to go into an objective based game and have some fun. You are all about player choice in other matters, I'm not sure why not now. People are not asking for any alteration to the format, just the choice as to which format they get to play and enjoy, which leads to greater enjoyment of the game, which leads to retention of players, which leads to greater profit. They are at a sort of precipice currently, a wrong move such as this can tip the scales against that ultimate goal. Granting choice will not, in any way, negatively affect the game, but forcing people into content they do not seek to play will. Error on the side of caution at all times. My opinion on it anyway.
  10. At least it would finally be entertaining. Few problems that i would foresee. First is that the viewing audience could crash the server with their numbers. The second is that they both may very well be level ones, created for the sole purpose of these postings.
  11. Well, this part is true....and to be honest, I wish they would. ;p
  12. The subject matter, the sarcasm, the parody are not what I am speaking of.....the cry for attention, whether proclaiming one to be the "christ", or the "anti-christ", or some witty deviation there-of, is all the same. He's just a bit more colorful, then the average adolescent minded, in his self proclaimed "wit". ;p
  13. I like Hyfy, Andryah, and tend to enjoy posts by Galactickegger (who, again, uses a great deal of logic and reason) in his posts, with very little intimidation tactics. going to have to lend a vote to Andryah this time around. Though I do not always agree with her, she is tireless in her participation, and I do not think I've ever heard her insult in order to get her point across, even though she is the target of such quite often.
  14. Precisely. Rather colorful way of putting it, but well stated none the less. LOL ....and thank you for saving me further typing.
  15. It is not like that at all. Might want to read my post on justification of one's poor behavior. Logical fallacy, especially through the use of illogical reasoning, is the most noted defense. In this case, performed to perfection. ;p
  16. Well, here's the thing. They should because they are getting close to critical mass, where even new content is not going to retain participation, let alone poor content. I've been an avid sub and supporter of this game, but would be gone right now if FFXIV did not turn out to be a poorly constructed, tedious game with zero support.....and without a word about said abandonment. I'm starting to feel that the silent majority will be moving soon if some greater, more radical ideas are not implemented (including viable PvP), even though I'm a raider that only occasionally PvPs. Just a thought on it.
  17. About the same as when those who are selected leave. I see you point, and will not contend that it is without merit. However, as a programer, one should never attempt to force players to participate in content they do not wish to participate in. Forcing people into this particular aspect of the game is no different then forcing them to do dailies, run space missions, PVP (in general), crafting, or raiding. It is why there are alternate game play mechanics out there in every other aspect of the game. Player choice is critical to success., especially in this currently fickled market.
  18. Just a bit of information here. The person that you are responding to has no clue as to what philosophy is, how it functions, or what thought process goes into it. I would suggest that he has no formal education in said discipline, but just pulled a random idea from the internet in order to bolster his rather nit-picky, adolescent blurting in this thread.....which is proceeded by self aggrandizing to the point of initiating false rationale as to the assumption that anyone else in this thread cares at all about his opinion of the thread to any extent up to, or beyond acknowledgement or debate regarding the disruptive nature (trolling) of his contention. I would suggest that he will not cease in this endeavor, but perhaps a reporting of his disruption to this thread, en-mass, might lend some motivation into the acceptance of his condition.....which is, of course, always the first and most difficult step. ;p
  19. Have to make "mules" and expand their cargo space. This game has come up with some "firsts". I'd like to see a common cargo hold options, especially for a game built around alts. Many uses from mats, to mods, to legacy gear generated by one and used by others. Never understood the reasons they've always limited storage space....its like one of those "because" issues.
  20. Rakata gear? I remember my BH set. If I turned my head just right with that radar dish, I could get HBO.
  21. Honestly, I think he's some 12 year old kid that actually believes that he is legit.....that he's discovered some legal precedence that their legal team, and the entire nation happened to miss. LOL
  22. Jesus H. guy. Again, you have no idea what you are talking about and have no expertise in this field. You are simply looking up a dictionary definition (Not even a legal definition), and then interpreting it to fit your desire with zero knowledge of either law or how to proceed. Give it a rest.
  23. There should be no general chat, just a trade chat that allows one to post once per five minutes, and perhaps a lfg channel with billeted choices, but no actual speech. General chat is like a magnet for the dysfunctional...as is this general board. Very very little of any importance is ever put forth in general chat. Both should be eliminated from the gaming community. We do not need to hear people bloviating their inept philosophies, game design expertise, or vulgar sexual nonsense. They can do that on facebook or something.
  24. So you are a sociologist, and psychologist as well as an attorney? Honestly, stop. You have no idea what you are talking about. Racketeering. LOL
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