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Everything posted by DarthMeerkat

  1. Tell me. because I want to know. What do you expect? 1.1.5 has a lot of fixes and 1.2 is coming out here in a bit. When those two hit what will you complain about?
  2. Ilum is actually pretty good if you're on a realm like C. Ordo or Jedi Covenant, that has more to do with faction balance then it does Bioware's failure to deliver, this could easily be remedied by doing what WoW did with TB. Hype is in your mind, also what where they hyping? Anyone with a brain could have seen what was coming a mile a way pre launch. Its their job to hype their game to a certain extent but to think you're somehow blameless in this is idiotic.
  3. I think it has more to do with peoples expectations then it does Bioware under-delivering. Frankly, bugs and Dev quotes stating how awesome and grand x feature is aside I can't think of promises that they didn't deliver. I thought they did a better job then Mythic did with WAR.
  4. Can you tell me the Iowa Powerball number? Nothing to do? You mean besides everything you'd expect from a game like WoW or EQII, and soon to add rated PvP here this month? As someone who has 5 alts and has played for 400 hours with no level 50 I say this game is doing fine.
  5. Its not like you aussie players can't continue to play you main on what ever server you chose, wait two months then transfer.
  6. I personally think that the people who say they are dissatisfied with the game are being a little dis ingenuousness when they post here in regards to howmuch they hate the game. If they hated it as much as they said they do then why bother posted on the threads much less play the game?
  7. I'm going to assume that they will end up adding the species that are romanceable so, Cathar and Toruga.
  8. So killing 10 harpies in the mountins is or five boars on the plains is better then what SWTOR offers?
  9. During my leveling as a trooper I was able to head back to Taris to level from 30-32. But once again thats not much of a choice. What you want is different settings, that would require Bioware to create entire four zone planets. I don't think you understand what exactly went into creating SWTOR's planets and how large they actually are. I don't find leveling in Loch Modan over West Fall any more fun then I did leveling a Dark Side Smuggler on Taris as apposed to a light sided one. Yes it was a nice change in pace but that was all it was.
  10. I would recommend adding something along the lines of, "What would this game need for you to enjoy it in its current state?". I've been spending a good 30 minutes looking though this and too many of them seem to be in a nutshell, "No, this games an unsalvageable failure.".
  11. So there are only three zones in WoW for 15-20? In TOR, Corrusant has about 4 zones each about the size Loch Modan. You're taking about settings.
  12. http://i0.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/004/592/my-brain-is-full-of-****.jpg
  13. WAR was really the only game that came out in the last 6 years that you could really say failed with major hype backing it, and towards the end of my time playing on the first month there was massive amounts of people saying that they were quitting. I didn't see this in TOR. To your point I am going to use X Fire and a bit of guestamating. http://www.xfire.com/genre/mmo/massively_multiplayer_online/ Both LOTRO and EvE have about the same amount of people according to it. Backed up a bit by http://www.mmodata.net/. Now Both LOTRO and RIFT have the same number of servers, hence I would assume they have (Around) the same amount of people, which is anywhere between 300k and 400k. WAR was, in reality the only major failure in the last 6 year.
  14. YEAH!!! Thats why RIFT, LOTRO and SWTOR are all failures while games like Darkfall, Ryzom and TERA have millions of subs.
  15. I just love the sit n wait type of crafting and in EvE I was a huge crafter. This would be like me liking martial arts but you like Karate while I like UFC.
  16. I didn't play it for years, as in payed for 24 months or what ever worth of game time. I probably spent maybe 1500 hours playing over a course of about 3 years mostly because my father wouldn't play WoW and gaming is something we both enjoy. WoW was about 2500 hours over the course of 6 years with large breaks. I have about 150 hours logged into TOR and with my sub running out in about 15-20 days I might wait until the next couple content updates before resubbing. As far as EQII being a great game? Ok- Or good is how I would have put it. WoW is great, SWTOR is great, EvE is great.
  17. In EQII all you did was gather crap take it to your respective crafting skill work bench then sit down and hit 1,2,3 or ,4,5,6 based on whatever was needed. I enjoy TORs crafting more people it gives me master craft like gear from EQII (In the form of purples) with out the boring grind.
  18. I played EQ2 for years its crafting system sucked (Compared to TORs at least) and AA was little more then a talent point system and if done right you could have well above the 150 point max. And you talking like the game will never add any of the things you want. So I'll ask this. Assuming they add the following would you stay. Ship customization Guild Capital Ship. Everything in the "Coming up in SWTOR" Vid.
  19. If thats the case whats preventing you from doing the same in TOR?
  20. Slowing down leveling would throw MMOs back into the Pre-WoW (Took me two months to get to 60 in Vanilla) dark ages where you had to grind the crap out of things. Its the mentality of "I have to get to endgame to enjoy it" thats making people burn through content.
  21. I have serious doubts. There is no way in hell that in only two days worth of /played time you manged to run out of content.
  22. But thats not really content, that community and that is something that YOU have to take on. I find it odd that people think this way. You where grinding things back in EQ, badly might I add.
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