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Everything posted by ferroz

  1. fixed that. You're lumping 2 different groups together that aren't really the same. In general, the 3rd group thinks that the first group is delusional..
  2. really, how did you play wow with one button dps? Oh, you're just making stuff up? Ok, that's cool, I guess; that means you don't actually have any valid arguments, eh?
  3. if they add a combat log (and they are), there will be parsers... they might as well add an official one and be done with it (at least then they can make it hard for people to spam it in chat) lack of 3rd party addons does not reduce e-peening at all.
  4. This request doesn't actually make any sense. Why would he care a whit about trophies that he didn't collect, and that you didn't even actually collect, that you just bought. He cares about ones that he collects... for himself.
  5. everquest had that... close to a decade ago at this point.
  6. Congratulations. I'm glad you finally decided to give playing MMO's a try.
  7. Because MMO's have been doing so for more than a decade. Add in the fact that it's the only true way for a game developer to accommodate people with physical impairment, and it seems a no brainer to me. This doesn't water down the game, or cater to the baddies, or even make the game easier... it makes dealing with the UI easier, but that's far from the same thing as skill. but you don't need to use 3rd party ui's to stay competitive in wow... Mashing buttons != skill. If you want a game where that's the case, go to chucky cheese and play whatever whackamole game they have.
  8. Trion was going to do it before launch as well...
  9. I know, right. Also, if you need to put stuff on your action bars, stop being a baddie. you should ltp and use stuff directly out of the ability window.
  10. that doesn't actually work. For a shadow tank, at level 32 I have -Kinetic ward (buff I need to keep up on a short timer, and use on cooldown in some cases) -Deflection (tanking cooldown) -Saber Strike -Double strike -Project: threat -Force breach: AoE/Debuff I need to keep up. -Whirling blow: AoE -taunt, aoe taunt, force pull. These help a lot on stuff that has an aggro reset (mando raiders has a couple of fights) -stealth, blackout, and my CC. And that doesn't situational/rarely used abilities like my buff, guard, sprint. It also doesn't include my techniques (which I'll probably need available whenever I do a fight that requires a tank swap). Or spinning strike which is really high dpgcd/threat, situationally. It doesn't include stuns or interrupts. Nor does it include any of the higher level abilities (including a couple of more cooldowns). Nor does it include force of will (to get out of boss CC abilities) 5-8 is far from sufficient.
  11. make sure you get the group of 3 fighters that appear in the asteroids. They kind of come out of nowhere and if you don't see them they tear that shuttle up pretty quickly.
  12. ferroz


    isn't there an autoskip option in preferences?
  13. you can still escape out until you've finished talking, and you should have seen the negative at that point.
  14. irrelevant. People can already respec.
  15. Because he "would like dual spec, so that I could PVP and PVE with much less hassle." did you not read the post you quoted?
  16. that's a "grouping with D-bags" problem, not a "grouping with people who have 2 specs" problem.
  17. No, tanks were excellent at soloing in wow when that was added. Healers were a bit weak, but not unplayable so. Yes. Significantly more, especially at low levels when they dropped the minimum level. That's why low level dungeons in wow have such short queue times, because so many people are willing to dual spec into tank or healing, specifically because they can dual spec into it.
  18. Because the former is actually a play style you can do in game (respec's exist) but people want a flat, one time, non-scaling cost model instead of the per user scaling cost model. On the other hand, the latter is not possible in the game. So it seems rather obvious to me what the difference is. What about that do you find confusing?
  19. that doesn't mean that you're casual. What's your /played time?
  20. That's akin to the "hey, that's a bigger upgrade for me, you should give it to me" ... if it's an upgrade, it's an upgrade, so roll need.
  21. Really? I know rogues and rangers who turned on auto attack and basically afk'd in raids during part's of EQ's life... wow has always been more active. the only challenging part was pulling really. EQ was simple enough for someone to fairly effectively 30 box.... can the same be said for wow?
  22. I asked a while back and didn't see an answer.... How exactly, is rolling for gear for the companion different than rolling for it for your character? hell, why differentiate between them? As far as some people are concerned, they have 1 character, he has 2 bodies and 2 sets of slot for gear. Really, if you don't spell this out when you start the group and come to a consensus, you have 0 room to complain.
  23. I doubt it. Probably they ran into a couple of problem chracters and have blown it way out of proportion. That's why the quote wait times so much higher than what I've been seeing for the last 6 months. I came back after the last cata expansion, and I had, all in the first 2 days that I was running the new heroics, 4 really good groups. 1 ran all 3 dungeons with my main, explained the fights, chatted, the other 3 were friendly folks, but I had a bit less interaction with them. I'm really sad that I couldn't friend them (that's wow's biggest failure with LFD imo). Ive actually run into it far less in lfd groups than I did before lfd was released. and I've run... well, I've lost track. 3 80s during wrath, 5 85s now in cata. Three of the toons I leveled primarily in lfd groups.
  24. Up to this, and you're correct. of course, telling others about their bad behavior doesn't necessarily do anything, even single server. False. There are always new people to victimize. Ther are always people who aren't going to believe the rumors. The vast majority of the player base of every MMO is uninvolved in any outside forums, or anything like that and isn't going to keep up on your personal blacklist. People will still get into groups. They'll still get into guilds. They'll still be able to raid. You've done nothing to thing. if you think that every time you announce an alleged ninja looter in chat, everyone who hears believes you and marks them on their blacklist... well, you're delusional. I sure as hell don't; I've seen far too many people run character assassination campaigns against people they didn't like to be that gullible. If you do that in wow, and they add you to ignore, how are you going to explain anything and play off anything? Ignore works just fine cross server there.
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