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Everything posted by Kotlx

  1. A few things that might attract more viewers; First and foremost, fix the resolution. You can find the standard youtube resolution with a quick youtube search, and by simply changing the settings in what I can only assume is fraps. Second, the music only beckons to a specific audience; a rather small audience in comparison. I would suggest, for this video, something along the lines of Breaking Benjamin or something more mainstream. Not because it fits the video any better, but people won't be as inclined to listen to something considered either A) New, or B) Underground (not that I am saying that music is underground it just doesn't apply to the majority, or even a fraction of the majority.) Third, Shorten the length. After about 4 minutes, I get it. High crits cycling through the same rotation five hundred times with a pocket healer. Fourth, cut out the useless bloodlust banner. Is it marking something youre about to do or noting some useful information? Thought not. As for editing, its your own style. Keep the huge effect to a minimum; these videos are more about content and less about pizazz. Dont take this as anything but constructive criticism. I definitely would not like to be part of the reason someone stops doing what they enjoy.
  2. Kirk is the only human man that dares venture into the green *****es.
  3. From what I've read so far twi'leks were more inclined to fight for their clans and less for the republic. And considering the lore on tython regarding twi'leks, they weren't too friendly with the republic. I could be dead wrong but my search has revealed nothing.
  4. "Suu Lawquane was a female Twi'lek who lived during the waning years of the Galactic Republic. Prior to the Clone Wars, Suu gave birth to two children, a girl named Shaeeah and a boy named Jek. Around the second year of the galactic conflict, Suu married Cut Lawquane, a clone trooper who had deserted the Grand Army of the Republic. Cut adopted Suu's children, and together the four of them lived on and maintained a farm on the Outer Rim world of Saleucami. The war eventually turned Saleucami into a battlefield, and during a hunt for the Confederacy of Independent Systems General Grievous on the planet's surface, several clone troopers requested that they be allowed to use Suu's home to tend to their wounded captain, CT-7567. Suu agreed and allowed for the Captain to bunk in the farm's barn. Upon discovering that Suu's husband was a deserter, the Captain stated his intentions to report Cut to Republic officials. Despite the tension between the two men, CT-7567 spent time with the family and came to respect Lawquane for his devotion to his wife and children. The two clones later worked together to defend Suu, Jek, and Shaeeah when the farm's homestead came under attack from BX-series droid commandos. After the incident, the Captain told Suu that he did not plan to report Cut's desertion to the Army, and left the Twi'lek and her family in peace. " You could take this as a start for one of Cut's children. Source: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Suu_Lawquane If it's not obvious enough, she had her children before the clone wars.
  5. Kotlx

    quest help

    If you're talking about the ability to stun the robot; Its a crowd control effect that renders the mob useless for the duration of the effect. This effect is desirable in group situations in which fighting the entire group is either difficult or impossible. Crowd control effect span across all classes.
  6. 1-50 got me and my fiance to social 4. We skipped Taris due to our spree of pvp which put us a level under the exit time for taris. We have yet to do any bonus areas and just started dailies today. I would suggest a full group running stupidly through BT/Essles. With 2 people you can leave with 150 social points. with 4, double it.
  7. General tanking knowledge. Absorb chance is more important than how much you absorb which is more important then defense (armor)
  8. slightly related; since the BM gear costs just over 1k (1075 for chest, 1175 for weapon), what will the WZC cap be? Edit for the above; 9850 for the full set.
  9. Not sure if it has been mentioned but if you finish the 2 stage 1-3/final bonuses on ilum, you get 2 commendations per. One is for a normal quest, the other is for the heroic 2+.
  10. I'd disagree with that. The queued up burst after cooldowns is just stupid if everything crits. Getting tired of the lack of major utility/survivability, though.
  11. Full prototype epic gear with a little thing called Pure Shockfrozen Water. This bad boy heals for 8k out of combat, hence the 50% to full in 4 seconds (it has no cooldown and does not go away). Not sure if this is still in; haven't played around with it. As for the damage at a consistent rate, he could be using a variant of adrenals/relics combined with an exaggerated time to kill. I mention the shockfrozen thing knowing full well people who use it will ragequit and it may be fixed (if it hasn't already). EDIT: seems it was patched in 1.1.3. Could still be used, but is consumed.
  12. Why not the 25% regen rate for 6 seconds exiting stealth?
  13. I'm a standard burst infiltration build; 0/33/8 and I'm considering respecing to this build focused on high survivability coupled with nasty regen and project spam 31/1/9 My gearset is pretty standard for a fresh 50. Just got my first 2 epic mods (50 enhancement and 51 hilt on my saber). I have no problem regearing for the role, especially when 1.2 comes out (buy blue set). My question to you is, in pvp, what is your opinion on the tank build and what are my stat priorities as a kinetic combat pvp?
  14. From the vendor, purchased for 125k + depending on color. My question is will this expertise go up or stay the same, similar to Cent/Champ gear? I'm considering outfitting my orange lightsaber with an expertise crystal to beat the curve on the blue starter set.
  15. Im guessing this build is based around not dying while being able to spam all kinetic combat abilities + upheaveled and empowered projects from talents (hence the 9 in balance). The point in infiltration is no doubt in shadow's respite. then assume the 31 points is a standard kinetic combat spec, with aim for bombardment and particle acceleration. This spec has a heavy hitting double strike which has a 30% chance to refresh project, which has a 15% increase damage and a 45% chance to hit twice, second hit for 50% of the first hit's damage. Not to mention a nifty use for telekinetic throw that heals for 3% of your total health per tick and cant be interrupted. here's my guess. After actually thinking about this spec, I'm considering trying it out. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#601rcMskbskrsZ0zZf0cz.1
  16. Yeah I've watched a lot of Taugrim's vanguard videos. I think it came down to not liking their hybrid range/melee requirements, and early on that **** suuuuucks
  17. I thought hammer shot only mattered for alacrity if you have the medic cell active?
  18. Are you saying you already have the full set or you'll have to fight even more geared people to gain your BM set? The new patch allows for purchase of BM gear through wzc (ive heard its something like 900 for the weapon though I am not in the PTS so I don't know for sure). In any case I remember reading the separation of premade vs. solo queue but I can't be 100% sure.
  19. The problem with this is that you still need 4 medals to get the 90 wzc a win. unfortunately the inability to gain these medals makes it incredibly difficult to progress in your gear set. (This is speaking more for the fresh 50 mara/sent's with no ability to reach the healing medals and rely solely on objective medals [which come from staying alive in civil war/void star] and damage medals [which are nearly voided by full BM; gosh I love seeing that 900 crit on a full BM sorc]) Granted, I've found my niche as a shadow. Taunts and the occasional project/breach nuke (which lolnukes for 3k total if all crit on a full BM). Thankfully for up and coming 50's they can grind out 49 with pvp and get their 1000 wzc for a start on their BM set next patch
  20. Refer to patch 1.2. RNG is being replaced by a set cost, bags are being removed.
  21. Removal of expertise (creates a massive division between the pve and pvp community, not to mention a massive advantage for those willing to spend hours a day grinding WZ's for the gear that most people simply do not have the time in a day to do). Drastic, yes, but thats the sole reason I lost interest in pvp in WoW. As for a less drastic change; Removal of position manipulating abilities in warzones (i.e. pulls, pushes) for both enemy and ally alike. Far to broken in Hutt ball. 4 PT's and 4 Tanksins can literally pull the ball carrier from mid to inzone and vice versa.
  22. Its not that people hated the grind. BW didnt nerf the grind because people QQ'd about how long it took. (This just in; the grind was never difficult. The pvp gear progression was a joke from cent to bm before the 1.1.5 nerf) They nerfed the cost just like WoW did with new seasons. BW is preparing for it's first ranked season, and as such the last gear set should go down or be easier to acquire. Put yourself in the shoes of a seasoned MMO player hitting 50 the day 1.2 is released. To bad for him he won't be able to compete in ranked without that BM set (or even pieces of champion. ****.) BW is stream lining their pvp content for people to be on a fair level of competition for their ranked season. The update can be likened to turning 18 years old, having a 20 dollar bill pinned to your shirt and thrown the **** out of your house to fend for yourself, except the problem is you have to compete for a job with people rocking a masters degree and a plethora of certifications. Yeah, you won't be getting a chance with your mcdonald's experience.
  23. Here's a build I just came up with on the basis of pure burst and fastest possible burning of grav rounds when needed to keep on the go. Alacrity may not be all that warranted considering I would only have 1 or 2 cast time abilities, but again I'm not to familiar with this. Edit: sweet jesus. Goes to show I don't know the class abilities just yet. Revised, removed supercharged cells. updated http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#800McZMIkbRrdRkfzZd.1
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