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Everything posted by ferroz

  1. We could just go with roll pass seems sufficient to me. People like to specialize. They even do it in pen and paper gaming.
  2. I think some people are saying that the people you currently have labeled as "friends" actually aren't friends, and that you should find some, because it's good to have friends. Also, they're saying that if your "friends" or guild treat you badly, you should find ones that don't. You shouldn't. Nor will you have to if it's added Eh, if you don't like it, don't use it. You don't have to leave. It won't affect you a whit if you choose not to use it.
  3. If anything, it did the opposite. before lfd: sit in dalaran, look for people doing the daily heroic or daily regular. You can't leave, or you'll likely miss your chance at a group after lfd: Queue, go do dailies, or whatever. Or sit in dalaran. But you have a choice. so it's less of a chat room. None of this has anything to do with the community dieing in modern games. Really, it's about the fact that modern games are soloable by everyone (instead of a fairly small minority) and that the game is instanced. The fact that you form a group and then go into your own little world is more detrimental than any lfd system could ever be.
  4. It's common; when people don't have a valid counter argument they'll spew stuff like this.
  5. If they're actually saying something like "Yeah, I could respec to heal but I don't enjoy, so I won't" ... indefinitely. Noone is forcing anything on you. If you don't want it, don't use it. But it's asinine to insist that it not exist just because you don't want it. It's existence has 0 effect on you as long as you choose not to use it. Old ideas like class = role?
  6. Because I pvp completely differently than I do pve. I like to heal in pvp, but have 0 interest in doing it in pve. I like tanking in pve but have 0 interest in running a tank spec in pvp. No, I'm saying that I only enjoy it in certain roles, and that they aren't the same as what I enjoy in pve. He's probably saying that being mediocre isn't enough. Slippery slope fallacy.
  7. Nope... it doesn't. You still have one character. The only differences are 1. A high, flat/one one fee instead of a scaling, use dependent one. 2. Saved actionbar states There's nothing easier there at all. Just less tedious. Tedium != hard. it's not 50% off the retail price even if it were, Cheaper != easier
  8. No, there are fights where I literally can't see the dps, let alone see them well enough to know how much damage they are doing. Meters don't allow that ... not even a little bit. If you think that, you're delusional.
  9. Because people make false comments like this in passing. DBM doesn't play the game for you. No addon in wow does. If you're primarily concerned about the fact that an 3rd program is making the game easier (and by this I mean, pointing out things that are already known in game, just with a bad comparatively interface), you need to start your crusade with ventrillo... it's by far the biggest offended on that front.
  10. Well the first only gives you information that is already available in the game, the latter gives you additional information. so the latter is cheating, the former is not.
  11. not playing the role that is rare and hard to find? of course you're not having problems finding groups as a healer. Just like I generally don't have problems finding groups as a tank.
  12. I've found that groups are no more difficult to keep together after lfd than they were pre-lfd. Pre-lfd people would leave if it was a bad group. Post-lfd people will leave if it is a bad group. the only difference is the speed that you can replace them. Pre-lfd you may get a replacement as quickly as 10 minutes, but often it was longer. Post-lfd I've never waited more than 10, usually replacements were in the dungeon next to you in under a minute. edit: I think the by using the word needed you're really just arguing against a straw man.
  13. Because they enjoy doing it sometimes. Just not all the time. No, the good argument for it is "people would like it, and enjoy it, and noone who isn't delusional has any problem with it" Fixed that for you. dual spec has nothing to do with it nor does the word "over" add anything. I'm fine with content being designed for specialized roles.
  14. [citation needed] Nah, they really don't.
  15. so, instead of just sticking to your straw man fallacy, you figured you'd switch it up to a slippery slope fallacy this time? Please try coming up with a valid argument against them...seriously.
  16. +1 It's just another thing that makes the game look unpolished
  17. likewise, though I don't have mine anymore (I actually went through 2, with them getting fried in thunderstorms)
  18. So... still not a single valid counter argument, and are still stuck on arguing irrelevancies, against strawman, and making ad-hominem attacks, eh?
  19. Fixed. I want a program to do the numbers for me; it's convenient, and lets me spend more time playing the game and less time managing spreadsheets. It's convenient. Much like owning a car, it lets me spend more time doing what I want. fixed that for you as well. addons make the interface less bad; they don't make the game easier.
  20. You don't need the game client to play. You can play the game in your mind. Again, if you are going to argue need vs want, all you're doing is showing that you have no valid counter argument.
  21. Yes it is... it's literally impossible to know whether it's actually be maximum damage without that level of data. you can guess that it's best... but you can't know that it's the best.
  22. Arguing want vs need is a sure sign that you don't actually have a valid counter argument. He wants something that has 0 impact on you; you want him not to have it because you're delusional.
  23. Unless you established loot rules as a group, and everyone agreed, he's not a ninja looting anything... If you're not willing to take 30 seconds to do this, then don't cry when people don't follow your unwritten rules.
  24. so... where were those instructions? Because it looks like you're talking a bout doing data analysis of multiple data sets over time looking for trends based on variable changes....
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