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Everything posted by ferroz

  1. No, if I afk then I don't see groups that are forming and don't get invited. I also have to be in a place where I can see /1 (ie, the fleet, really) instead of out in the game world; otherwise I'm not going to see most of the groups that form. The current setup highly encourages people to sit in the fleet doing nothing waiting on groups to form. A valid lfg tool allows people to get back out into the world.
  2. No, you're free to continue playing the game exactly as you are today. oh, unless you're in such a miniscule minority that you won't be able to find anyone who wouldn't prefer to use a matchmaking system... are you going to make that claim? Ad hominem fallacy. Please use valid arguments. That's not what I'm asking for at all. Actually, it was more like that before lfd... people would sit in dalaran waiting for people to do the daily heroic or daily regular. That behavior far predates the lfd. If anything, lfd got people back out into the world because there was no longer any advantage to sitting in a city instead of going out and doing dailies. rose tinted glasses.
  3. Clearly not No, sorry, Ive pointed out a specific person arguing in favor of that (the one I quoted and argued against), so it's not a stawman. Also, I'm not aware of anyone using that rebuttal to counter an unrelated point, so it can't be a strawman, even if noone was arguing that spamming /1 = being social. again, please learn what a strawman argument is if you're going to parrot it. Ad hominem fallacy. Try using a valid argument please. Forums != game. People often chat very different in one than the other. No, I spend more time in game making contacts with people who like to group. It doesn't solve the issue. ad hominem fallacy. Try using real counter arguments please. Can you quote someone saying that getting groups is hard; can you do so in a case where they actually meant hard rather than tedious? Beyond that, can you actually quote people who are asking for lfd because the flashpoints themselves are hard? I really doubt it, so the "faceroll insta-runs" claim is extremely far fetched.
  4. Who's asking for that? I mean, I haven't seen anyone who's Pro lfg tool asking for that. Istant gratification? No, they want to be able to play the and get groups for specific cotent in a reasonable amount of time Dumbed down? No, I don't think anyone who's looking for an lfg tool is asking for that. Noone's asking for a lobby game. Not that there's anything wrong with playing it as such, if that's what floats your boat. False statement. The vast majority want nothing of the sort. Yes, if you want the game to not be changed to accommodate other people's playing styles... that's selfish. false statement. I don't want to change the game into anything. I want the game to remain the same, and additional tools to be added to support the way that I'd like to play it. You're free to continue playing exactly the same game.
  5. You should really learn what that word means if you're going to use it. Actually, the person I quoted is, since he's disagreeing with a person who says that it isn't. So, not a straw man. Even if you were right (and you're not), and noone was arguing that (and they are), it's still not a strawman because I don't use my rebuttal of whether that's social or not to rebut your original argument in any way. Not really. I like socializing with people; there's hardly anyone around when I'm playing, so my opportunities are limited. There are the people who like socializing, are too shy to spam random people (since it's kind of rude) but are fine chatting it up with people they're matched with in a matching system. There are the people who like socializing, but the people they wind up knowing who are on at the time just aren't the right roles to do anything meaningful; say, 2 tanks and a dps, none of which with a heal ability or companion. that's 3 easy counterexamples of people who really like socializing with people but are still having trouble finding people to do things with.
  6. You're just looking at the game through rose colored glasses. The server community was dead long before lfg tool went in; even in it's heyday it wasn't a patch on other games, ones that weren't instanced and were designed to require grouping even for the simplest tasks.
  7. that's the one I'm talking about; it is not an lfg tool. It's a shoddily implemented /who tool there is currently no lfg tool.
  8. they really aren't. They do nothing to make the game easier... they just make interface less clunky, Dealing with a bad interface != hard game. It's just unpleasant. Likewise, getting hit in the head with a hammer isn't hard, it's just unpleasant.
  9. I think you missed the point. Spamming /1 looking for a group is not socializing. People like the one you're quoting aren't playing the wrong game just because they aren't interested in sitting around doing an activity that is not socializing. personally, I'm all for an lfd tool because I like socializing with people.
  10. those are ad hominen attacks, not strawmen.
  11. No, there's not. There's a way to flag yourself as lfg and a poor excuse for a /who tool, but there's no lfg tool.
  12. just at the beginning, or whenever you invite new people (if you get a replacement) would be sufficient. At that point, it would actually be ninjalooting; before that it isn't, you're just being irrationally angry at being denied a piece of loot. Though it's kind of sad how watered down that term has become; taking a loot in a group with an innapropriate need roll is hardly in the same league as real ninjalooting (say standing invis on a raid bosses corpse and looting everything off of it without being in a group so noone can see you loot)
  13. having different notion of what "need" means is not being rude. The game asks "need", "greed", "pass" ... it asks and the player answers. Unless someone has stated that these have specific meanings in the context of that particular group, it's unreasonable to expect people to ask for loot. There you go, projecting. If someone said that, and if I stayed in group and later needed on something for my companion... THEN you'd be justified in being angry. But if you leave out the first step, you've got no room to complain
  14. No more so than the person who's unwillign to type "Don't need on stuff for your companion unless you ask and noone is going to use it, ok?"
  15. Certainly they aren't... I'm a player; I exist in the real world. A companion is part of my character; it exists in the game world. Very different.
  16. Yes... they are. They are part of my character. I am a member of that Flashpoint that is actually contributing to the defeat of that boss, and therefore being entitled to the loot. I am entitled to any loot, regardless of which part of my character I'm going to equip it in. It really isn't. some servers in EQ didn't have NBG as the standard rule, it was roll/pass. Some gave all gems to the cleric and some didn't. never assume that your loot rules are universal; and if you do, and aren't willing to take the 30 seconds required to explain them, don't be angry if people treat loot differently.
  17. I'm not a troll though; I just don't agree with your notion of what my character is, and I think it's asinine for you to assume that it's universal and be angry with people who don't agree, and to think that it's not your responsibility to talk to people about that before the dungeon... your is possessive You're is a contraction of "you" and "are"
  18. and just as many times, it's been pointed out the flaws in each and every one of those imagined issues; how you're blaming the hammer for murder. Putting periods between each word doesn't make it true. There never were any real consequences. Cross server has nothing to do with that. quoted the correct part of that statement. Everything else is irrelevant/false I don't think you understand what a strawman is...
  19. No, we're not talkign about object for cleaning unmentionables. If you have specific rules on who is or isn't entitled to loot, you are required to bring them up in advance, or you have no leg to stand on when someone doesn't abide by it.
  20. My character did, so I am entitled to roll on loot for my character, even if not all the avatars of my character are in the instance when the loot dropped.
  21. No, those are different characters, since they're part of a different character slot. If you aren't happy with someone needing on stuff for the other parts of their character, you should state that up front. If you don't, you have no room to complain or cry about it after the fact.
  22. I don't think you understand what that term means
  23. So? I have multiple willpower/strength/aim/cunning/endurance stats, one for each of my avatars. I control one of my avatars directly and one of my other avatars indirectly. I have one character, even though it has multiple avatars. Many EQ servers didn't do NBG by default. There were years worth of debats over that on the forums back in the day. I did see necros and magicians need rolling on weapons to give their pets from time to time. Even that is ignoring the apples to oranges comparison (permentant gear upgrades vs summoned pet that despawns on logout/DC or death).
  24. I can't continue to fight if I fall in a fight... does that man that I'm nothing more than another npc? My companion = me. I = my companion. My character has a bunch of gear slots; some of them are represented in the game world by an avatar that I move around directly; some are represented in the game world by an avatar that I do not move around directly. Both of them are my character.
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